Mimitchi's Ranting Virtual Pet Log


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mimitchi ^o^

Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hello guys! Im back and ready with my two iDs! Here they are below!


Arent they cute! Ive connected them lots of times, but the only connecting gift Ive gotten so far is 500 Gotchi for both of them. Which is pretty useful if you ask me. I tried Connecting them again for some more connecting items but hoshitchi sent mattaritchi a fly! How rude!


Unfortunately I did not take a picture in time to show the fly.

Of course mattaritchi would be mad so I bought him a pen from the store and this is what he wrote:


Now how cute is that? He loves his owner! :D Im still looking around on what items and such do.. And also I have my collection picture done! though it is quite blurry, you can still do with what to see.


Well thats all for today! See you later!

EDIT: In the collection picture I forgot to put in the other 2 music stars and my angel, sorry!

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Quick update!! nothing new except mattaritchi evolved into... Kilalatchi!


Aww! <3 Hes so cute! Hoshitchi wont evolve today because the two iD's were born on different days, But she will evolve tomorrow! She doesnt want us to forget about her though, She thinks shes the super star! :rolleyes:


At the end, shes using the hoola hoop I bought her ;)

That was the quick update! See you all later!

Hi~! Today Hoshitchi evolved into Shelltchi! I know im going to get lovelin. :D


I figured if she was going to be lovelin, she should get a lovelin living room, and she liked it!


Nothing new with kilalatchi.. He went to the dougnut store and on his first try won the scratch card!


To end it off today they visited eachother, and kilalatchi sent shelltchi a heart, Awww.


By the way, yesterday I bought my first P2 off of ebay, and then ill log about it after it gets here. Its arrival date is supposedly The 18-27 of january. But I cant wait that long! I really want it now, and you can get mimitchi. Oh well, it will teach me to wait.

See you guys later!

I just love logs dont I? I figured i would repost because of something everyone might think as interesting.. (If you do read this log)

I Bet you've guessed it, Kilalatchi evolved into mametchi!

This clever mametchi has all ready gotten Ta, Ma and To, Unfortunately I didnt get a picture of him getting Ta, still it shows that he did in his stats.


That was The quick update! see you later!

Hello everyone! to start off the day, Chollands informed me 3 things,that only adults can get connection items,in the iD shelltchi is called shellutchi and kilalatchi is kiraratchi, my mistake! :angry:

And of course, I got my two least favorite characters! Lovelin and mametchi!


They connected, and mametchi gave lovelin flowers~! I cant wait to get them married.

here is lovelin getting Ta,Ma and To.


Nothing really happened today... besides shellutchi evolved into lovelin and got The letters, and nothing will really happen tomorrow or the next day either.

See you later!

Edit: You can post in here ;) but dont spam.

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okay im really sorry that I have not posted yet but I was afraid to connect them because they would get married, but only mametchi had mo and I connected them, they had baby boys and I never got the lovelin stamp! :( Well here is the post for yesterday..


There they were as toddlers. I love hanepatchi, hes so cute!


And here is hanepatchi meeting young dorotchi, while mattaritchi meets nemutchi!

Ill post later, suprises to come!

im back again with the other post! I forgot the name of this tamagotchi, but they look like twins! :D

Here are the pictures!


this is the green iD...


And this is the yellow!

Im hoping to get kutchipatchi, Ive only had 1 care miss on both, and also on the iD growth chart it shows kikitchi is a bad care character, I never knew that! On the music star and Tama-go isnt he a good care character? Oh well..

They connected!


But the green iD sent the yellow a fly! D: I guess rude runs in the family now.

Gosh! and in 26 days my P2 will come. I cant wait that long! im all nervous, school is tomorrow and im not the type of person who keeps up with his stuff, lets just keep it at that, okay?

And I would gladly appreciate it if I could get fan mail, also you could tell me what to log about next!

I guess thats all for now, but sometime soon Ill have more posts!

See you later!

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Hey everyone! Just as I predicted, my two boys turned into kutchipatchi's. I Have 9000-9300 GP on the iDs right now, and im saving up for nothing in particular, just felt like ill need it at some time. So ill stop blabbering and we'll get on with the day!


Here they are, being adorable. Hopefully you can tell which is which, and if you cant then maybe you need glasses? Im just kidding!


