Aubrey Hepburn
Well-known member
Every single change in emotion you feel comes from YOUR heart and mind. So, there is no need to agonize over which "you" is the "real" you. You are all the things you feel. All those different sides are you.
That's how I view it. I'll be feeling 27 different emotions at once half the times so it's really hard.It's hard to discover the "real you", because you have lots of moods and emotions.
I totally know how you feel! I love my best friend Nicole to DEATH, but whenever I mention going on TamaTalk she's like "HAW HAW HAW, TamaTalk is so stupid!" I'm like '...' but I don't really mind that much.I feel the same way
Sometimes in school, its hard to say I like "Tama" Talk because people woud laugh Because I like "Tamas"