OldSchoolTama's Virtual Pet Log


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Huge shout-outs to RubyKuchipatchi98 and jordboss for your kind words, and to Violetchilluvr3 for your continued support. You guys are amazing! :)

100th reply! I find a lot of joy in Tamagotchis and logging and my only hope is that I can keep it up, schedule permitting, of course. A big thank you to all you readers out there. Please keep in mind that I am always up for questions, comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, etc. Just remember to make them via a PM or profile comment. Thanks!

May 29, 2011

Under the sea: adventures with my Oceangotch

I hatched my Oceangotch today, something I haven’t done in years. Before I get to my Ocean though, I’m going to do my usual updates for the other 3 Tamagotchis I’ve got running. Shouldn’t take too long because I was out for most of the day and so I took less pictures than normal. Here we go!

Tamagotchi iD L

I didn’t do much with Akio today; we’re just waiting for his last happy sign, which he will receive tomorrow. I did transfer my first download to my iD L and I chose this lovely interior. So much brilliant color!


Tamagotchi iD

Chou received her final TamaTomo letter and shortly thereafter, I took her to see the matchmaker.


She chose Mametchi to be her husband and they were married after going out on a few dates.


Chou had a baby girl, who I named Mi (“beauty”). Mi evolved into Hoshitchi.



I don’t know what was going on in my head when I was writing the entry for the 28th, but Mika actually went to the matchmaker, got married, and had a baby today, the 29th. :p I delayed the trip to the matchmaker by one day and I guess it’s because I’m so used to going exactly 48 hours (or about 2 days) after my +C evolves into an adult that I just jumped the gun with that entry. My apologies.

To be continued...(Oceangotch entry for the 29th is coming up next!)

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May 29, 2011 (continued)



Well, I haven’t played with a vintage Tamagotchi for months and I haven’t played with this particular one in years. I purchased this for a fantastic price ($36…it’s a shame that we can’t get prices like this anymore =/ ), in 2007 from a fellow member (though I didn’t know it at the time). This is my favorite design out of the Japanese Oceans.

I put in a brand new pair of batteries and before setting the time, I snapped a few pictures of what it looks like after putting in the batteries and before setting the time. A couple of sea creatures can be seen floating around. It’s very adorable.


I proceeded to set the time. One thing about the vintage Tamagotchis that’s different from the modern ones is that the egg hatches 5 minutes after the time is set, rather than a minute or so after. When the egg hatches on the Ocean, there’s an animation that shows a pulsating egg floating in the water, which begins to swirl in the ocean and eventually, a baby character appears. I’m not too great at describing such things, so what better way to do so than showing it via a video? Mind you, this is my first Tamagotchi video so go easy on me. XD I apologize for the shakiness of it all and it’s not the clearest thing ever, but I think you might get the picture of what the “hatch” animation is like, for those of you who haven’t seen it before. I recorded it using the built-in webcam on my computer, rather than using a regular camera, hence the odd angle at which I shot the video.

>>>CLICK HERE for my hatch video.


So here’s my baby! I decided to call him Poseidon, after the Greek god of the sea. There’s only one type of baby character, Planktontchi (bet you can guess what type of sea creature he is XD).




I’m going to go through every icon and tell you a bit about each.


Health meter: Here is where you can check the stats like age, weight in grams (the Oceangotch doesn’t start gaining weight until after it evolves into a toddler), water purity/clarity level (remember that these little guys float around on the “screen” which is set up to look like it’s in the ocean, so in order to keep your character healthy, the water needs to be clean…more on this later), hunger level, happiness level, and discipline meter.


Food icon: He was born hungry and unhappy, as expected, so I made sure to feed him (the meal appears to be a kebab of sorts; the snack is an ice cream cone). He drops hearts fairly quickly. The hunger hearts seem to drop much quicker than the happiness hearts. I’d say that in the baby stage, all the hunger hearts empty within 15 minutes or so.


Game Icon: Besides making sure that Poseidon didn’t starve to death, I played the game with him to keep him happy. The game is pretty simple. There are two treasure chests on the screen and the objective of the game is to guess where the treasure is hidden (press A to select the chest on the left, and B to select the chest on the right). As is with most vintage Tamagotchi games, you need at least a 3 out of 5 to win the game and increase happiness hearts. On occasion, you’ll find an octopus in one of the chests. More on that later.


