Mimitchi's Ranting Virtual Pet Log


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Back guys!! Lots of updates!! First lets check off what I wanted:

Mametchi marry mimitchi on music star. Check!

Get mimitchi on P2. Check!

Mimitchi and Mametchi have girl. Check!

I know! And I have billions of pictures to show, also the V5 is now the kuchi family!Here are alot of pictures of the process kutchipatchi had during his dating show marriage.


And then later the two futuba-tchi's turned into chibipatchi and kutchipatchi.


And webster is now A OMYGOSH. :3 I got a mimitchi when I took 50-50 care! i just have good luck on my side today! But webster is adorable as mimitchi with his little mood expressions! I would just cuddle-attack him, lol.


And then on the V6 Dakota married mimitchi just like I wanted him too, And then they had a cute baby girl which I will name Alice after they leave. soon after Dakota got married he had to go to a concert, and His wife and daughter watched on the Television.


Dakota: Now I have a sweet loving family..


Mimitchi: Im glad I chose you Dakota..

Dakota: me too.. <3

Sally: Disgusting.

Webster: And look at me.. A little mimitchi with a cute fluffy belly.

Sally: Dont forget to exersize!

Webster:...... :( .....

Kutchipatchi: Why so many family members at once-tchi?

chibipatchi: Goo goo goo gaa gaagaga!!

Sally (1

Dakota (2

Mimitchi (3

Alice (4

Webster (5

Kutchipatchi (6

Chibipatchi (7

Papapatchi (8

Mamapatchi (9

mimi (10


Hopefully webster wont leave me untill age 21 D: ill miss him.

Dakota JUST had ANOTHER concert LOL! wow Dakota, dont have to be too serious about your job!

Dakota: My family depends on me so we can make money!



mimi: But you have like A bajillion GP all ready.

Dakota: Not enough.

... Well okay then. Hope you enjoyed my post today!

See you later!

Hi everyone! Today im back with more posts!

Now ive decided to log on 2 of my TMGO's also so that is 6 tamas, my highest number of logging on at once. they have already hatched, boy on the green and girl on the white.

Soon after that they evolved into toddlers.


My v5 doesnt have anything new with it, just a close up.


Sorry if im having little to talk about... but here is my v3 and V6


I promise to have alot tomorrow!

see you later!

Sorry for the little post yesterday, had to go out to dinner. but dont worry, I have some I guess excitng news today :D

Ill start with the V5 and V3, nothing new with the V5 AGAIN! I wonder when I can marry on that thing, its really bugging me X_X But when I do, ill try for the space family. I want to get the little rock baby thing :D Also my V3 had gotten married to a bill! I dont have pictures of the wedding though, I was at school when this happened and the V3 was in my pocket. lol the matchmaker came right when I checked on it so I was like Oh my god in class, really. XD good thing the sound was off or death by teachers. Anyways sally now has a little baby girl.


Now on to the V6. Yes last night dakota and mimitchi left alice all alone. Then when she woke up she was crying. Im taking really bad care of her because I want a bad care character. I dont know its just kunoitchi and masktchi and so adorable to me! but anyways.. As I noticed if you have 999 skill points the parents I guess give it to the kid? Its like a parent-child thing I guess. But anyways its neat so I dont have to work it all off by 0 again! Also she turned into a hitodetchi, the bad care toddler!!


And lastly the tama-go's. Today I sent them online for a little fun, going in the put - your - face - here things and stuff. Just really doing random things and also I went from 9th bronze on my music city CD to 6th bronze! Its awesome I know. I want to get gold so I can get a Destiny star for Alice or her daughter/son or their daughter/son. Yeah that sounds like a good idea.At the last minute before I turned my DSi off I caught them brushing their teeth.


Tomorrow may be a bright day too, the Tama-gos will evolve, sally will leave her baby, the V5 may be able to marry and the V6 will be a teen. Also webster is 17 years old. Im so glad I get to have my favorite character stay with me for 20? + years! :DD Im not even ready to think about the next generation growth for webster, I want him to stay with me longer than just another week! He will probably be gone about next monday-tuesday? :( Oh well, tomorrow I may have a big day. Also remember to leave fan mail about what you think about my logs! Thanks!

See you later~!

