You're favourite quotes.


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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Second star to the right, straight on til morning.
"WHO WANTS COOKIES?!" - Christofer Drew.

"Mom, why do kids bully me at school?" - Christofer Drew.

"Carter's gonna be so mad at me." (holding a knife.) - Christofer Drew.

"Tradegy has struck.. we have run out of peanut butter." - Alex Gaskarth.

"I'm the biggest plum of them all!" - My friend.

"I lost my thock in lost property." - Me and my friend. (You have to say it in a nerdy accent.)

I'm sure there's tons more.

Oh, and a conversation:

Me: You made her really upset.

Friend: I know.

Me: And unwanted.

Friend: I know.

Me: Have you said sorry?

Friend: Yeah. I gave her an 8 minute snog. She's incredibly good.

Me: Did you come up for air?

Friend: Yeah. A coupla times.

Me: Oh, that sucks. You two should try it again sometime. I could time you and we could go for a record.

Um. Yeah. :]

"Screw swords! Handguns are ALL the RAGE!" -Allison

"Y'know, if the teacher finds out, we were talking about spaghetti'os." -Kyle


"And here's your host, the king of the nerds, Dreeewww -the dork- CARRIEEE!" -Me and my Dad

"Dad, are you gonna point out the grammar fail to them?" (me) "what? Are you going to go to the cranberry field today!?" (dad)

"I'm the magic man!" -Allison


'Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry that will never change.' - Paramore. I like that lyric. :)

'I know. I don't know why the children were calling eachother -insert name of dirty toy here- I mean it's not even a word!' - Teacher

'OMG -laughs-' - My class

'Yes, you laugh now because it's doesn't mean anything. Hahaa' - Teacher

'Yeaaah' - Class

One day she will learn what that word means, and she will feel sooooo stupid. :)

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OMG here's an awesome quote I just remembered:

(to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

"Since the teachers didn't let her play the trumpet for the band, we will burn down the school and leave the principal for dead. March out in our glory, and deny it to the cops, that's what they get for not letting Kay!"

My bestiest friend. xDD

"I once knew a kid who got nailed for wearing dinosaur pajamas." -Kevin McCalester, Home Alone. (He was only like 8 years old.) xD

Teacher - "What's out the window that's so much more interesting than my class?"

Student - "I'm looking for Narnia. Or Hogwarts. Either way, my dreams of fantasy will finally be complete."

Me: "Save me! And my friends! Oh, but not Haley. She can buy her way out of trouble."

Friend: "Good times, good times."

Guardian: "Time to go!"

Friends: "Good times don't last very long!"

I had alot written on my computer. But then I restored everything so I lost them :[

I like Marilyn Monroe quotes, Christofer Drew quotes, and anything I can relate too. xD

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