Toilet Icon: This is used to clean up poo, as usual. It also cleans up the water when it starts getting dirty, as indicated by the water purity/clarity meter shown under the status meter. In this meter, there are 4 skulls and they are normally un-shaded, to signify that the water is clean. The more skulls that are shaded in, the dirtier the water is. One would need to press the toilet icon to “flush” the water. If one skull is shaded, for example, the toilet icon needs to be pressed once, and so on.




Calling/Discipline Icon: This icon is used whenever the Oceangotch calls for attention and it won’t accept food or play the game (discipline). If you pay attention enough, the Oceangotch will call so many times that the discipline meter will be filled in one day. After that, it stops calling for discipline (unlike the Osutchi/Mesutchi Tamagotchis, which continue calling for discipline even after the meter is completely full). This icon also serves as a calling icon for when a polar bear is about to attack, that bully. :p Luckily, the Oceangotch beeps when this happens. If you hear a beep and see that your Ocean is snoozing, not paying attention to the fact that there’s a polar bear on the edge of the screen, press A and it will highlight the calling icon immediately (meaning you don't have to scroll to it). Your character should then be slightly alerted (as indicated by the "?" next to the character's head). You would also need to tap the screen to further alert your Ocean and scare away the polar bear. The Oceans are equipped with a motion sensor for this purpose (Tamagotchi Angel/Angelgotch, Devilgotch, Morino also have motion sensors).




If you leave it that way long enough, the polar bear will attack. If you press the A button but don’t tap the screen, the polar bear will still attack. I have a picture of that here.




Yes, I injured my poor Poseidon in the process and no, don’t ask me to do it again for a clearer picture! :p If you let your Ocean get mauled by the bear, it comes back onto the screen all woozy-looking and a skull will appear, letting you know that you have to administer medicine. If you press this icon while no discipline or calling is needed, this happens:




Medicine Icon: This is used whenever your Oceangotch gets sick either naturally or because of the polar bear attacks. I’ve found that if you let it get too sick, sometimes you have to administer the medicine 6 or 7 times before the skull goes away. One other thing to note: if your Ocean becomes sick while the attention icon is lit for discipline, discipline before giving meds because the skull won’t go away until that’s done.


Lights Icon: This is used to turn off the lights when your Ocean is sleeping. More on lights, perfectly summed up in this statement (from mimitchi.com): “From 6 am to 7 pm, the screen is lit by the natural sunlight of Planet Tamagotchi, so the screen will be lit regardless of whether the light is on or off. At 7 pm, the sun suddenly sinks, so that the screen will be plunged into darkness. But since your tam may still be awake, you may wish to use to Lights On function to keep the screen brightly lit. However, when your tam beeps at you and goes to sleep, you should turn out the lights for it... unless, of course, it's in trouble."


So that’s pretty much it! I spent most of the day feeding him, playing games, disciplining, and dodging scary polar bears. He evolved into the toddler, Kuragetchi (the jellyfish-looking character), as you have seen above.


This Tamagotchi is very needy. I’ve never raised one past the toddler stage, so here’s hoping my luck will change during this short summer break of mine. If I’m unsuccessful, I do have one short break in August after my summer session to try again. Phew, long post! Questions, comments, feedback? Let me know! Thanks for reading! :)


P.S. In other related news, I made an Ebay purchase today. Not another Tamagotchi this time, but something equally as cute, in my opinion. More on that later!

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Big shout-out to Civia for checking out my log. Thanks so much for your kind words! :)

May 30, 2011

Unlocking a new destination on the iD L!

Tamagotchi iD L

Lots going on with Akio today. He was due to earn his last happy sign, which means that the destination that comes with obtaining friendship stamps for 8 unique characters (I’m on the 9th generation, but I had one character twice), Patchi Onsen, would be unlocked. I will be able to have new icon backgrounds as well. More on that in a bit!

