i'll try.....so sorry if i leave anyone out, it's an accident, so tell me.
lovely swan [can't do decorations well]
kkgirl [sorry, i can't spell german good, but you know who you are ;-]
shs415 [yay! new friend]
i don't, like, PM with any of these people, but i share opinions with them sometimes
City Lights
Mileyroxursox3242 [well, not exactly
share, but i think it's high time we called truce :3]
Sweet Kandi
i don't really know if they count as friends, but i think they're cool people =]
i only have one enimy on this site [that i'll mention]:
* edit: TamaMum: this is a topic about friends. Please don't start listing enemies for everyone to see? It is not kind and amounts to "naming & shaming" - Thanks
again, sorry if i forgot someone, just tell me.