Young Adult Girls!


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Yes, I wear one.. have been since oh, 5th grade?
I started wearing those flimsy little ones that do absolutely nothing for support, but now I've moved into the *DADADADD!!!!* underwire mega militaristic ones that dig into your ribs. :chohimetchi:
At home I usually don't sleep in a bra. But at friends houses, I usually DO sleep in one, because, uh, they have older brothers, and if you've ever seen a guy's eyes bug out before, it's not a pleasant thing. Also, I don't feel comfortable sleeping in someone's house feeling all "jiggly" LOL

I do.Have been since mid-4th grade.

At first in about 3rd grade I thought I needed one since my brother hit me in the chest and it got swollen :chohimetchi:

But it went down later, and stuff.

Then I started growing a little more, and have about the same size as my 15 year old cousin :/

I kind of need bras, in P.E. when we run and do jumping jacks it feels jiggly without a bra so yeah... xP

And it feels weird without one.

I don't know my size but lets say its about an inch off my chest.

I don't know exactly how much an inch is so Im not sure :chohimetchi:

I wear one. I need one. I own one push-up but never wear it. Unless its a formal event so I look better in my formal dress [Could it get any lower] or a low cut top. Just for the edge.

I wear a night bra for bed. Its not for support but I sleep in PJ's that would let them out. I'm comfy sleeping in one too but thats because my bras [except the push up] are wire free.

I'm a B but since some companies here like to make bras you can't fit until your really needing a bra so i'm a A in one of the ones I own.

I lol at stuffers. I have like a million stories of 'lol stuffer' moments.

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Hey, t(w)een girls....
Are you wearing your bras yet? Training? Push up?

I just thought about asking, because everyone seems to have them... Me rarely x.x

It may be disturbing, but all of the girls want the boys' attention, so even if they don't have breasts, they wear bras because they think it looks attractive. XD

Please reply.


I think there'sa topic similair 2 this, here:

oh yeah, and here's a shocker, the flat ones r popular, but the big/almost developed ones like me rn't popular!

I wear them because:A)I need them o.o and

B)We change for gym. lol You aren't gonna take off your shirt in front of everbody without one now are you? ;]

Little girls shouldn't wear them just because they want to. Wear them when you NEED one.
i agree with you little girls should not wear them until they NEED to :D

I wear one. I haven't checked the size since I got the last one, so I'm either a 34 A or a 36 A, I can't remember.

I wear them because I actually need them. Plus, we change for gym, and it's be awkward if I wasn't wearing one. I couldn't care less about getting boy's attention. The pickin's aren't too good anyway in my school. Plus, I get their attention with me geekiness. :B :)3)

Yeah I wear a bra, but its not because i want to grow up or anything. Nut i do know that a lot of my friends pretend to need them. Some have been wearing deoderant scince they were like 7! lolz :unsure:

I'm really embarrassed to say that I'm 12 years old and I don't wear a bra. Why? Becuase I'm flat chested. I mean, I have little blossoming boobs, but they've stayed pretty much the same size since 5th grade. I want them to get bigger. I want my entire body to grow. I hate being 12 years old and able to pass as being 8.
Trust me, I know exactly how you feel, I will be 15 this month and I could pass as an 8 year old. I don't really see any hope of getting any bigger because my mom is flat too.

Ugh It's really embarrassing, especially when I wear a swimsuit. All of my friends are alot larger than me.

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I know some 5 year old that wears bras. And stuffs. xD
I saw a 5 year old on AFV.She was stuffing in the mirror and didn't know they were filming her andshe turned around and when she saw them,she ran screaming.I wear a sports bra.For some reason now,they hurt.Like they are hard and my mm says they are growing.

I saw a 5 year old on AFV.She was stuffing in the mirror and didn't know they were filming her andshe turned around and when she saw them,she ran screaming.I wear a sports bra.For some reason now,they hurt.Like they are hard and my mm says they are growing.
bolded: I saw that clip too.

It was funny xD

Well, I don't wear one yet. I'm letting Mom decide.

... She says it's *almost* time. x(

Cecib :)

If you need one wear one. If you don't and you really young then don't. I wear one cause I need it and because when I change for bball I don't want everyone to see me.

I wear a real one. I need one, and in gym we change, so I started wearing one before I needed to, because I don't want to be totally topless. Although I started changing in the bathroom for a while when I found out that some girls were taking pics of other girls in the locker room and selling them to the guys. o_O
Holy crap wtf kinda school do you go to :?| I am wearing one as I speak. xD I have one padded sports bra, but I only wear it to gym, cuz' other times, I wear my normal one. It's not a sports bra,training bra,or padded bra. It is all in one. It doesn't have padding,but is shaped the same. It has adjusters, and a clip in the back. I am tired of people seeing my straps. They're all,"OMG You're wearinf a bra!!". I started wearing training bras at age 9. o.o

Yep because...

1. I need one.

2. We change for gym.

3. Its comfortable.

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