I realized that we hadn’t paid a visit to the park to find a pet for Akio yet. When we got there, we met up with all sorts of friends and pets. This one particular pet took a liking to Akio. In fact, he showed more love than I’ve ever seen (6 hearts!). Akio just had to bring him home.


Later in the evening, Akio received his last happy sign.


We eagerly went out the door to see if the new location had appeared. Sure enough, there it was. Akio’s companion never cracked a smile the entire time (which I find kind of creepy :p ) but Akio had a blast at the Springs.


When he got back, I checked the stats icon to see if there was anything new and this choice appeared for me. I selected it and lo and behold, new icon background! Akio told me that the change made him hungry just looking at it. XD


To be continued...

May 30, 2011 (continued)

Before we headed to the matchmaker, I remembered that Kikitchi has a costume at the Henshinjo and so we paid a visit there. Presenting: King Kikitchi!


Akio was feeling pretty confident as he strutted to the matchmaker’s. I told him to tone it down a little bit; confidence goes a long way but no one wants to see an overly cocky guy. :p He grinned at me sheepishly and voiced his agreement. Once we arrived, the matchmaker presented him with 3 lovely ladies. He and Lovelitchi locked eyes and it was like love at first sight. They went on their date and Akio felt so strongly about Lovelitchi that he asked her to be his queen. She accepted.


They had a beautiful wedding ceremony and Akio came home with an egg. The egg hatched and out came a baby boy, who I named Katsu (“victory”). Katsu evolved from the cute baby character Nittobotchi into the toddler Nannokitchi.


Tamagotchi iD

I decided to go for Uwasatchi, who is the unhealthiest adult female character. For starters, I’d have to get Chuuchutchi (4 or more care misses as a toddler) and then make at least 4 more care misses to get Uwasatchi. This afternoon, Mi evolved into Chuuchutchi.


To be continued...

May 30, 2011 (should be the last part for the day :p )


I hadn’t seen the “unhealthy” teen Kikitchi on my +C in a while, so I neglected Michio a ton. Sure enough, he evolved into Kikitchi this afternoon.


Kikitchi also has a special item that he can use: the Hero Set (which is also used by Kuchipatchi in order to morph into his alter ego, Patchiman). So when Kikitchi uses the Hero Set, this happens (not sure what’s going on here, except that he seems to be floating on a cloud; thoughts, anyone?):


He really is a playful character. Not much else went on with Michio today. It’ll be a couple of days before he evolves into an adult. I’m aiming for Gozarutchi, since I’ve never had him on my +C, so I’ve been neglecting him like mad.


Much of the same as yesterday happened with Poseidon today. Things take longer on vintage Tamagotchis when compared to the more modern Tamagotchis, especially evolution times. I don’t remember what the evolution times on the Ocean are like, but if it’s anything like the other vintage Tamagotchis, it’ll take 3-4 days for the Tamagotchi to evolve into a teen and then by day 6 or 7, it will evolve into an adult. I hope I can last that long!

Anyway, I promised to talk a little bit more about how the game works on the Ocean. As I mentioned yesterday, 2 treasure chests appear, both flapping their lids open and closed. The objective of the game is to guess where the treasure is hidden by selecting the “A” button for the chest on the left, and the “B” button for the chest on the right. There are 5 chances to select per game and scoring at least a 3 out of 5 will increase happiness hearts.


Occasionally, an octopus will appear from one of the chests and ink the entire screen, leaving your Ocean character in a murky sea of darkness, filling up the entire water purity/clarity meter (all the skulls will be darkened), and emptying all 4 happiness hearts. Sorry about the blurriness of the first picture; it all happens fairly quickly. The middle picture may look like just a big stretch of black nothingness but you can kind of make out the tiny bubbles on the screen, as if the Ocean character is letting you know that it's still there among all that darkness. I love that attention to detail.


When this happens, I highly recommend that you play the game in order to fill up the happiness hearts before attempting to clean the screen (4 flushes) because it’s possible that the octopus will make another appearance and if you keep cleaning and then go back to play the game to fill up the happiness hearts and get caught by the octopus again and again, it might be an endless, frustrating cycle. Is there a method to the madness, a particular time when the octopus is more likely to suddenly pop out at you? There's a theory that it happens when you lose the game a certain amount of times when you've only got one happiness heart filled when you start playing the game. It may be more likely to happen when you're running empty on happiness hearts, but I personally think it's more random than that.

