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^ I don't know what to say to the whole post unfortunately, and I hope I'm not angering you Pantseh D:

But I believe that when it is two adult people, love doesn't know gender, and whether it is their choice to be gay or not is still being looked into. There may very well be a gay gene. But I don't know.

But only when it is two adult people. When it is two adult people, I believe gender doesn't matter. But when it is an older person and a person under the age of eighteen, I think that is more of a perversion than an emotion, and I believe that marriage should be defined as 'Two people of or beyond legal age', because in my opinion, having intercourse, or anything of that sort really between an adult and a minor is a perversion and sexual harassment. I don't know if my rant just went off topic, but it probably did ._. back onto the topic though, I believe that no matter your gender, religious views, etc, love is an emotion, not a sin.

That's my opinion.

Your argument is better than mine anyway, so I think I am shutting up now.

I believe that no matter your gender, religious views, etc, love is an emotion, not a sin.
I never said that it was a sin...but God ment for htat kind of love to be between man and woman.

I personally believe that because God created the world and how we work, he has every right to create the definition of marriage and that it should be upheld.
We are sexual beings- it's just how we roll. And marriage was created so that a man and a woman could enter in this special relationship with eachother, have children and stay together till death do they part. A person is a person but a man is made different than a woman.

If you want to be gay, fine but don't try to change the definition of marriage.
I completely agree. ^.^

Let's just say when I become president I will make 2 new rules law things ;D1. You have to take an IQ test before breeding.

2. Gay marriage totaly legal ;3

Love is love. Gender shouldn't get in the way.~
Sky, I'm voting for you O:

Let's just say when I become president I will make 2 new rules law things ;D1. You have to take an IQ test before breeding.

2. Gay marriage totaly legal ;3

Love is love. Gender shouldn't get in the way.~
I'll vote for you. x;3


I don't thing there's anything wrong with gay marriage. People should be able to love regardless of gender.

I believe that marriage isn't about love or God. It's about legal rights. You may not be aware of this, but in getting married, you will receive marriage benefits. And really, I don't think that it is correct to deny anyone basic rights, be them straight, gay, or whatever.

Where I live, gay marriage is legal, and even better, churches aren't forced to marry them off! This is probably the best way to approach the situation, eh?

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This first bit is directed at Tamaw/Pants;

A boy cannot make a mature, grown up decision to get married. Only 2 adults can. I see nothing wrong with polygamy, honestly. Also, in your bible's set of morals, you aren't supposed to eat certain foods, not to marry divorced people, to burn prostitutes, that the disabled or injured cannot offer the bread of the lord, that those who are bleeding are unclean, and to have disobedient children stoned before the village. That, is the infallible word of the Lord.

Sweden is mostly secular. There's nothing 'dark and shady' about them. Saying that because the United States is based on Christianity makes it a better country would be silly; it's the government that upholds our right to be who we want to be. If it was completely based on Christianity, Athiests and Jews and Agnostics would be stoned.

I believe that love is love. If you are a girl and love a girl, then you should have the right to get married just as much as a girl and a boy do. Same with boys and boys.

HappinessIsGolden has also made some very good points.

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This first bit is directed at Tamaw/Pants;A boy cannot make a mature, grown up decision to get married. Only 2 adults can. I see nothing wrong with polygamy, honestly. Also, in your bible's set of morals, you aren't supposed to eat certain foods, not to marry divorced people, to burn prostitutes, that the disabled or injured cannot offer the bread of the lord, that those who are bleeding are unclean, and to have disobedient children stoned before the village. That, is the infallible word of the Lord.

Sweden is mostly secular. There's nothing 'dark and shady' about them. Saying that because the United States is based on Christianity makes it a better country would be silly; it's the government that upholds our right to be who we want to be. If it was completely based on Christianity, Athiests and Jews and Agnostics would be stoned.

I believe that love is love. If you are a girl and love a girl, then you should have the right to get married just as much as a girl and a boy do. Same with boys and boys.

HappinessIsGolden has also made some very good points.
Though, speaking of the bolded section, those were the Mosaic Law given to the people of Israel to keep. Moses recieved these specific laws from God and they continued [although the people did not always follow] up until the point of Jesus. God did not change but he fulfilled the law. Back before then they had to be cleansed by giving sacrifices, after Jesus there was no need for such sacrifices.

All I was saying with that point is that whoever you are, be glad we have people no matter what their religious background that do fight for our rights as people. ;]

And no, we would not be stoning people. Again, Mosaic law is not ment to be followed today. I'm sure some sec somewhere does but they would be considered Jewish because of the history of the laws and who they were given to and why.

The US isn't exactly based on Christianity today but in the first documents founding the country more quotes were pulled from the Bible than from any other piece of literature. Obviously not all of us are Christian but the country undeniable has a Christian background.

I'm Christian Catholic, so I personally do not believe in gay marrige.