Hey everyone! Im back with exciting-ish news! First of all the Two Tama-Gos have evolved into marotchi and shimashimatchi! Im trying to make them marry by making them best friends on connecting, but I have a feeling it wont happen. Oh well, it'd be cool to see how it works.


On the music star I got chamametchi when Im taking 50/50 care. This is getting annoying, if I get a good care character I dont know what ill do. Also on the V5 kutchipatchi married a sunnytchi and had a little baby rock thing. Now its hoshitchi. This is actually my 2nd time ever having the space family. the other time I had it I got to the moon teenager and then the V5's batteries died. So this will be interesting after I get mikazutchi (I thinks name is). I really like mikazutchi for some reason, just the way he seems so cool and quiet makes me like him. :D


Yupp.. Nothing new with webster or the V3. Webster is 18 now and Sally will leave the baby tonight or tomorrow night, Im thinking most likely tomorrow but im not sure, as I said I dont know much about the v3 >.<

See you guys later!!

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Hi! Back btoday with some more news~!

Sally finally left the baby girl, which I named Maya. Maya is quite active and is not allowed to eat a sweet, Unlike her mom lol :lol: . After awhile Maya evolved into a mohitamatchi but I dont have any pictures of her as mohitamatchi, though alot of sally leaving her baby and maya doing lots of stuff.


Why is sally happy at that one picture?! she looks like shes saying "woohoo no more baby time for me!!". How rude! As you know Maya will be calm and quiet. Not sugar-hyped like you were.Here is maya fishing and at the one picture with the money bag she dug it up with her shovel and it was 300GP! Maya now has 8 items in her items slot. She is saving up all her toys so she doesnt waste them! :D . Also im trying for mimitchi on here, but I think thats a possible no.


Lol Maya on the ball is so cute. She was doing good untill she fell off face first :( . Ooh well on to the music star. Still a chamametchi but finally got her band. a kikitchi named louis and a hinotamatchi named david. Like Alice's fathers band named apples, her bands name is grapes Lol. Im just in the mood for fruit names, I almost named maya pear, but I was like naww. XD Alice had a practice at the school and then went potty on the toilet, though I didnt have enough time to catch her doing the little potty dance.


And lastly is the tama-go's. Nothing new today, they went to the park and marotchi met a ringotchi while shimashimatchi met a kuromametchi.


Well thats all for now, see you later!

back for another post! Also I have exciting news... I ordered a V2 on ebay yesterday! Its supposed to come to me on Feb. 9. I cant wait!! Ill finally get to meet whaletchi again.... D: Im so sorry whaletchi! I cant believe I threw you in the trash when I was five! (Yes, I had 2 V2s when I was 5, the first was the camo design and second was the blue, black and white camo design). I cant believe I threw them away!! Those were the rare designs!! Anyways heres a picture of the V2 I ordered on ebay:


I think the design is called hawaiian flowers, but I dont know for sure.On to the P2!

Webster left me last night... He was a good man. He was there when times were tough, he was my ex best buddy. </3 AND LEFT ME HERE TO ROT! No just kidding, hes probably having a good time back on tama earth, where he belongs. Not with someone cruel like me.. :(

The V5 is now finally mikazutchi and today will evolve into sunnytchi. Im not going to marry her yet, because my friend at school wants me to marry them. This will be exciting, but ill have to wait awhile because they are still toddlers! Gosh, the V5 is just so akward at times!


On the V3 I have a young mimitchi, and today it may evolve into mimitchi or something other. Ill tell the truth, I did feed it quite alot of snacks after it turned into a otokitchi after using a treasure chest and emptying all her hearts down. She is 2 yrs old right now and 29 lb, pretty low on the food if you ask me, heres a cute little shot of her jumping around in the screen.


Last is the music star, Alice finally turned into a cute little maidtchi. Maidtchi is so adorable! with all her emotions and stuff she looks like a real maid!

Alice: Your just saying that..

mimi: I know

Alice: How RUDE!

Marotchi: Atleast your not ugly like me.

Alice: your not ugly!

Shimashimatchi: Yes marotchi, your quite the charmer if you ask me.

Marotchi: Aww, thank you!

Maya: Pap, you said I wasnt aloud to eat sweets.

mimi: Well you see, I meant that you cant stuff up on them like Your mother.

Maya:But I did..

mimi: But I said it was okay.

Maya:Oh okay then, thats fine.


