Woot, I have a two hour delay today. Too bad i couldn't wake up until two hours later so now i really don't have that much extra time....
Right now I'm in the Bottom of the Well.

I forgot how freaky that place is! That flying skull freaks me out every time it comes around and i scream! and then there's that like like behind bars that freaked me out, causing me to run through a fake wall to get away. And then that room with the re-dead that i always end up in bc i fall through the floor.... And i don't even have the dungeon map yet.
This weekend for me was sooo boring, but next should be waaay better because I"M GOING TO THE POCONOS! 8D Yay for something eventful to happen! and i will bring my DS so i can finish Spirit Tracks! Hopefully..... cuz then again if i get stuck there are no computers at the house we're staying in, so hence, no walkthrus. Oh yeah, so probably from Thursday through Monday you won't be seeing me around here.