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If i thought about it, i probably couldn't hear it in my head, but still i guess there's a certain type of voice that i would want him to have. I dunno if that makes sense, but do you get what i'm trying to say? Well, whatever. xD

Another question in my mind that kind of stems off of the whole not talking thingy is: how smart is Link? I've always kind of wondered that because since he doesn't talk, how're you supposed to know? In the OoT manga he seems to be kinda smartish, but still you can't really tell from that either. And then again, this other Zelda comic i read has Link being pretty dim-witted. xD He's hilarious in that, because although he's not too bright, he comes up with hilarious comebacks and says funny stuff.

I'm sorry if i failed at starting a new conversation.... i tried....

IT MAKES SENSE. I know what you mean. xD As I've said before, I'd love to hear Link say my name. ~ Mwahaha. And even if he did talk, all he'd have to do is say something about a crystal and bam. He's said my name. xDDD -shot-

Hmmm. I've talked about this before. I don't know. He's smart enough to be a good swordsman. But like you said, in the manga, he's kind of... just a cocky teenager. Lul, I'unno. xP

Lolya, he was so adorable in the manga~ <3 If i ever find the mangas, i'mma buy them, because what kind of a zelda fan would i be if i didn't own them??? And whether he's smart or not, he has serious sword skillz, so that must count for something!! oh my god... if Link said my name... i think i might just pass out!!

He is soo adorable in the manga. *happydances* <33

Oooh, don't forget him saying "I love you" in front of your name. >8DD BOY IT'S GREAT BEING A FANGIRL. But Link will never talk. We could track down one of his voice actors and get them to say our name how Link would say it. Cause he does have voice actors for all his battle cries and grunts. xD

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Yesh, i knows. (; And if he really said That... i would... ummm.... die possibly??? o_O But in a good way (bc you can so die in a good way). Ya being a fangirl is quite wonderful, isn't it??? You can tell when i'm very fangirly bc i just realized when i am i punctuate all my sentences as either '???' or '!!!'. LOL. Really though, i didn't even mean for that to happen.

Aw, c'mon, now. Crank up that imagination of yours. You'd pass out. And Link would catch you from falling. And then he'd carry you and set you down somewhere where you'll rest until you wake up.

SQUEEEEEEE! ~ Okie, enough fangirling. >w<

I'm guessing I'm the not-everything-is-a-happy-ending fangirl. xD

But I totally get what you're saying with his voice.

And Link may seem smart solving all these puzzles in the game and crap,


Krystal; yeah i like your story better, i'll stick with that one. >w< But honestly today i don't think i can stop fangirling. it's not possible. But you know what i meant when i said i would die, in my definition of the word i die approximately three times per day.

Jae; that's exactly the issue, if we're controlling him, how much do we give him credit for? lol. And what do you mean by not-everything-is-a-happy-ending fangirl??

Oh, yeah. Jae likes to be angsty. xDDD I'm all bubbly and romantic.

I've fangirled like 2526 different ways and times today. :'D Including Link, of course~ Ooh, I even changed my desktop wallpaper! From Link, to a different picture of Link. 8D

I'm the fangirl who likes the endings that are bittersweet. Like, someone dies in the end. Everything's all happy and hugs, but that death still lingers.

And I also like hurting sane people. MentallyScarred!Link anyone?

im going on a school trip to holland on monday and everyones going to bring their Ds. Zelda tiiime!

we should make a zelda roleplay!

3000th post is drawing near...

:eek: :lol: :lol:

You're crazy, TK. xD In my mind, Link and I will be riding off on Epona into the sunset~

Okay, only kidding. I'm not that sappy. :'D

omg, everyone came back when i was gone. o_O i can't miss the 3000th post/ reply!!!

Lol two of my friends are coming over tomorrow to play Zelda. xD one of them actually plays, so we'll probably fight over the controller the whole time, and my other friend just likes to cut the grass, lolio. i swear, i can't leave the computer until i get the 3000th!!

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