Well, that's it for the 30th. What a long entry! Stay tuned for more tomorrow...

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May 31, 2011

I was quite busy today so I didn’t take too many pictures. There wasn’t much going on with my Tamagotchis today anyway. I did have to pause my Oceangotch because there was a lot going on today. I felt like I wouldn’t be able to take good care of Poseidon and I didn’t want to run the risk of having him die on me. Anyway, here’s a quick update for the 31st.

Tamagotchi iD L

Katsu evolved into Bokuhoshitchi this evening. Nothing much else going on with him.


Tamagotchi iD

Mi evolved into Uwasatchi, as expected, while I was away doing errands.


I proceeded to get as many TamaTomo items as I could. I usually get “Ta” by having my character eat the Happy Set. I got “Ma” by having her eat the MameDaifuku from Tama Café, and then I got one of the items (you can either use the star antennas or the transmitter for the “To” letter), the transmitter, as a connection gift from Katsu, my iD L. You can see her using the transmitter below. She was inundated by messages from friends!



Here's a picture Katsu when he's playing the connection game with my iD. He looks so intense blocking that kick, hahaha. XD


I wanted to see what Mi looks like with her other "To" item, the star antennas. Pretty adorable!



I’m still on a neglecting rampage in my efforts to get Gozarutchi for sure. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten more than the amount needed to get the worst care character. Ahhh, forgive me, Michio! At least you’ll be the best ninja ever!


Paused for the day. Will resume activity on June 1.

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June 1, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

I was away this morning for hospital volunteering but when I came back, I made sure to take Katsu to the park straightaway to see if he could meet up with the Ecousatchi. He caught sight of them on our very first trip and he helped them out with keeping the park clean. I was a tad bit disappointed since they presented him with the fork, which we’ve already got, but I was glad that Katsu got to do his part for the environment. :)


Later, he evolved into…Kuchipatchi!


We visited the park once again to adopt a pet.


In other iD L news, Nachuratchi celebrated her birthday today.


Tamagotchi iD

Nothing new with Mi today. Just a couple more days until she earns her last letter.


Michio evolved into Gozarutchi today! I’ll use his special item tomorrow.



Here I was, resting idly on my bed when suddenly, I was met with an unwelcome sound from my Ocean: the death tune. There was nothing I could do. :( Ahhhh, the worst thing for a Tamagotchi owner (well, one of the worst things anyway)!


Ah well, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. I made sure to start up Poseidon 2.0 straightaway. I even altered the time a bit so that he would experience more time awake. My summer break is quickly coming to a close, so the sooner he evolves into at least a teen, the better. I’m so sorry about this, you guys! I thought I was taking pretty good care of him but it looks like I need to ramp it up a little more. Here’s hoping!

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Big shout-out to Pink Hippopotumas! Thank you for your kind words. :)

June 2, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Katsu and I planned a day out on the town. We had some breakfast and then we were on our way. Katsu wanted to go visit one of his relatives so we headed off in that direction. We found the 4th generation relative, Haruo (Mametchi, AKA Prince Mametchi, since he was able to visit the Henshinjo), there. They were very happy to see each other and spent the morning catching up.


By the afternoon, we bid Haruo farewell and went to go get some lunch. Katsu had a tasty dumpling from the Restaurant, which made him very happy. What made him even happier was the heart cake we picked up for dessert. I also gave him a little bit of the cloud candy that one of his male ancestors, Hideki (a Kuishinbotchi) left behind.


Tamagotchi iD

It was a quiet day for Mi, but she visited the park and hung out with a friend in the afternoon. They were so adorable together!



Michio made like Harry Potter and used the invisibility cape. :D He’s so stealthy! He jumps out at me out of nowhere in the last picture. XD


That's all for now. More to come soon!

