i actualy started with tama_cutie_ and i didn't kno what mi mom wold say so i gav it 2 mi frend and then i knew if mom had a problem shed hav 2 live with it so i added angel_
Well...take a guess at my username. I was obsessed with mimitchis back then. So I decided I'd be a mimitchi lover. I strongly regret it now, I wish I had something less tamagotchi-ish. Oh well. ^.^'
Well, KouhiiTenshi was my usual username, it mean CoffeeAngel and I'm hyper alot and obessed with Pita-Ten so... that came up. For this one, a LOVE nyatchi...however I think I'll start going on KouhiiTenshi instead, I really do likeit more...
I picked dachdach545 cause Dach was my first Nintendog and also I use it alot 4 my username so if u see any-thing really close to dachdach545 that's me.