Here is the yellow iD getting Ta, Ma and To. Its funny because he doesnt move a single inch except the part where the dots change. Wow, I am lucky to have something like this! Not really but it is quite cool just looking at it.


And for the green tamagotchi iD, he can NOT be still. I mean look in every picture! Hes like jumping around the screen, its funny how they look like twins but yeah... I have no life! :lol: :lol:


Now here is the funniest picture, the yellow iD like " where did you come from" while the green iD is all waving around on the screen. This was when I got the mixed soft (icecream) for the connection gift. Its so funny and you can barely see the gift! Oh and im still waiting for my P2! I cannot wait this long, im going crazy! If it does come on the 18th (which is not likely) That is still 15 days away! Ugh! Why does jason have to be so late! ( When I said jason I meant jason because I bought the P2 from jasons store on ebay, and you should check him out because he has some REALLY nice tama's, though it does seem he doesnt have as much tamagotchis as he used to. Oh well, maybe next ill buy a morino from him, he has like three at the moment and ive always wanted one! But I should stop blabbering and end this entry with a " See you later!)

See you later! Lol! :lol:

Hi everyone! Big suprise today!


Yep! My P2 came todayyy!!!! Jason is really full of suprises. my P2 was supposed to come the 18th through 27th and it came on 5th! Hes done this to me before. Im telling you, you can really rely on jasons store on ebay, he sends early. No, really early. I was like OMG!! Because it was just sitting right there, on my bed. I may start it up soon, but thats what I will get too later.

My Tamagotchi iDs have nothing new with them today. tomorrow I will get the mo out of TamaTomo. Other than that I just have status pictures on them, and that I upgraded their living rooms to the Downloadable resort living room. I Really like it right now, it goes really well.


Yellow iD


Green iD

So to end off the day lets have a chat! So should I start the P2 And log about it with the two iDs? Or should I get all my vintages to log on? My vintages are:





So, Now that thats done which shall it be? (And no, I will not log on all six, if I did that I would go completely crazy, and there could be some major dieing scenes in this log, and noone wants that, do they now? ;) ) By the way, I need quick responses because I really want to log on the P2, Antsy but I need to hear the opinions on my Readers. Thank you for taking your time to read my logs and respond to my questions! And also +! Thank you for the fan - mail you give me! I really do appreciate it!(remember! soon! I cant bear not pulling that addictive red slip in the side of the tamagotchi, its just, soo tempting.......)

EDIT: See you all later!! (I forgot to put it, im really excited! :angry: )

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*SPOILER*Hi guys! I was supposed to post yesterday but didnt have time and so I guess you can say I have alot of stuff to talk about today. First of all, My iDs got married!!And 2nd, I started my P2 with some advice from violetchi-lover.Im sorry but I have no pictures of my P2 today, but tomorrow I will have ALOT. Lets get on with the day, shall we?

If you get TamaTomo it is so adorable, when you marry it has these cute little scenes, which I have to show on my tamagotchi marriage pictures!


My yellow iD kutchipatchi married a violetchi, and they had a romantic evening together, giving gifts, smelling flowers and stareing at the starry night sky.They eventually had another baby boy, who I plan to make kikitchi.


Well well well, it seems the violetchis are twins marrying twins. How cute is that! I guess my green iD kutchipatchi had the same idea as the yellow iD, and went with it. (its so funny on the middle right picture, kutchipatchi looks so mad!) and this time they made a baby girl! How cute she is, I may let her grow up to be lovelin or memetchi, but we'll see!

See you guys later for P2 posts!

Back for part 2 of my post! Here is my awesome P2 that I got the day before yesterday and started yesterday. Its already a TonMarutchi! But heres some pictures of it hatching and playing the game.


Here he is jumping around and being all pudgy.


My two iDs have nothing in particular at the moment, I just have pictures of them in the tub ( dont tell them I have these photos!!!)


And then to end off the day today I have a little growth chart I found (all credit to OsuMesu21 from tama-zone and yes I know it says for tama-zone only but I think tama-talk and tama-zone share stuff so it will work out fine, right?)


See you later!

Hi everyone! No new suprises today, but supposedly today may be the day everyone evolves! Let me do a little stat thing.

Green iD:


happy meter:full








Yellow iD:


Happy meter: Almost empty








Clear Yellow P2:






Okay, now heres the update!


Heres my little TonMarutchi being all handsome and sitting up for the picture, isnt he so adorable!!