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I’m going to try and get through the entries for the next few days as quickly as I can because I started up yet another semester of nursing school today (the 6th) and I’m not quite sure yet how much time I will be able to set aside for logging. This will be my 3rd semester (out of 6) and it’s going to be 10 intense weeks of craziness. For those who aren’t familiar with my occasional school babblings, I’m in an accelerated Bachelor’s degree of nursing program and by the end of this 2-year program, I will have my second Bachelor’s degree (first one was in Human Biology). Since it’s accelerated, we go through the summer as well. I just had 2 weeks off after my spring semester and now school is starting up again so I’d like to be as caught up as possible before I get super busy.

I’m going to keep running my Color Tamagotchis because they’re pretty low-maintenance and I would like to have some form of entertainment during this hectic semester. Besides, I love playing with my iD L. So if you’re wondering why details and pictures for the next several weeks are scant, well, there you are. Onto more updates!

June 3, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Katsu earned his last happy sign today, and so I earned a character stamp for him.


It's too bad we don't yet know what item is needed to get Kuchipatchi's costume at the Henshinjo, just that it's a download item. Ah well, maybe next time. We went immediately to the matchmaker. When we arrived, Katsu’s heart told him that the beautiful Shigurehimetchi was the one and so they were married in a gorgeous wedding ceremony after courting for a bit.


They had a baby girl, who I named Hana (“flower”). Hana evolved from a Choribotchi into Paletchi.


To be continued...

June 3, 2011 (continued)

Tamagotchi iD

Mi earned her last TamaTomo letter today and so I earned a character stamp for Uwasatchi.


At the matchmaker’s, she chose Mametchi and after they got married, she had a baby boy, who I named Michi (“path”). Since I had already gotten character stamps for all the male characters, I just decided to go with the flow and get whatever character comes. Michi evolved into Hanepatchi after an hour.



It was a day for love all around as Michio also visited the matchmaker today. He chose Memetchi to be his bride.


They had a baby boy, who I named Nori (“rule/ceremony").


I don’t think I ever gave a quick run-down of what the games on the +C are like. The first game involves catching falling apples in a basket. They start out green, turn yellow, and fall when they turn red. Catch all 50 to win and if you miss one or accidentally catch a worm instead, the game stops there. The second game is a basic memory game where you turn over and match all the cards before time runs out. No, I did not use this picture to help me win that game, where’s the fun in that? :p The last game involves shooting arrows at the 3 balloons per round without hitting the skull balloon. That’s timed as well (the top number) to about 10 seconds per round and the time resets each time you complete a round. The bottom number shows how many rounds you’ve completed. There are 15 rounds total. About halfway through, it gets a little harder because you have to avoid 2 skull balloons.


Nori evolved into Ahirukutchi (didn't get a picture of him today). I have no particular character aim for this generation but maybe I’ll try for Shimashimatchi, since I haven’t seen him in a while and I haven’t done the color change trick on him yet (he becomes green with black stripes if fed watermelon 3 times in row). :D


I am incredibly sorry, everyone, but I had to put my Ocean on pause today. It will remain that way for a while. I was really busy this weekend, and as I mentioned above, I’m going to be in school again for the next 10 weeks. I’m afraid I won’t be running my Ocean again until August, when I get out (again) for the summer. It absolutely needs a person's undivided attention so when I have nothing to do again, I will keep trying. I hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures of my Ocean I did put up and that you’ll stick around for Poseidon 3.0. :)

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Here are two days' worth of updates, since they're both fairly short.

June 4, 2011

My boyfriend and I celebrated our 52 months today and we went out of town to visit some of his old college friends, so I was running around quite a lot today. So much that I only have one picture for the day. :p Since Hana, my iD L, was born and evolved into a toddler right after the usual bedtime yesterday, she didn’t evolve into a teen today. That will most likely occur tomorrow morning. Michi, my iD, evolved into a teen (Monpatchi) this afternoon but I didn’t get a picture. I will post one of him tomorrow. I did get a picture of my +C, Nori, who evolved into Young Mametchi.


June 5, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

As expected, Hana evolved into a teen this morning. I got the lovely Painaputchi again.


I’m not sure how many care misses I allowed since the evolution, but I have a feeling I might get a repeat adult character. I hope that won’t happen but if it does, it’s cool.

Tamagotchi iD

Here’s a picture of Michi before he evolved into an adult, since I didn’t get to post a picture of him yesterday.