Last is a status report!




Training:9 out of 10












friendship:5 out of 6










friendship:4 out of 6





Hungry:1 out of 4












See you later!

Back again for a little post on my Tama-go's!

They got married, marotchi married a kutchipatchi, and shimashimatchi married a violetchi! They are such cute couples!


And also I have some pictures of alice being silly with all her items, and now she is spot. I love the mocha costume, it is so adorable! <3 And the mad expressions on mocha makes me want to laugh. :lol:


Sorry for the short post!

See you later!

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Hi everyone! I now have adults on every tama in this log. Status report!











Music star


















Tama-go green

Name: shimashimatchi, violetchi and baby boy


Umm.... the parents just left..





hearts: all empty

friendship and training:none




Tama-go white






friendship and training:none




I really hate hidatchi, SO UGLY! WHY WHY TAMA GOD, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!


Dakota: Its kay, he dun meen to hurt yur feelings.

Maya: Awww *sniff* Why couldnt I have become mimitchi for him.

Sarah: He dun like mimitchi nu moar.

mimi: I dont hate you, this was exaggeration.

Maya: YAY!!

Heres hidatchi just messing around... And also soon this girl in my class's birthday is coming up and im getting her a tama-go white with chamametchi figurine for her, though she doesnt know. She says shes a tomboy but I dont believe her! Also Im going to a b-day party before that day too at an indoor swimming pool, And im getting this girl a tama-go blue with ringotchi figure. This is going to be so exciting! Now I can spread the tamagotchis to everyone!


My maidtchi and sunnytchi will be able to mate tomorrow also, so then ill have all kids, but by the time I have kids on the V5 and V6 the Tamagos will be toddlers-teens and when the V3 has a baby the Tamagos will be adults so... Yeah after this its going to be pretty off again, I dont think ill see a chance in a long time when everyones an adult at the same time. Oh well, maybe some day.Sorry if this post is too short for you, I have nothing else to say really right now. :(

See you later!

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Hi guys! Im back!

I have some bad-ish news. First is I put up my green and white tama-go's, and thats all lol. But also I have good news! well kind of, but alice left her son and I named him Bael. Also sunnytchi got married and had three children, ive been wanting a blended family again for awhile, but they are on Generation 4! And Bael is on generation 3, while maya is on generation 2. Well, half of 2 and half of 3, because maya has her baby. Also maya got married to a I dont know his name and yeah. DX I know im not good help, and I started up my black tama-go, I took all my points off Tama Town and gave it to the tama-go, also his name is Dakota. but anyways he has 864,000 Gp! Isnt that amazing?



Also Ive made lots more videos on youtube, so check them out and subscribe to me if you can, once I get five or more subscribers I will make collection videos, and I know everyone wants to see my tamas, so subscribe and leave comments!


Lol also in one picture of the video it looks like im going "Its THIS BIG!". :lol: :lol: :D

See you guys later!

P.S. Dont forget when I get my V2 ill start it up!

Edit: If I go "MMMMMM" in the videos im clearing my throat, ive been clogged up lately, sorry!

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Update! No pictures or planned lines, so yupp, they are talking, also I started up my white tama-go again and did download, so right now I have marotchi, on the pink and black I have mattaritchi, maya has a baby girl, bael is a kikitchi and The Hams are a chamametchi named Su, mamekatchi named Ivan and a bakutchi named Tully.also Mayas baby is named Suzy.

Tully:Im a bakutchi, or a bomb tamagotchi. :D

Su:then why do you have a leaf on your head?

Tully:Hmm... I dont know, but maybe if you light it up it would make me EXPLODE.

Ivan:Interesting, we will have to add that to our "To Do" List.

Tully: Oh and mimi, dont you have your first gymnastics lesson today?

mimi:Yupp! I cant bring you guys along though, so ill have to make you go to sleep.

Suzy:Me nu went sleep!!!

mimi:Unfortunately, youll have too, and youll take naps to become a toddler.

Suzy: suzy likes beddy time nao.

Maya:Awww, shes so adorable!






Maya: noone thinks suzy is cute??

Su: Well she sure is unique..

Suzy: I understand. I was using the act because I am the smartest tama baby alive.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!!?!?!??!!???!!!

Suzy: It is true, and I will probably become another mametchi.