Heres shellutchi playing in the snow and smiling for the picture. Im guessing she may turn into a lovelin (or so I hope)


And heres kiraratchi doing everything shellutchi does. That little copy cat! :angry: Im guessing that he may turn into kuromametchi or gozarutchi. (but Im hoping for kuromametchi)

And wow!!! My Mimitchi plush pouch came today!!! Its SO CUTE!!!! It came with a little blue flowers keychain and also a little character information booklet.


Ill tell of the character information booklet now.


Mametchi is a well-educated Tamagotchi. He enjoys learning with computers and reading books.


memetchi's best feature is her large, twinkling eyes. She likes anything with spirals and enjoys playing dress up.


Kutchipatchi is a mild-mannered and a romantic; some would even call him lazy. One of his favorite activities is roller-skating.


Violetchi loves everything sweet and beautiful; She enjoys spending time in the meadows, smelling and picking the flowers.


Gozarutchi dreams one day of becoming a Ninja. He regularly practices ninja moves and other defense training moves.


Ichigotchi is sweet, kind and loves to dance! She is a good friend, but finds difficulty concentrating when the music starts playing!


Ringotchi is very opinionated and only sees things in black and white. Although she is unbending at times, she is extremely loyal.


Mimitchi is the most popular among all Tamagotchis. She loves arithmetic and is intelligent.


Androtchi longs to be human. Although he looks like a machine, he is extremely compassionate and loves tinkering in the garage.


Hinotamatchi was born a rebel. With his mohawk hair and fiery attitude, this Tamagotchi is always burning someone.


Mssktchi uses her mask to hide behind her shyness. She has difficulty making friends and spends much of her time watching TV.


Tarakotchi can never sit still. He enjoys skateboarding and is always getting in trouble for being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Thats all of them! See you later!

Hi everyone! I guess I have a second post, thats twice in a row. lets start!

Kiraratchi turned into gozarutchi and got TamaTo...


And Shellutchi turned into lovelin! Im starting to like lovelin... which is weird. oh well. Lovelin also got TamaTo!


(And both of them are in the same exact position on each picture, LOL! :lol: ) I really like tamas, I mean they are just so enjoyable and they wont ever really let you down, but if you are to obsessed thats a problem. Im an off/on fan but right now im going on an on-streak, which is good in my opinion. Also I dont have any new updates for my P2. He went to bed right after I took the pictures of my iDs. Also I want to name him webster, because I saw that name on youtube and thought it was so cute and catchy so my little webster is all tucked in bed and hopefully is having good dreams about being a mimitchi!

also when the iDs finished getting TamaTo for both they both needed to go bathroom, and good thing I caught them too, because lovelins face when shes doing the potty dance makes me literally roll out of my chair laughing. its like one of those struggled/embarrassed anime faces! (and by the way, dont tell them I have pictures of them on the toilet! they would so kill me if they found out that I photograph every single movement. Lol! :lol: :lol: )


Well thats all! see you later!

Edit: Fail! I forgot to post the potty pictures! what kind of father am I! being so cruel! Wait, they dont know I have these, XD im so awesome. not cruel, at all. yupp im proud 'o myself.

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Hi guys, this is just a little reminder/note thing. I felt like I needed to post so I just went and did it anyways. Hopefully tomorrow my two iDs will get mo and marry, and my P2 will evolve. I really want a tongaritchi, and mimitchi. I know for a fact though that im getting pochitchi, because Im not taking care on how it said to get mimitchi. My iDs and killing me also, begging for attention and being all dirty and in return?? Nothing! I would appreciate it if they atleast respected my father-work and give me mo! :D Also, after they have the baby im taking their batteries out and starting different tamagotchis. Dont worry if your a fan of the P2 though, im still keeping this

one running. But I have a question... What would you want to see:

A) two music stars

B)two v5's

C) Both

D) Tama-go

E) v4.5


Those are all the ones im in the mood for. For some reason I am just craving to take care of a connection tamagotchi, and I kind of miss taking care of them too. Ive never really tooken fully care of a tama-go, my tama-go stories are just I was just off/on pause with it all the time, so I dont really know the times and such, but I do know what all the buttons do and stuff. The only tamagotchi I will never log about is the Tama Suku. That drives me CRAZY. I would take the batteries out but I cant find the right screw-driver so im waiting for the batteries to die. Oh and also:

G) still iD's

Well, see you later, or maybe tomorrow!!