He evolved into Kuchipatchi this afternoon! I wasn’t even trying for him either and so it was a really pleasant surprise to see him looking up at me.



Nothing new with Nori today. He’s still a Young Mametchi.

Abysmally short updates, I know, but I was prepping for school during a good part of the weekend so I hope you all understand. Until next time!

Holy moly, I haven't written in about 2 weeks. That's summer session for you. I've got a bit of down time now and I've been itching to update for a while, so I figured now is a good time as any. I'm going to start off with my June 6 entry, since I wrote it way back when but never posted it until now. I'll slowly catch my way up. It shouldn't be too bad, I think, because I paused my Tamagotchis for a short period of time recently because of school, clinicals, going out of town for a wedding, and such. Onto the updates!

June 6, 2011

"Just another manic Monday…"

Well, folks, today I had lecture from 8 am to about 7:30 pm. Regular hours are 8 am to 9 pm but as it was the first day, there wasn’t much to cover. The material is fantastic but it’s not fun sitting in lecture for 12 or so hours. @_@ Anyway, I didn’t take many pictures today. As suspected, Hana evolved into an adult I’ve already had twice, Memetchi. Nothing new going on with Michi, who is still a Kuchipatchi, of course. Nori evolved into Shimashimatchi this afternoon, to my pleasant surprise. I thought I had overshot it. I’ll have pictures of everyone tomorrow.

In other news, my Ebay purchase that I mentioned a while back arrived today. Thank you, Sarah2626, for sending it along and so quickly too! It’s a small coin bank featuring Kuchipatchi breaking out of a Gotchi Point bag. It’s so adorable! She also included a lovely set of stickers. :)


More to come soon...

Special shout-out to Inmyroomreb. Thanks so much for dropping by. :)

June 7, 2011

I don’t have many pictures for today. All I have are pictures of Nori, my Shimashimatchi on my +C, changing color after eating 3 watermelons in a row. I think this is my first time changing Shimashimatchi. He looks quite silly! As with any character color change on the +C, it can't be washed off with a bath but the color should turn back to normal the next day.


Hana the Memetchi is waiting for the matchmaker to call, and Michi the Kuchipatchi is still hanging around. More pictures to come!

June 8, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

I tried taking Hana to the Henshinjo before visiting the matchmaker but of course, she was not dressed in her special costume (Devil Memetchi) because she’s one of the ones that need a download item for that to work. Wonder what it could be!

We then visited the matchmaker where Mametchi caught her eye. They were married in a beautiful ceremony. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but it seems that if you have a repeat character for which you already have a stamp, they don’t go through the whole dating/courting animations. They just go straight from the matchmaker, to fireworks, to the hatching of the egg. That’s interesting.


Out of the egg came a baby boy, who I named Masashi (“elegant, splendid”). He evolved into Kaubotchi at the end of the hour. Quiet day for him after that.


Tamagotchi iD

I don’t know why I decided to wait for the last TaMa ToMo sign for my iD because I’ve already had Kuchipatchi, but I did. He will earn that tomorrow.

I’m not exactly sure when it happened (it was between the 8th and 14th...I didn't take a picture so I don't really remember the exact day) but unfortunately, my TMGC+C left me. :( He was an Ojitchi. I am unsure whether or not I’d like to start it up again soon because besides a few things here and there, I think I featured most things (if not everything) in my log regarding the +C. Once things slow down a bit more, I probably will start it up again because I know I’m going to miss running it.

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June 9-14, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Masashi evolved into Bokuhoshitchi today. Nothing else going on with him after that.


Tamagotchi iD

It was Michi’s turn to visit the matchmaker today.


He married Furawatchi and they had a baby girl, who I named Kyoko (“mirror”). I’m going to aim for Furawatchi this time. She’s going to look exactly like her mommy. :) Akina evolved into Belutchi after the hour.


It must have been an incredibly busy week because I don’t have any more pictures until June 14. :p My first week of summer classes (June 6-10) and the weekend following it made up one of the longest weeks I have ever experienced. I had my first week of my 3rd semester of nursing school, homework, tests to worry about, group projects, I attended 4 commencement ceremonies that week (that’s right, count them: FOUR…two of them were on the same day and in cities 100 miles away from each other @_@), and other things.