Maya: And mimi, you thought the most hideous tama would raise a horrible child?

Bael: I would date that girl.

Maya: Shut up bael, you cant even connect to me.

Bael: Okay MOM. **Goes back to practicing**

Bael: Wait! In my band I have the coolest members, nonopotchi and chamametchi.

Su: Hey! My kind!

Bael: Be quiet! Im not done talking, as I was sayin-

mimi: Time to go!

Bael: MIMI!!!!!! :angry:

Hi guys! Back for more posts! Today I have some evolutions, On the black tama-go it evolved into kuromametchi, and on the pink it evolved into gozarutchi. suzy also evolved into Tonmarutchi? And also I got a destiny star on the Music star! Credit goes to Dolphin Girl for the destiny star. Also marotchi will be able to marry tomorrow, so Then hopefully Ill get a baby girl and one of the other tamagos will get a baby boy and ill try to marry them, and when kikitchi evolves ill use the Destiny star.


Also im doing this growth on suzy...







Adult result:

Normal care! :D

And thats how it will turn out.

Suzy: I was supposed to be the smart one. :angry:

mimi:Too bad.

Suzy: Lets just see about that...


marotchi:Hey kuro nice look-

Kuromametchi (Or kuro): No.

Maro:Why not?

Kuro:Your old and your ugly and cant put on make-up right.

Maro:Then lets see you do it, also atleast I CAN put on make-up for a tamagotchi with no hands.

Kuro:Thats just another reason I wouldnt date you, and by the way wheres gozarutchi?

*flies through trees*


Su:Omigosh, when are we going to EVOLVE!

Ivan:If my calculations are correct, today or tomorrow.

Tully: Suzy, Ivan took your spot.

Suzy:*killer face*

Bael:I'd run from that chick.

Tully:Shut up.

Bael: Okay god, atleast I have good looks.

Tully:Coming from a monkey.

Bael: Ill be a handsome man when im all grown.



Mimi:Good luck Bael!

Okay so lots of news today. As you guys may know the title of this log, ive brought back the iDs AND my hexagon, and putting up the tama-gos. They really are boring... But now this will be an only talk log, Ill only do pictures if you guys tell me to in my PMs. But here we go!

Also, the hexagon is a makiko named melody, the Green iD is a Belltchi named Tulip, and the yellow iD is a mattaritchi named Ron. And also the V3 evolved into a something..? I think a pirolotchi..? oh well.

Bael: I evolved into a ________ and then used the boys destiny star to turn into a Dreamitchi!! My band members are Elaine the violetchi and Jon the tarakotchi.



Bael:Thats them!

Ivan: well I think its our turn to share now, right, Bael?


Ivan: As you may know, we used to be te-

Su: Please Ivan you take FOREVER.

Ivan:As you wish. I became mametchi, Su became chantotchi and Tully became..

Tully: A kutchipatchi!

Su:Im so dreamy.. Just look at me susy, arent I beautiful?

Suzy:its suzy, and no. Your just a thing with ears.


Suzy: Its called growth process, learn it.

Su: I was even cute as a teen, now look what teens look like.

Suzy:You were a baby. diapers arent attractive.

Su: Your just jealous.


Bael: Su is so cute... wann-


mimi: Okay guys be quiet, we have new friendzzz here!

Melody: My, my. Such a fiesty group we have.

Tulip:To much andd it will shatter me.

Ron: I enjoy it.

Melody and Tulip:.......

See you guys later!!

Tulip is a chamametchi and ron is a mametchi now! :DDD Also I have the mame family on the V5, heres some stats...


570 Gp

34 lb

1 yr


ahirikutchi (Makiko married a tensaitchi)


Green iD



4 stamps

4 yr

64 lb

6 gen



Yellow iD



3 stamps

4 yr

62 lb

4 gen



Music star

5 yr

65 lb


stress 12

Tone :687

Rhythm :999

Original :805


3 gen

1st ranking



Training: full

4 yr

99 lb


gen 3


(okay so it was a pirolotchi as a teen, but now its a MEGATCHI.... :angry: :angry: :angry: )

Why so many ugly characters! I dont know what im DOING WRONG!!!!


10% Percent bonding

Mame Family

5 Gen


It seems that noone really cares about the pictures because I did not get any messages or anything about the pictures so... I may start the pictures again but as long as ill be logging on 7 tamas ( When I get my V2) I wont be taking pictures.. Sorry for short post but time to get off comp. Tomorrow ill have alot more!

