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What's the middle one, the orange in the small box ?
It's a Tamagotchi Mini (US version for the Chibi/Nano) which I bought from a fellow TamaTalker.

Actually, most of them are already opened and played with, I just kept the boxes and packaging so I can store them safely when not in use. :D

It's a Tamagotchi Mini (US version for the Chibi/Nano) which I bought from a fellow TamaTalker.

Actually, most of them are already opened and played with, I just kept the boxes and packaging so I can store them safely when not in use. :D
Ah, sorry, my mistake.

I actually saw some pics just now online of boxed mini tamagotchis, and saw that they were like yours, so I rushed over here to correct my mistake, but was... too late. :p

Ah, sorry, my mistake.

I actually saw some pics just now online of boxed mini tamagotchis, and saw that they were like yours, so I rushed over here to correct my mistake, but was... too late. :p
LOL don't worry about it - Minis basically are Nanos; they were the forefathers. :D

Tamagotchis I Own:

Tamagotchi Connection V1 x 2

Tamagotchi Connection V2 x 1

Tamagotchi Connection V3 x 2

Tamagotchi Connection V4 x 1

Tamagotchis On Their Way

Morino (Forestgotch) x 1

Tamagotchi P1 x 1

Tamagotchi Plus (Japanese) x 1

Tamagotchi Plus V3 (Japanese) x 1

Tamagotchi Wishlist

Tamagotchi + Colour


Mesutchi/Osutchi Pair

Tamagotchi Nano

Devilgotch (not likely...)

Tamagotchi Akai

My little Tamagotchi/virtual pet family:

Pictures are kinda bad 'cause I really didn't feel like taking them all out of my drawer. :p

Still waiting on:

2 P's

Giga Farm

Virtual Footix

Bobo Panda Byte

Are you the sneaky buyer who asked the seller if you could buy the BoBo Panda when it was up for auction >_>"

Don't worry I'm not mad just bummed I didn't get a chance to bid lol

Are you the sneaky buyer who asked the seller if you could buy the BoBo Panda when it was up for auction >_>"

Don't worry I'm not mad just bummed I didn't get a chance to bid lol
Yeah, that was me--sorry! :$

I just kinda jumped on it once I saw it listed, 'cause I figured I'd probably never see one again. :p

Just four snif...snif...

My tama v4.5 two v4 and one v3...snif...

But perhaps...perhaps... Well, I'm just thinking to buy a tama-go... or and idl... I haven't yet decided...

My most recent additions:


Just received my purple and white P's to join my blue one


Circus and Royal Piercings to join my Love-Melody Piercing


As well as these guys

Got this one a while back but haven't posted about it yet. This one is from graficks. :)


I've had other updates to my collection as well, but these are the highlights. I will post an updated collection picture next chance I get!

Right now I have three Tamas. One older one that is green with reptile scales named Grimlock and two TamaGos, a green one and a white one. Unless a new Tama version is released in the states sometime soon this will probably be it for me for awhile. I don't order online anymore. I'm just lucky I was able to score two TamaGos at Toys R Us a few days ago.

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