Mothra Log


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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
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Muncie, Indiana

I've been a longish time user of Tamagotchis. I remember when I was in 1st grade and Tamagotchi's first came out. I'm now 20 and still have fun with them and all digital pets in general. I'm the kind of person that creates pet, ecosystem, and evolution simulators for the fun of it. I'm just fascinated by the prospect of digital life and seek to improve it the best I can as a hobby.

My first Tama was of course a p1. I've also had several others ranging from Digimon, Tuskada Jurassic Park to other random "knock off" pets and I had fun with them all and I wish I still had them. Last year I got back into Tamas when I found a Music Star at Walmart on sale. Since then I've been working on massing a collect.

I know have:

Music Star





Due to my schedule I only run one Tama at a time. So the P2 and Genjitch are both tabbed and the Tamago and Music Star are both paused.

Now onto the actual log part. You're probably tired of me rambling on and on and on about nonsense. I'm going to log my Mothra as best I can. The only camera I have with me in my dorm is my cell phone so sorry no pics.

I hatched at about 5:30 PM today. I really like how the fairies sing to the egg to hatch it near the end of the first 5 minutes. It ties with the movies nicely. After hatching I did the usual by feeding it snacks and food. The little bug moved around till it changed into a toddler. I missed the transformation so I don't know if there was an animation or not. Her misbehaving animation is cool. I like how she is attacking Tokyo tower. At 8 she fell asleep so I changed the time to 4 PM so she will fall asleep at 12. It gives me more time to play with her.

And in case your wondering. Mothra is a girl. Well at least she is in the movies.

Feel free to PM me with any comments. I'll respond to them in this log or via PM.

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Ok here is an update with some sleep info.

Mothra's toddler stage goes to sleep at 8:00 PM and wakes up at 8:00 AM.

I've messed up her age counter. I thought that it only aged up when it fell asleep but apparently it does it when it wakes up so instead of 2 she's now 3. I'll have to be more careful with changing the time. I'll pause her one night instead of letting her sleep so she can catch up to her extra year.

I'm really liking the noise she makes when she attacks Tokyo tower. It really takes me into the movie and makes it feel like you are really caring for Mothra.

EDIT - As of now she's been disciplined twice total and her Justice bar is a tad shy from being half full. So it will probably take 2-3 more time outs to fully train her. Making for a total of either 5-6 times.

I read somewhere that you have to get her weight up really high when she's a grub to get her into a cocoon. Is this true? If you know drop me a PM. Thanks.

I'm working on a time table for her sleeping and change times that I'll post eventually.

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A small update.

The toddler stage lost 1 hungry heart and 2 happy hearts during my lecture that lasted an hour fifteen.

I've been raising the Mothra larva's weight a lot today. According to the chart it will go straight from larva to cocoon or to the two forms of grub. I'm confused by this. Do the grubs not change? Anyway, I'm unsure about the weight thing so I went ahead with it. If you know otherwise please PM me to let me know. Thanks

Nothing much today. I'm starting to think that weight doesn't affect Mothra's growth. She's 67 tons right now. The lowest her hearts have gotten down to is 2. I really don't care what character I get. I would rather not get Makora though.

On and off note. I found some Tamago figures at Walmart today during my search for a dry-erase board. I picked up a Mametchi and Violetchi. Incase anyone is wondering you can only use the items when you have the figure plugged in but you don't have to keep buying the items. Well at least for toys anyway. I'm curious if it affects the rooms you can get. So far I've only seen the Japanese room besides the default rooms.


I also want to say that I like the larva's eating animation. You can actually see her little sideways opening mandibles. Sooooo cute. I've either missed her attacking buildings or she hasn't yet today.

EDIT AGAIN: I like to edit my posts. Have you noticed? Haha

I got Mothra's age caught back up again. I paused her overnight so now she is actually three.

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My larva just turned into a Mothra grub! It was a really cool change animation with some very fitting music. If anyone know if the grub can indeed change into a cocoon and if weight has anything to do with it please PM me to let me know! Thanks.


Mothra grub attacked Tokyo for the first time today. His Justice bar is almost filled.


She attack Tokyo again. Her Justice bar is now full. It took 4 time outs to fill the bar. Two during larva and two during grub.

I would like to note that my change times will probably be different than yours. I've been running my Tama past the normal 12 hours. Four hours after she wakes up I set the time back four hours letting her stay up till midnight with me. If this tama does the same thing as the original then it only counts the awake hours. I know for sure that the tama-go counts all the hours. Took me 2 days worth of changing at the same time to figure it out too.

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I will in the end try to figure up the hours he's been active so you know how many hours it takes to become an adult.

If I did my math right she turned into a grub after being active for 30 and a half hours. That's around 2-3 days worth. The reason it's not more is because she was activated at 6:30 PM the first day. This includes her as a baby and toddler. She changed into a toddler after 1 hour.

I also got her weight back down to the lowest it can go. 30 tons.