Back for posts today!

I thought about quiting tamatalk, I know right! I felt bad though, like its my job to post, so I decided to stay. I dont want to let down the people who read my logs, they would be upset.

Also on another hand, ive gotten a notice from an annonymous fan(s/he who I will not name) to post on a V5 next. s/he wanted to know more about it since I take equal quality pictures. (thanks for that comment! :D ) But you are in for a suprise....


The tamagotchis im logging on!!! (sorry for the dust in the picture, I was using my computer light) I will do a little status post thing for them below.

V3:zebra stripes



training:2 bars








(I finally undebugged it!!!!)

V5:Red fireworks




Blended family,

Family name:Hams






Music star:Black headphones







stress level:11








P2: clear yellow

Gen:1 (they dont really tell generation, but its fun to think it)



Training bar:7



tongaritchi (thats right, it evolved!)

Well now that im busy with all these tamas I really have nothing to do except take care. im fine with taking care though because its what I do (but if I got paid for writing that would be awesome too) Lol but yeah I accepted the choice to log for all the readers out there and now I sound like a mom. Well why dont we see our iDs marriages and departures.


Here my lovelin got married to a kuromametchi (yupp, I kind of have a favorite on kuro, but who can blame me) Though there was a choice of gozarutchi. The top picture is just to show how much GP I had and the TamaTomo. I love the little kissing scene and the looking at the night sky picture. I didnt take a picture of every single scene because I just didnt feel like putting that many pictures together at once. Just be thankful you get to read this log.


Heres my old man gozarutchi getting married to a chamametchi (LOL) And gozarutchi did have a choice of lovelin. Once again we have the kissing scene and the looking at the night sky scene. So adorable, dont you think?

If your wondering how I got 80 bonding on my v5, I used the time glitch. You have to set the time to 9:59 am or 11:59 am and then it will beep for bonding. But you can only do it once a day so you can change the date to like 1/11 or 5/21 and it will work again. but dont be suprised if you dont get bonding on every single time. Im still trying for 100 bonding but I think you cant get that untill your a teenager because it hasnt been working for me.

See you later~!

Back for a post today!

Today is going sloww... Lets do a status thing

V3:zebra stripes



Training: 2 bars






young mametchi


V5:red fireworks










Music star:Black headphones




Hungry:3 hearts










Okay so we have evolutions for Sally and dakota. Sally is now a young mametchi and dakota is a kikitchi. I think they want to talk...

Sally:Hi!! Im sally, the awesome young mametchi and im in the Mametchi fan club!!

Dakota:Yo. Im a kikitchi now. Band name is apples and partners are daniel the nonopotchi and Louis the hinotamatchi.

Sally: your boring. Oh gloomy mee.... im Dakota...

Dakota:I do not act like that.

Sally:Sure you dont.

Dakota: In my eyes I dont. Anyways I went to music city and met some ladies.


Sally: OMG! Your trying to impress the ladies!!

Mousetchi: Wow, you are slick dude.

Ahirikutchi: So slick.

Tororotchi:Super dude slick.

Sally: Dont agree with him! Hes a NERD.

Webster:Enough. Please stop, im trying to take a nap.

mimitchi:Okay lets post the other pictures....


Dakota:Wow sally. You snuck into the fridge and got an ice cream sundae. Your going to get DISCIPLINED.


Mimitchi:Dont you like her dakota?


Mousetchi:yikes. Both of you were burned.

Webster: Okay im shutting this log down. NOW.


Mimitchi:Okay guys stop.

Well today was quite a supriser. Dakota likes the ladies, Sallys a bratty sugar addict and the three twins are just weird.

Well, see you later!

Little post again!

Shelltchi:we evolved!



Shelltchi:whats wrong mameka?

Mamekatchi: I dont want to be a mametchi, I want to be a sukatchi!

Korokotchi:I want to be a sukatchi! > :eek:

Shelltchi:Maybe you both could be a sukatchi.

Mamekatchi:most likely NOT.

mimitchi:Heres what I predict will happen ( the red circles mean what tamagotchi they are right now.


See you later!

Hi everyone! Im back today and made my first video on youtube + you hear my voice + its about the log!! Here Ill give you guys the link to the video. Its the only video in my uploads so it should be easy to find.


Sally, Dakota and The Hams.

