Aquangel Well-known member Joined Dec 25, 2010 Messages 293 Reaction score 14 Location New Zealand Oct 11, 2011 #41 Cave Johnson said: I delibrately kill shiny pokemon because they're different. I've fought a shiny Pikachu, a shiny Zubat, and a shiny Yooterii (The dog pokemon in Black, dunno it's english name) Click to expand... *Faints*
Cave Johnson said: I delibrately kill shiny pokemon because they're different. I've fought a shiny Pikachu, a shiny Zubat, and a shiny Yooterii (The dog pokemon in Black, dunno it's english name) Click to expand... *Faints*
lovetchi3035 Well-known member Joined Aug 21, 2011 Messages 231 Reaction score 5 Location Oregon Oct 15, 2011 #42 1.unknown platnum i killed it D: 2. shiny geodude hes gold soulsilver
Kunoitchi777 Well-known member Joined Aug 23, 2009 Messages 110 Reaction score 7 Location Madison, WI Oct 15, 2011 #43 I have a shiny Croconaw in HeartGold. Like, legit. I AM LEAPING FOR JOY AS WE SPEAK - you jealous? :3
I have a shiny Croconaw in HeartGold. Like, legit. I AM LEAPING FOR JOY AS WE SPEAK - you jealous? :3
lovetchi3035 Well-known member Joined Aug 21, 2011 Messages 231 Reaction score 5 Location Oregon Oct 16, 2011 #44 yes
FelazingAround Well-known member Joined Nov 9, 2011 Messages 61 Reaction score 6 Location My bed, it's so nice and comfy, Sugoi~ Nov 16, 2011 #45 Embarrassingly, Red Gyradose :C I have never, once in my 11 year Pokemon life ( I am 13) Run into a shiny Pokemon :C
Embarrassingly, Red Gyradose :C I have never, once in my 11 year Pokemon life ( I am 13) Run into a shiny Pokemon :C
santi- Well-known member Joined Nov 11, 2011 Messages 69 Reaction score 0 Location i got lost in cape town Nov 16, 2011 #46 i can't remember exactly, but i think it might have been a dragonite.
Chlochlocola Well-known member Joined Jun 24, 2011 Messages 60 Reaction score 0 Location Not Here Nov 20, 2011 #47 Shiny: Gyrados Game: Soulsilver
rbarnett Well-known member Joined Nov 16, 2011 Messages 81 Reaction score 7 Location Canada Nov 30, 2011 #48 I've only ever found shiny Ratatas. That's right, everyone laugh. ;
cynicalBookworm Well-known member Joined Feb 11, 2010 Messages 200 Reaction score 2 Location Alternia Dec 4, 2011 #49 I have never found a single shiny except for the one plot-relevant Gyarados.
V Vesper Member Joined Dec 11, 2011 Messages 14 Reaction score 0 Dec 13, 2011 #50 A shiny Snover this one time. I was NOT expecting it. Speaking of shinies, does anyone else think Shiny Sneasel and Weavile could have gotten a better color scheme?
A shiny Snover this one time. I was NOT expecting it. Speaking of shinies, does anyone else think Shiny Sneasel and Weavile could have gotten a better color scheme?
Aquangel Well-known member Joined Dec 25, 2010 Messages 293 Reaction score 14 Location New Zealand Dec 19, 2011 #51 I just got a shiny Weedle. In a bug catching contest. And it won!
scottyj200 Well-known member Joined Jan 13, 2011 Messages 91 Reaction score 6 Location nyoom Jan 14, 2012 #52 Pokemon: Mew Game: SoulSilver
Southparkkennyfan Well-known member Joined May 6, 2011 Messages 137 Reaction score 7 Location Where do you think? Jan 20, 2012 #53 Mine was liek Wingull Game: Diamond.
ampersand Active member Joined Jul 30, 2011 Messages 33 Reaction score 2 Jan 20, 2012 #54 I've never played pokemon video games that much but the first and only time I ran into a shiny pokemon it was a geodude on diamond and I didn't have any pokeballs with me.
I've never played pokemon video games that much but the first and only time I ran into a shiny pokemon it was a geodude on diamond and I didn't have any pokeballs with me.
Sandti Well-known member Joined Jan 12, 2012 Messages 111 Reaction score 10 Location UK - Buried under University work... Jan 20, 2012 #55 Mine was a Shiney Ponyta which was blue flamed. Not gonna evolve it, it's too sweet <3
J jasen221 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2008 Messages 439 Reaction score 92 Feb 10, 2012 #56 My first shiny I saw was Shinx. I didn't catch it though. -__- My second shiny, I didn't even use the Poke Radar with. It appeared out of nowhere. It was a female Ariados. Both of those were on Platinum. On Black my first shiny was a Patrat. I got it the same day I got Black. I'm hunting for shiny Charamanders right now on Platinum, haven't gotten one yet. (there's been a lot more shinies I obtained via trade but I don't really think those count.) EDIT: I got a shiny female Combee by egg hatching once. One in two trillion find. Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2012
My first shiny I saw was Shinx. I didn't catch it though. -__- My second shiny, I didn't even use the Poke Radar with. It appeared out of nowhere. It was a female Ariados. Both of those were on Platinum. On Black my first shiny was a Patrat. I got it the same day I got Black. I'm hunting for shiny Charamanders right now on Platinum, haven't gotten one yet. (there's been a lot more shinies I obtained via trade but I don't really think those count.) EDIT: I got a shiny female Combee by egg hatching once. One in two trillion find.
caomi Well-known member Joined Jan 23, 2012 Messages 237 Reaction score 22 Location Australia Feb 11, 2012 #57 pokemon soulsilver ( it might be spelt different XD) pidgey I met it in the safari zone and was like OMG! I threw mud at it ( to make it easy to catch) and it ran away WAHHH!!!! I have 4-5 shiny pokemon from trades
pokemon soulsilver ( it might be spelt different XD) pidgey I met it in the safari zone and was like OMG! I threw mud at it ( to make it easy to catch) and it ran away WAHHH!!!! I have 4-5 shiny pokemon from trades
GO-GOZARUTCHI1 Well-known member Joined Feb 19, 2012 Messages 269 Reaction score 105 Feb 19, 2012 #58 First: spheal Game: emerald But also have, bellesprout, timburr, and numel
Blue_angel Well-known member Joined Aug 7, 2007 Messages 87 Reaction score 6 Location UK Feb 21, 2012 #59 I've been playing pokemon for 13 years and I've still never seen/caught a shiny ._. However a close friend gave me a shiny Ponyta and an amazing shiny Charizard on my Soul Silver cartridge
I've been playing pokemon for 13 years and I've still never seen/caught a shiny ._. However a close friend gave me a shiny Ponyta and an amazing shiny Charizard on my Soul Silver cartridge
Kdarcher238 Well-known member Joined Dec 21, 2010 Messages 48 Reaction score 6 Location Australia Feb 22, 2012 #60 Not including Gyrados, a Zigzagoon on Platinum. It's still the only Shiny I've ever found. :C