See you laterz!

Back again for a post! My two iDs still dont have Mo, I left them on time pause for two days. Bill is finally a kuromametchi, and a handsome one at that, I still have bael, The V5... And suzy. UGH, SUZY, GO GET ANOTHER BABY!!! Also I brought back pictures, The last weeks stuff was just my laziness taking over me. It was a free week after all, with all those snow days. Its supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, so hopefully I dont go to school! Everyone cross your fingers for me!

Heres a pick of the Tamagotchis being laid back..


And heres my V5, with 20% bonding, I caught a pic of the family and just for those non-believers, I really have that much GP and AM on Generation 5.

(It also seems that this gen is my 0 gens great great great great great grandchildren)


And last heres Bill, Being all cool and stuff. The hexagon is fun... but I just cant manage to get any of the letters! I mean I suck at it! If anyone could send me messages on how, I will be very greatful. Thanks!(Please be very explainative, or just show me pictures(if you can) on what you mean)


Bill:Im marrying a memetchi, Shes my girlfriend. Her name is sabrina.

Mimi:The teenage WITCH. HAHAHAHA no.

Bill:And what makes you think you can choose for me.

mimi:Im the controller of you.

Bill:Fine be that way.

**hours later**

mimi:Wheres bill?

Tulip:He ran away.

Ron:Heres this letter he left.

Dear Mimi,

I have left to live with Sabrina. I dont think its fair you choose for me. I want to live my own life and have my own relationship without you looking over me every five minutes and the others feed me or send me to bed. Im not a baby, I can do stuff on my own. It was nice living with you, but your rules are too strict. I guess ill see you around soon, if you dont come stalking me in 2 minutes.


**Car drives off, mimi arrives at sabrinas house**


Bill: oh no....*walks slowly into room*

Mimi:**pulls infront of sabrina and spanks**

**Sabrina laughs head off**

Mimi:Get in the car.

Bill: No wa-


**at home**

Mimi:Your grounded from the dating place untill your an oldie.


Tulip: Teehee...

*bill slaps tulip*

Mimi: Okay untill your DEAD. (Just kidding)

Bill: ................................

Back for lots of babies and evolutions! Bill secretly ran off with a new girlfriend called winter the mimitchi and sent me their baby boy. I decided to name him Kiwi, cause he loves fruits! Also did you know, the kiwi is actually a berry, not a fruit? I didnt know that untill my grandpa told me! Wow... all that time ive been eating a berry that looks like a kutchipatchi lol. Anyways.... Bael has some HORRIBLE news.

Bael: It was just as maya and suzy said, no date came for me in time...


Bael: Im an... OYAJITCHI!!! *Sob sob*

mimi: I think your cute, but ill probably ignore you or mate you with my sisters tama once one of them become a GIRL.

Suzy: Poor you.


mimi:Thats enough guys...

Bael: I also caught you being a couch potato earlier...

Suzy: I saw you playing with your baby toy..


Anyways back to the tamas... my V5 mametchi married a hotteatchi and turned into a papamametchi and mamapatchi, im trying for the ninja family because I think the animation is cute how they all try to avoid eachother and do their ninja tricks. I just keep forgetting though so I keep feeding them!! At least I havent cleaned up the poop yet. I think poop could make them turn into it too, but eeh. Im not so sure. Also if I dont get the ninja family maybe ill get a hagugatchi or watatchi and be able to turn them into a kuromametchi or makiko, and if I get both... AWESOMENESS. I want to marry a kuromametchi to a makiko because it would be like the code family or whatever. They should have made the majorite, makiko, kuromametchi and papakurotchi a family because if they did I would so try for that family, And they could have like some impression animation but im just dreaming. Ooo lookie, the Hexagon just evolved into a kuribotchi, though I dont have pictures. Speaking of evolving and such, suzy had ANOTHER BABY GIRL!!!! Im going to go crazy if this one has a baby girl, because I CANNOT stand having the same of it in a row. What im doing with suzy's kid is ignore ignore ignore. I want to try for something bad, I am getting normal characters because I treat them bad but fill up the training, so this time no training and then ill see what I get, but enough of me blabbing about, I should post my other pictures about now!

