Your favourite insults.


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I usually cuss people out in Japanese, they don't know what I say, which gives me satisfaction. I usuallysay ''Shup up pervert, f*** off!", 'cept in Jap..

I usually say things like "what a moron", "how can you be so stupid?", "idiot", and "are you serious". I'm sorry.

I have a favourite one. 100% original but I love it too much to make public knowledge.

So others.

When someone says "Your face" or "Your mum" I come back with "Your face is your mum"

Most of mine are long winded and detail how they can go kill themselves. So yeah. I just use what ever comes to me at the time.

I can also dish out some pretty nasty things in Maori :)

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Your tagged as : (insert stereotype). Congratulations.


Oh, your shirt is tucked in! I'll help you take it out. -gives wedgie-

I use the word "loopy" to replace idiotic and stuff like that. but I just use it on cartoon characters with my sis when we're bored XD


"You're so ugly, people go up to you and wipe you with toiletpaper" (I made that one up today in a shoe store.. bad one, yet cool)

Lame burns ftw :)

I say stuff similiar to Katie and Krystal. 8D

For example;

''You big fat lime, you belong in the rubbish bin!''

or maybeeee...

''You're a true example of a giant, fatty cheesecake.''

I try not to use bad language often.

Though when someone makes me uber angry, I'll say the occasional swear.

Happy opposite day!


Person- "You're such a fatzo"

Other person- "Well I see you're celebrating opposite day too!"

.. Idk, I think my brother made that one, or got it from someone else. :/

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My fave:

*Appear sympathetic* Me: I'm sorry to say, but you'll never be the man your mother is. *Walk away*

=D Wat do u think?

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