Your nails


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Mine are kinda long and they stab and cut real good ^.^
My cousin punched me once Dx and now he has a scar on his back form where I scratched him :) (with my real nails)

I can't paint my fingernails because my school doesn't allow. So strict...

Also I can't grow my nails because I play the violin and you need short nails to play the violin xD I don't mind them being short but pleeeas! Can't paint my nails? Then I can't do anything to make them beautiful!! Sobs~ hehe just kidding im not that sad

I've had them painted about twice. I am not the painted nail type. I usually bite them. Horrible habit I need to break.

I bite my nails, so it's important that I trim and file them regularly. At the moment, my nails are clean, and short. Just the way I like them. I just recently clipped them. No polish.

[SIZE=14pt]Well I have fake nails that you can peel off. And they have hot pink and light pink stripes on the wihte part.(Some of the nails have that. <3) And the other ones have silver giltter in between the pink part, and the white part. You can ask me where I got them if you want! There just a little long/short nails. like this: [/SIZE]


|____| <---- white part

|____| <--- pink part


Yeah so thats what they look like! also phobo you have beautiful nails! when you get them taken off can we see your real nails?


TC. <3

mine are purple whith yellow flowers three of them on each ring finger.

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Oh my gosh, so what if they're fake?! Those nails are so cute! :) for me...not so much. Lol. I have short nails, not painted. :rolleyes:


I should paint them...but I need help. I don't know if I should do electric blue, metallic purple, or bright hot pink.




Bright hot pink!

Oh my gosh, so what if they're fake?! Those nails are so cute! :) for me...not so much. Lol. I have short nails, not painted. :rolleyes:


I should paint them...but I need help. I don't know if I should do electric blue, metallic purple, or bright hot pink.




I always do hot pink!

Sometimes I paint them black. But usually, they're plain, i bite them, and they have a ton of dirt under the edge. I need to fix that. xD

I actually did my nails checkered a few days ago. :rolleyes: They're black and white checkers. And i did it all by myself! I'll try to take a piccy!


Lalalala ^w^ Here's one I just took with my phone! x33 My hand looks chubby, I don't know why. o_O


My nails!

Ehh, not too much of a nail person. I hate painting my nails and buffing them or whatever you do. I keep them short so they won't get in the way of texting :rolleyes: Lol I text a lot and it gets very annoying when you have long nails in the way.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.

I hate my nails. I only put on fake nails when I'm at a friends or something. I find that the glue never keeps the demned nails on for more than a day D:<

My nails when they are long are absolutely disgusting. Seriously, they turn yellow and gross, although I can grow them pretty long.

I don't usually paint them anymore, but I guess I might nao, considering I'm uber bored. Maybe I'll clean off the polish I have on my other nails and put em on with real superglue. XD

I bite my cuticles :B

Right now, I just let my nails grow and chip.

And they get to be pretty long.

My mom finally stopped bothering me to paint them after I did a terrible job painting my nails. XD

God, EVERYONE likes my nails. They get to be sooo long!

Ever since I stopped biting my nails (a year or two ago), EVERYONE loves them!

Some people even think that they're fake extensions.

No offense at all to people who wear those extensions, but I enjoy laughing at them because I don't need them. :rolleyes: I already beat them. ;) (Again, no offense at ALL to people who wear them and like them!)

If you want proof, go look at my Tamagotchi pictures in my photobucket album. XD

(That's just fingernails. You'll never see me wearing sandals. I always clip my toenails DOWN. :( )

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