V4.5 Entry
I have my new babies!
I took pics of naming them, and after that I'll post stats
I decided to name them...on the roof!
Well, not really. But when you look out my bedroom window, it feels like you're on the roof.
So close enough
They connected a lot

Two friend hearts so far.
I wanted to name the boy Rocket, and the girl Toffee.
But one letter too many on both.
So on the tamagotchi, his name is Roket, and her name is Toffe.
But in the log, I will spell their names correctly
I took obsessively good care of both of them.
Neither of them has eaten even one snack yet!
They played games at the exact same times (a tama in each hand lol),
They got hungry at the exact same times, pooped at the exact same times,
cried at the exact same times, and their little beeps were totally in sync!
But..SOMEHOW, Rocket evolved into a toddler a minute or two before Toffee, and..
Rocket is a hitodetchi

, and Toffee is a kuribotchi :kuribotchi: .
How does that happen? Dunno. I'm slightly disappointed :/
But oh well.
Hunger: Full
Happiness: Full
Training - 1/10
Humor Points - 3
Gorgeous Points - 7
Spiritual Points - 25
Age - 0 yrs
Weight - 7lbs
Generation 2
Gender - boy
GP: 7660
Hunger: Full
Happiness: Full
Training: 1/10
Humor Points: 25
Gorgeous Points: 5
Spiritual Points: 16
Age: 0yrs
Weight: 10lbs
Gender: Girl
Generation 3
GP: 4030