Here's where things get a little fuzzy because the next picture I have of my iD L, taken on the 14th, is a picture of a Kaubotchi, who is a toddler character. Wow, I must have missed a lot in the picture-taking area because the last picture I took was one of Bokuhoshitchi on the 9th, who is a teen. :p I think what may have happened is that with Bokuhoshitchi, I ended up getting an adult that I've already gotten, and after a couple of days, I married him off (I think I either got Kuishinbotchi or Kuchipatchi) and they had a baby boy, who happened to evolve in the same pattern. I just didn't take any pictures of it because I was at school. Anyway, here is Kaubotchi celebrating Madonnatchi’s birthday. This picture was taken on the 14th (I think) but her birthday is on the 12th.


Looks like my plans for Furawatchi didn’t come to fruition. I was just too busy to keep track of care misses. I got Uwasatchi again.


She visited the matchmaker and married Kuchipatchi there. They had a baby girl, who I named Akina (“spring flower”). It’s good that I got a girl because I can try for Furawatchi again. She evolved into Belutchi in an hour.


That's all for now. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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Special shout-out goes to ApertureGotchi! Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you continue to enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it. :)

June 15-20, 2011

I think it was around this time that I had any running Tamagotchis put on pause. There was just so much going on and I didn’t want to kill off any of my Tamagotchis by mistake. Also, I was out of town for a wedding that weekend so I didn’t even bring them with me. The 20th was a Monday and, well, you guys know all about that; lecture alllll day. @_@

June 21, 2011

Finally unpaused my iD L and iD today and of course, I had lost track of where I was in the growth cycle. On the iD L front, Masashi was still a Bokuhoshitchi when I unpaused him and he evolved into Gozarutchi at the end of the day, which was expected.


I didn’t remember how many care misses I gave Bokuhoshitchi, so I just decided to get as many care misses as I could so that I could ensure that I would get Gozarutchi (there needs to be at least 6 care misses), rather than just leave him and risk getting a character I’ve already gotten.

We celebrated Uwasatchi’s birthday today.


Nothing too out of the ordinary happened with my iD today, except for the fact that I made Akina really ill. Again, I wasn’t sure how many care misses I had gotten prior to pausing, and I wanted to get Furawatchi. This requires getting the unhealthy teen first, so I just made sure to get as many care misses as I could. Might have gone a little bit overboard but she turned out alright. Finally got a picture of the ambulance bumping the ghost out of the way.



She was celebrating Uwasatchi’s birthday over on her end as well.


She evolved into Chuuchutchi in the evening before heading off to bed.


That’s all for now! Thanks for reading! :)

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June 22, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Today, I worked on getting Masashi’s happy items, which include the scroll from Tama Depa, Ochazuke from the Restaurant, and salmon roe on rice, also from the Restaurant.


Here he is, unlocking the secrets of the scroll.


Chowing down for lunch.

Masashi’s been asking me to get a pet so we also went to the park to see who we could find. We brought home this cute little fish, which completed the list of pets I've acquired. It seems as though nothing happens when all 11 pets are obtained.



Tamagotchi iD

I didn’t manage to take a picture but Akina did evolve into Furawatchi, as expected.

More to come soon…

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June 25, 2011

So there’s a gap between the June 22 and June 25 entries because I left my camera over at my boyfriend’s house and didn’t have a chance to pick it up until the 25th. Until then, I didn’t want to marry anyone off or anything like that because I didn’t have my camera to take pictures and having my camera is one of the sure ways I can keep track of what happened when. It’s going to be a two-part post today. Moving along…

Tamagotchi iD L

Masashi earned his last happy symbol on June 23 and so his character is now stored under the book icon.


Gozarutchi is another one of those characters who can visit the Henshinjo and get a costume, but he needs an (as of now) unknown download item. Ah well. I took Masashi to the matchmaker. He and Meloditchi fell in love and after a brief courtship, they were married.