Updating tamas picture...


..And kiwi doing random things!


I have a feeling I blabbed out my time, so I guess ill...

See ya later!

Hi guys! Two bad news. Im sick so I may miss valentines and I wont be posting long because of it, also I wont be able to post if my V2 comes right away. The second is my Green iDs batts died so I shut them all down. The green was a chamametchi that married a kuromametchi and had a baby boy which is mattaritchi and the yellow mametchi married lovelitchi and had a baby girl belltchi. Suzy left her baby which I named lizzy, but shes been depressed. Ill show you why when I upload pictures. Since the iD died and I put them all up i may start my P2, osutchi and mesutchi or my V4's.

Suzy being depressed..


..And dead batteries!


See you guys later... I feel horrible.

Sorry its been awhile, but im back. Im now posting on the following: V5, V3, V2, Osutchi, Mesutchi, V2, V6. Lets start off.

On my oustchi and mesutchi I have hawainotchi and hawaikotchi, Which is the bad care teens. I hope I get the bunbun characters, they are SO CUTE! I would really want a plushe or stickers of them, but I cant find any stickers anywhere! Could my fellow TamaTalkers help me? I would really like some stickers! (Heheh just for stickers).

Okay, on my V6 I got a chantotchi and her name is parkey, then I used the destiny star on her so now shes a dazzilitchi! Shes 7 yrs old and just married a tarakotchi,Now she has a baby girl. Not much with parkey, but it was the first time I got an itchigotchi on the music star.

My V3 had a baby boy, FINALLY! and its a pirolotchi, it will evolve tomorrow, so hopefully it looks good, not like the megatchi again. Boy was that ugly. I dont know, I just hope I get another, boy, because Ive had alot of girl time. I dont know, Ill probably get megatchi again, oh well though, its not THAT bad, I mean not as bad as hideous hidatchi. I went crazy with her, but its a good thing she left really early, or I dont know what I would do.

On the V2 I have a boy named Bob and hes a violetchi, he got married to a tarakotchi and had a baby boy. Good, but it seems I cant get whaletchi on even Generations, so ill have to wait untill his kid has a kid, then I can get whaletchi! And its super easy, because hes the worst care caracter on odd generations. Ugh bob! Leave FASTER!!!

My V5 has violetchi, yonepatchi, furikotchi, memepapatchi and petioyatchi. The bonding is 100% so I am going to get my violetchi to marry a sukatchi so I can get the violet family. Ive never had the violet family and it looks really cool, so thats why im trying to get it, and im successful at the moment. The characters are so abnormal besides violetchi, but eh, its all awesome. I dont have anything else to say right now so... heres some pictures!


See you later!

Hi guys! Im back again~! I ordered The book Tamagotchi Egg, an unofficial guide: Intentionally useless advice for your shell shocked parent. its going to come march 12, and Ill tell you guys what its about once as I get it. Its gonna be so cool!!! I went to a rating website of it and mostly everyone had 4/5 stars, one 5/5 and one 3/5 so yeah, its a really good book! Back to the tamas!

I dont have pictures today, and I put up my osutchi and mesutchi but first they turned into megatchi and mekatchi. My V6 left the baby, but the baby is now a dazzilitchi. She was a masktchi when she evolved, and I do think masktchi is cute, but eh, dazzilitchi is better than masktchi in my opinion. shes 5 yrs so tomorrow she may marry someone, and also I forgot to tell you her name is corryn. Oops!

My V2 left and I named the boy bobby, but hes a MEMETCHI! WHY AM I GETTING GIRL CHARACTERS?? This is really weird, I know that on the V2 it doesnt matter but seriously, a violetchi and memetchi in a row! I cant wait till Bobby has his baby and leaves, because I need whaletchi now. Bobby will marry tomorrow also because hes 5 years.

My V3 turned into kurokotchi (The one almost all my girl V3s have been marrying) And had a baby GIRL. I am CURSED with baby girls, I swear. The tama god is trying to torture me with baby girls.

My V5 are still the same, Im just going to marry furikotchi, he married an onputchi and turned into papamametchi and mememamatchi and had 2 children, one an omututchi the daughter and mimifuwatchi the son. this is my 8th gen on the V5, because the V5 I think is the fastest growing tamagotchi, so its ahead of all my others.

I guess thats all for now, see you later!
