Your favorite connection


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Which is your least favorite?

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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
What is your favorite Tamagotchi connection? Please vote!

My favorite is the Music Star (version 6) because it has all the best characters and is full of features. There's always something to do and it's so entertaining to make a band and collect music awards! I collected all the awards and then my Music Star reset itself.

My least favorite is Version 1. I love the jump game and the animations but it dies on me far too often for my liking.

I wish I could pick two on the "favorite" options. I'm partial to both the v2 and v3 for different reasons. I love the different characters on the v2 but the games are "meh" (except for slots) plus it's kinda "slow" to get to an adult due to the limited items/difficulty to obtain money. The v3 is nice for it's games and variety of items as well as being easy to acquire money but I often get redundant characters. (Getting the same character many times on certain gens.)

I would say my least favorite is a toss up of the v5 and v6. Though I liked the "freshness" of the v6, it was quite demanding and you were required to spend money on food to keep it sated. (Sure, this isn't hard once you get to gen 2, but many people who had non-US versions usually lost money with the parents leaving the baby in your care.) For someone that doesn't have time to constantly attend to a "superstar", this version had a steep learning curve for me. The v5 just didn't appeal to me as you took care of a family, not a single tama. It just wasn't my kind of thing and the characters were limited.

My fav connection will always be the v2, I love the simplicity of it, not too complex, characters grow in a more realistic time frame and there is such a variety, also gender doesn't impact the character that you get, only generation. It feels more like a pet

I love my V5.5! Its by far my favorite connection because of all the 'Royal' characters and the games are super addictive, all 6 of them! And they are easy to take care of and don't need much attention. Once i left my V5.5 for 9 hours and they didn't die and they were toddlers! Plus the designs are really awesome and creative!

My least favorite is the V5. Games are hard and boring, its glitchy the characters are kind of weird but I do like the fact that there are 7 different family types and the B5.5 has only 4. It may seem weird that I love the V5.5 and hate the V5 but whatever

The V1. I just bought one on Ebay and I'm running one for the first time since they came out in 2004. I love it! I love the simplicity of it.

Least favorite would be the V6. I'm not a big music fan so I've kind of been avoiding this one. I'm still on the fence on whether or not to add one to my Tama collection.

My favourite version would definitely be the V1. Just as robodog has said, I also am very partial to the simplicity. The characters are refreshing too - especially with a mix of classic and new!

I don't have a least favourite, but I don't enjoy the games on the V2. I never got the hang of them!

I always like the newest version different characters and games I really want them to make a v7

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