Please send me a message of what you think about the video, and also comment and subscribe!!! If I get more subscribers Ill make more videos for you guys to enjoy. Also mametchi will marry in 3 years/days. Im going to make him marry a mimitchi or memetchi.

Dakota: And where was my opinion on this?

mimitchi ^o^: Oh hush, you dont get to decide.

Dakota: ill marry a memetchi.

mimitchi ^o^: you will marry a mimitchi, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!



The Hams:.....


Webster: Oh yeah ill evolve tomorrow or the next day!! :DD

Mimitcchi ^o^: No, three days. I left you on time pause.


Dakota: Gosh mimi, your ruining everyones day.

Sally: Please go away mimi, I dont want to be grounded from sweets...

Aww dang! Everyone hates me now!!!! NOOOOO........ :( But yeah. Webster will now probably be a zuccitchi, for sure!!

Well see you later!! ( Dont forget to subscribe, comment and leave fan mail!!)

Back today!! I have pictures, and today mametchi had his fourth concert and the judges FINALLY excepted! He got 10,000 GP as a reward, sadly I have no picture of his concert.

But I do have him being all cute and cuddly~!!


Eww hes not that cute wearing the hat, he looks like a clown. And at one part of him studying with the book he paused looking at the book like he forgot something, it was so funny!! :D Too bad he is going to leave me in 2/3 days. Ill miss him so much!! And also I hope dakots has a baby girl, then she has a baby girl so I can get mimitchi!!

Dakota: Like I said, I hate mimitchi, I DO NOT want my grand daughter to be mimitchi, its UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

mimi: Well I love mimitchi, and I can control you so your getting mimitchi.


The Hams: Us next us next!!

Sally: me last..


Yeah they evolved into sukatchi, memetchi and kutchipatchi. I want the kuchi family so I think kutchipatchi needs to marry yonepatchi, but none of them can marry untill 1/2 days. Also leave me a message saying if you want to see the kuchi or meme family! But when the teens evolve into adults they lose 10% bonding so you have to gain that back, luckily I already did. Gosh I just love the V5, its features are so neat.

Sukatchi: Aww he loves us.

Ktchipatchi: Im sorry, but I only love food-tchi!

memetchi: Yeah about that mimi... I only love curls.

Sukatchi: You guys do- OHHHH... Yeah sorry mimi, I only love flowers.


Webster: My turn!

Sally: NOOOOOO!!!


Webster:!?!?!?!?!? Im 12 and havent evolved! GAHHH!!!

Sally: Oh god I havent evolved either and im... Over weight (sob sob)


mimi: No more sweets sally.


mimi: thats just the way it has to be!

But guys seriously, why wont they evolve? I mean shouldnt they evolve about now? Old school said the P2 would evolve at age 8-9 but websters at age 13 and not evolved. This is scary-weird and sally isnt evolved yet either. If you can find anything out about this please send me a message ASAP. I just want my little webster to evolve into a cuddly adult D:

Well thats all for today guys, see you later!!

Back today! I have pictures of Dakota's band concert last night, and he got his first trophy!! It looks like little buildings. Also this morning guitartchi gave dakota 100,000,000 GP! It must be the life to get that much money, But unfortunately I dont have a picture of it.


(Sorry, but today I have nothing for the V5 or webster. Nothing new with them except webster is 13.)

And sally has some news today too. She turned into mametchi! Its so weird! and I didnt even take good care of her!

Sally: Excuse me?

mimi: Oh nothing

Sally: Sure.. Anyways I want to get married to a handsome kutchipatchi. Isnt he just the cutest?


Sally: :D

And I have alot of pictures of Sally too. I used up all her items though! ):



Isnt she so cute trying to throw a ninja star and then drawing. Lol the "im fine" part. I didnt ask you. :D And if you have read my other logs on my v3 before you would be glad to hear this...

Sprint time!!

Round 1:tarakotchi

Round 2:tarakotchi

Round 3:androtchi

Round 4:eek:jitchi

Round 5:tarakotchi

Round 6:tarakotchi

Round 7:androtchi

Round 8:mametchi

She got 600 GP! :D

Sprint again!

Round 1:androtchi

Round 2:gozarutchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:mametchi

Round 5:gozarutchi

Round 6:wooltchi

Round 7:hanatchi ( nooo She lost)

D: Only 120 GP

Well thats all for today, see you later!