She pooed and got sick today while I was in class. It took the twins twice to get her better. I hope this doesn't affect my chance at getting Mothra.

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Nothing new today. I don't have to worry about disciplining her anymore. I've managed to keep her hearts at full and her screen clean. She's now 5 but should have more hours alive than a normal 5 day old. Hopefully she changes over the weekend.

This is a tad offtopic and has probably been said before, on the Tama-go if you leave the lights on after they fall asleep long enough that the attention icon disappears it's counted as a care miss. I purposely did it twice and now I have a Memetchi which according the the chart takes two care misses. This is a great way to get care misses. I'm wondering if I can change the time to their bed time and keep doing this to get a controlled number of care misses. Possibilities.

On an ontopic note:

Mothra grub is now 6 days old but in the hours ran should should be a little over 7 since I like to change the time to have her awake more. So hopefully she will change today. -crosses fingers-

EDIT - typos

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I just untabbed my Genjitch. I'll start telling you guys how he's going too. It's going to be interesting keeping care of them both at the same time but I'm sure I can do it. If need be I can pause Mothra since she has extra hours anyway. Not to mention I read somewhere that they only live till their ten. If that's true she only has a couple of days left. :'(

As soon as I pulled the tab a skull/fossil appeared. I set the time and waited 5 minutes. When it hatched a logo appeared along with some music playing. This tama is a lot louder than my Mothra. Mothra has been running for 6 days so maybe her batteries are just not as fresh anymore, well only after 6 days that wouldn't make much sense.

Anyway right now I have a little blob of DNA running around my screen. It's about as needy as any vintage baby so far.

It so cool playing with a toy that has never been played with in over 13 years!

Ok so I looked at my schedule for the week and I'm going to be WAY to busy the beginning of the week to care for the genjitchi so I tabbed him.

BUT there is good news. The Mothra grub has went into a cocoon about a half an hour ago. Yay! I wonder what I'll get? I've taken the best care I could but sometimes that's not enough. Her hearts drop down to two a couple of times and there was that one time where she got sick because of her poo being there to long. -crosses fingers- I guess we will find out soon!

So despite her various bad situations she turned into Mothra! I had to check the chart to see if it was the regular Mothra or the Fairy Mothra and lo' and behold it was the big girl herself! I'm so happy! Now off to save the world! :)

I might tab Mothra today and get the Genjitch started back up again. During it's early stages I'm going to have to pause him when I'm at class but I will compensate by keep him active longer at night. Hopefully it will all balance out.

Oh and in case anybody is wondering I can not confirm if weight affects when grubs go into their cocoon or not. About half an hour before she went into a cocoon I got bored and got her weight up to 73. I'm not sure if it caused it or not.

One last thing:

Mothra larva and grub - Sleeps from 8 PM to 8 AM

Mothra - Sleeps from 9PM to 8AM

Hope that helps anybody out.

If you know anything about the Genjitch sleeping habits please drop me a PM. Thanks.

He changed into a tadpole last night. He's been paused most of the morning. I've noticed that when he changed his "evolution" bar raised two notches. This is interesting.

The game seems easier to beat than Mothras. I tend to get a 5 to 0 a lot. On Mothra it was usually 3 - 2. You can literally just keep pressing the center button and win every time.

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Wow this thing is pretty needy. It has lost hearts every time I've picked it up and I pick it up often.

Yah, this thing is crazy needy. The concept is really cool and I like the characters and sounds but it's just too needy of a pet to care for when you also have school and stuff. Or normal life in general. What were they thinking when they made it so needy? The Mothra isn't nearly this bad. I set the pet down for 15-30 minutes and it had two hearts gone. If it is this bad when he's a teen I might end up just tabbing him for another time.

My Genjitch has had a bad day so far. I decided not to pause him while I was in class which lasts 50 minutes. When I checked him he was down to 1 heart on both screens. I really hope the next stage isn't this bad. I really like the toy but it's more of a pet for breaks or vacations.

Well at least this pet seems to be forgiving. I got the good care gorilla-ish pet!


Well half an hour later he lost a heart. That's a big improvement.

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Well I must say that at the end of the day this is now turning into a more enjoyable pet. So if anyone wants to run this pet you just have to survive the first 4 days and then it becomes a lot easier.

On an off note I've been running my tama-go again. I also bought another figure, Memetchi. So now I have a total of 3 figures. So far Violetchi's got my favorite items and Mametchi has the best games. Especially Speed Runner. It's an easy way to make some money. You know what... the next time I have a girl I'm going to get a Violetchi. I've never had one before.

On another off note. I'm not sure if I want to start the Mothra again after the Genjitch moves on or take a break from them. I might start my P2. I've only run that one once and got a Mimitchi. I'll try for other characters.


Just to let you guys/gals know my Tama-go became a Taroktchi. He had three care misses, his friendship was at 3 hearts, and his training is a little under half. Not what I was expecting but hey it works for me.

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