But I do not judge anyone who is attracted to the same gender. If it's okay with them, It's okay with me. Just don't try to shove it into my mouth.

I for one think this is totally acceptable. two people can't help but loving eachother now can they? I know two gay boys and I don't think that there's anything wrong with them (aside from the fact they beg me to do my eyeliner but...) infact they are the nicest boys you could ever meet. The reason why this government is having a contrevorsey(sp) on gay marriage is because of religonm (well mostly) if people don't believe in the religon that says a guy and a guy or a girl and a girl can't love each other, they why should they be subjected to this tug of war that we have going on. My mom is russian orthodox but I grew up with no religon in my life. I don't think I was even baptised. My neighbors on the other hand give me strange looks whenever I invite my two openly gay friends over (the hot ones are never interested in girls are they...). I think that it's unfair. My mom dosen't care. In fact she likes the alot because they are "polite and nice gentlemen even though they are a tad strange" (quoted from my mom). My dad trusts them alot more than my two other guy friends because he knows that they won't want to have sex with me or whatever dad's are afraid of. So if people think that gays and/or gay marriage is wrong no one ever said they hvae to pay attention to it. So my question for you is...What is your view on gays and gay marriage?
*Note from TamaTalk staff: please remember to keep your opinions focused on the topic, not each other. We will close or delete this topic if we see any personal attacks such as "You must be an idiot if you don't have the same opinion about this topic as I do."*
[SIZE=14pt]Being a homosexual isn't bad. Homosexuals aren't aliens! Their people! They don't have green skin,so what makes them different from us? They just like their own gender, so what. [/SIZE]

[i am NOT Catholic/Christian, so I might not agree what most say, don't bash me though!! ;] I don't have anything to do with churches... xD ]

Homosexuallity can be ... Pretty ..... Like love between one female and one male... People should just worry about themselves: NOT others. My mom doesn't care much, I don't know about my dad. Homosexuals are STILL nice, like anybody can be...



Hope that came out right!!!~


I'm fine with Homosexuals, I just don't think they should get married.

On that point, Just because somebody dosen't believe in gay marrige, dosen't mean they are homophobic.

I guess to some that means the dictionary is homophobic to.

MARRIGE:n- the legal contract in which a woman and a man become wife and husband.

Though, speaking of the bolded section, those were the Mosaic Law given to the people of Israel to keep. Moses recieved these specific laws from God and they continued [although the people did not always follow] up until the point of Jesus. God did not change but he fulfilled the law. Back before then they had to be cleansed by giving sacrifices, after Jesus there was no need for such sacrifices.
All I was saying with that point is that whoever you are, be glad we have people no matter what their religious background that do fight for our rights as people. ;]

And no, we would not be stoning people. Again, Mosaic law is not ment to be followed today. I'm sure some sec somewhere does but they would be considered Jewish because of the history of the laws and who they were given to and why.

The US isn't exactly based on Christianity today but in the first documents founding the country more quotes were pulled from the Bible than from any other piece of literature. Obviously not all of us are Christian but the country undeniable has a Christian background.
I see... But, in reference to the bolded part, Matthew 5: 17-19 says that Jesus is there just to complete the Law, not to abolish it...?

Please help me as I am rather confused. ._.


Gay marriage is the same as any other marriage. Just because it is 2 men doesn't mean anything. Marriages are to bind 2 people together, and in American culture it is based off affection. So wot if 2 men/woman love one another?

Love is love.

RG, I'll pm you. I don't want this to get waaay off topic. ;]

If anyone else has any side note questions, please pm me instead of posting. And remember the blue portion in the first post.

I don't really know. This is not directed to any of you guys, it is directed towards the government people who are against gays: drop the whole religion thing. I honestly don't care that it is against the bible. I'm not christian or catholic and neither is a good part of the population. Religious people, just don't be gay, and don't care about the other portion of the population. They can do whatever they want to. I don't care what they do, it's not my choice and it doesn't effect me. Do whatever you want to do. I am kinda for the whole don't change the definition of marriage thing though. It's just, I don't know. Kinda weird. Maybe there should be a new term invented for gay marriage.

If you want to be gay, fine but don't try to change the definition of marriage.
Now, I'm confused, is marriage a peice of paper that says that you are leaglly attached to some one or eternal love.


Also, this week I went (well I had to go) to a summer camp...thanks mom. I mean I'm 14 come one!. But anyway one of my friends (one of the gay ones)) begged his parents to sign him up to. So luckly he got in and we hung out together. Later when he was checking his text messages he got one from his boyfriend. His boyfriend had gotten this awesome shirt and sent him a picture of him wearing it. He also sent a message which has something along the lines of "Hey babe [something something] I got a new shirt [bla bla bla] I love and miss you xoxo Ry." So then some evil person read the message and passed the phone around and then my friend (the one at the camp with me) has a really tough week. So I think that when something is not what people are used to they try to feel comftable with it by makeing fun of it.

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