Your collection


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Right now I have a grand total of 1 and I think it's broken. I should have others here but no matter how hard I look I can't find them

So... my collection grew since I last posted. The latest additions are my yellow ID L and Home Station which my husband surprised me with on my birthday :D :D Here is a pic of my current collection (I am still waiting on my Pink Kuchipatchi Tama-Go which should arrive any day now):


Hi I'm Lauren-Order and my tamagotchis are...........

i have...

1 mini

2 v2s

1 v3

1 v4

1 v4.5

1 v5

1 v5.5

1 v6

1 tama-go

2 colour

1 id

1 idl

wish to have...

1 nano

1 id station

and can some 1 please tell me how to get the mcdonalds game on the id and the rainbow game 2 please :)

My collection:

v1= 2

v2= 2

v3= 1 (currently playing)

v4= 1 (I lost it sometime in our Family room... now it's a storage room. No hope of every finding it)

v5= 1 (currently playing)


Kuchipatchi Tamago



Ocean Tamagotchi



Hope you guys have good luck with getting more Tamas~!

Thanks! I got it for a great price from an eBay seller in Australia. I'll post another collection shot soon, my collection has grown quite a bit since I posted this!

My Collection:

Tamagotchi v4/v4.5 (I'm not sure)


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If I didn't lose half my Tamagotchis my collection would be quite big :angry: but atm I've only got 3. :p

I just added another Akai Keitai and my first Hanerutchi 2 to my collection. I think I'm going to be selling some duplicates soon.

What I have;

- 1 v1

- 1 v2

- 1 v3

- 1 v4

- 3 v4.5

- 1 v5

- 4 v6 Music Stars

- 1 Tamago with 5 figures

What I'd like to have;

- Devilgotchi -- MORE THAN ANY OTHER TAMA .__.

- US Ocean

- P1

- Angelgotchi

- Tamagotchi ID-L

- Tamawalkie

- Gold v3


I've only gotten about 5 new Tamagotchis since last October. Man, I need to start buying some more.

Since last October I've gotten:

A RakuRaku Dino-kun

A Uratama

A Morino


and the 2nd wave Tama-go.

ATM I have a Pink Tama-go, 5 figures, a V4, a music star and the gem of my collection... an iD L! :)

I'll try to get a photo of my small collection later, but I just wanted to show off my brand new Digimon~!


I didn't know Gen 1s had clear versions!


OK so here's a updated pic of my entire Tamagotchi collection:


Sorry the pic is a bit bad! And you can't really see what i have very well so i will just make a quick list:

  • PC pack V4.5 [Lost the CD and one of the little figures]
  • Purple snowflakes design [From Trademe]
  • White Candy design V4 [From Trademe]
  • Asian pink hot-springs design V4 [Got for Chirstmas]
  • Black jewels design V5 Familtchi [Got for Birthday]
  • Purple crowns design V5.5 Celebrity [Got for Birthday]
  • All of the Wave 2 TMGO's [Purple, Pink, Black]
  • All of the Wave 1 Gotchi figs [Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Mametchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Violetchi.
  • Black Tamawalkie [Got this from Hong Kong!]
  • Celebrity Lanyard [Came with V5.5]
  • A couple of spare faceplates I made.

OK that's it. Ummm i lost a couple of things:

  • Yellow Pets design V5 Familitchi [The one i use to log about! It's disappeared :( ]
  • A dark purple V3. It went missing at the Zoo :(
  • Memetchi gifg that sits on PC pack tree.
  • CD that came with PC pack.
  • Ball chain for my Purple Wave 2 TMGO

You will notice that the Ringotchi figure isn't in it's packaging. That's because it was ruined and thrown out!

I have a couple of tamas that i might be getting off Trademe soon! They are a pink Leopard print design V5 Familitchi [To make up for the one i lost!] And a blue Music Star [My first one!!! But I'm not sure of the design name!] Here's a pic of them:


Yep should hopefully get these at the end of the week!!!!

And lastly my Wishlist:

  • A V2 of any design or color.
  • Another V4.5 [My PC pack one is getting hard to use]
  • The Wave 1 blue TMGO
  • All of the Wave 2 Gotchi Figures.
  • Another Celebrity V5.5 [Maybe!]

OK that's all!!!!!

Sakura-san123 :lol: B)

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