Masashi brought home an egg and after a few seconds, it hatched and out came a baby girl! I haven’t seen Momoirotchi in a while. I named her Natsumi, meaning “summer beauty,” which is pretty appropriate since it's the summer and all. Caught her doing the wiggle dance later on. XD


She evolved into Rolutchi after the hour. Haven’t seen this character in a while either. Quiet day for Natsumi after that.


To be continued...

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June 25, 2011 (continued)

Tamagotchi iD

Akina the Furawatchi was due to receive her ‘Mo’ sign today so I quickly caught her up on getting her other signs. I always get ‘Ta’ from feeding my adults the Happy Set but Furawatchi can also get it by eating a sandwich from the Convenience Store. She earns her ‘Ma’ letter from eating those yummy macarons from Tama Café (or the fruit parfait from the same place after entering a password), and her ‘To’ sign from either playing with the hula hoop from Tama Depa or receiving and wearing the headdress as a connection gift (which is what I did; I connected my iD to my iD L).



Akina earned her ‘Mo’ sign later, so I got a friend stamp for Furawatchi. Getting closer to having all characters; just need Makiko!


I took Akina to the matchmaker, where she fell in love with Kuchipatchi. He’s such an adorable guy; who wouldn’t fall in love with him? :D They got married and Akina came home with a baby girl! This is awesome because now I can try for Makiko! I named her Sachiko (“child of happiness”). She evolved into the adorable Belutchi after an hour and went to sleep shortly afterward.


More adventures to come soon!

This goes out to sakura-san123. Your kind words and support go a long way and I appreciate it all so much. Thanks so much for stopping by!

June 26, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Natsumi evolved into a teen I’ve never had before until now, Hineonetchi. She kind of reminds me of Ponytchi a bit.


Hineonetchi’s hair turns pink when she’s jumping for joy. I decided to go for one of the special adult characters, Madonnatchi, which requires connection to another iD L or iD at least 6 times during the teen stage (according to what I’ve read over at Tama Zone). So that’s what I did next--connected Natsumi to my iD. Sachiko was really happy to see Natsumi. :)


No new pictures for Sachiko today. I’m not entirely sure how many care misses I’ve had. We’ll see tomorrow!

Thanks so much for reading! :)

June 27, 2011

Mondaysssssss. @_@ Didn’t get to take pictures until the evening today because I had class all day.

Tamagotchi iD L

I took a peek at Natsumi a little bit after the time I expected her to evolve into an adult (around 10 in the morning) and was surprised that she evolved into Ponpontchi instead of Madonnatchi.

I was under the impression that connecting to another iD L or iD during the teen stage at least 6 times would mean that the teen would evolve into Madonnatchi. Obviously, I was mistaken with the method I chose to employ in an attempt to get this character. Is there something else I’m missing? I'm in the process of sorting this out with a few members over at Tama Zone but I'm still trying to clarify a few things. If anyone would be so kind as to clue me in on the correct process, I’d appreciate it very much!

Not that I’m unhappy to see Ponpontchi; she’s a unique character! I just need one more unique character before I unlock a new location and icon backgrounds. Looking forward to that!

Ponpontchi is something! I love all the animations for each character when they jump for joy but Ponpontchi’s is interesting. Her hair ornaments drop when she jumps, revealing her...ears? Horn-like projections coming from her head? XD


She definitely jumped for joy when I was acquiring her happy symbols. The first one involves eating the sunflower cookie from Tama Café (this is where everything is 50% off, thanks to the gift the Ecousatchi gave me a couple of months ago). She also enjoys the cat ears from Tama Mori. Finally, I took her outside to play jump rope with a few friends. Not even the rain could get her down and she earned her third happy symbol from that.



Natsumi went to sleep after dinner and a quick shower.

Tamagotchi iD

Nothing much going on with Sachiko, except that she evolved into a teen today. I guess I had more than 4 care misses without even realizing it because there was Chuuchutchi looking up at me. This means that I won’t be able to get Makiko this generation. Ah well. Next time!


In other related news, I received a couple of Tamagotchis today from a fellow member, sureq. Please join me in welcoming the newest additions to my virtual pet family, another Akai Keitai and my very first Hanerutchi 2! Thanks so much to sureq for giving me a fantastic deal for these two! I will take good care of them. :)


That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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