Your Standard Introduction Thread!


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New member
Dec 20, 2006
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College, yo.
Hi, I'm Saki-kun! Nice to meetcha. I have only 1 tama, currently. It's a Tamagotchi Version 1 (w/o the nubby antenna thing) named Dex. I can't remember what it's called, but it's the one that looks like a dark riceball. With legs.

I'm also eternally on the hunt for a Bobo Panda Byte. I had one when I was little, stupidly lost it one night (long story) and have missed it ever since. If you, or anyone you know, know where to buy one or how to find someone who's selling one, PLEASE let me know. o_o

See you around :) !


Hi! i dont no a thing about Bobo Panda Bytes, sorrs. ill be ur friend if u want

Thank you! May I call you RG? :D

It seems that not many people know about BPB. It was one of those lesser-known vps, but I swear I had more fun with it than any tamagotchi EVER. Can you dress your tama for the weather? Or teach it to swim, read, play golf, lift weights, etc??? I DON'T THINK SO! XD

Not that tamas aren't fun either. Just that when you're in COLLEGE with a tama, you don't have anyone to connect with, and so my tama has no friends XD


Hi! Welcome to Tamatalk! :furawatchi:

Lol, sorry. I have never heard of a BPB. :lol: Sounds fun though! I am currently taking care of five tamagotchis, hoping to get my new P1/P2 through the mail in the new year.. ;)

Collage! Wow! It seems alot of older people today like tamagotchis. :lol: Me? Meh....I'm only 10. :lol: But age means nothing. If you have any questions about Tamatalk, or just want a friend...feel free to PM me. :D


Good to see some new joiners!

Welcome to tamatalk,The most populaur Tamagotchi based forum on the net!Tamatalk is a large,fast growing tamagotchi community full of friendly members.

To make a friend PM somebody,I'm sure they will become yours!Just make sure not to make a topic about it,there is no need.

You wont get bored,there are loads of things to do here,Roleplay,chat,have fun,make friends,PM,talk,gossip,What ever you feel like doing.Just nothing bad of course.

Please,When you have some spare time,read through the rules and pinned topics.They are there for a reason,to help and lead,so they are a must-read.

Follow them well and you are well on your way!

PM me for a friend or some help.

Best wishes and a merry christmas,


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