Update! No pictures or planned lines, so yupp, they are talking, also I started up my white tama-go again and did download, so right now I have marotchi, on the pink and black I have mattaritchi, maya has a baby girl, bael is a kikitchi and The Hams are a chamametchi named Su, mamekatchi named Ivan and a bakutchi named Tully.also Mayas baby is named Suzy.
Tully:Im a bakutchi, or a bomb tamagotchi.
Su:then why do you have a leaf on your head?
Tully:Hmm... I dont know, but maybe if you light it up it would make me EXPLODE.
Ivan:Interesting, we will have to add that to our "To Do" List.
Tully: Oh and mimi, dont you have your first gymnastics lesson today?
mimi:Yupp! I cant bring you guys along though, so ill have to make you go to sleep.
Suzy:Me nu went sleep!!!
mimi:Unfortunately, youll have too, and youll take naps to become a toddler.
Suzy: suzy likes beddy time nao.
Maya:Awww, shes so adorable!
Maya: noone thinks suzy is cute??
Su: Well she sure is unique..
Suzy: I understand. I was using the act because I am the smartest tama baby alive.
Everyone: WHAT?!?!!?!?!??!!???!!!
Suzy: It is true, and I will probably become another mametchi.
Maya: And mimi, you thought the most hideous tama would raise a horrible child?
Bael: I would date that girl.
Maya: Shut up bael, you cant even connect to me.
Bael: Okay MOM. **Goes back to practicing**
Bael: Wait! In my band I have the coolest members, nonopotchi and chamametchi.
Su: Hey! My kind!
Bael: Be quiet! Im not done talking, as I was sayin-
mimi: Time to go!
Bael: MIMI!!!!!!