you know you're obsessed when...


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Your Tamagotchi wakes up earlier than you, and you set an alarm so it never has to be without care.

You can name every character without looking at a chart.

You freak out when your pet goes near your Tamagotchi (my kitten is still teething on EVERYTHING :p ).

when you order 50 dollars worth of tamagotchi stuff on amazon.

knit your tama a scarf.

buy more than one b/c your sad that it doesn't have any friends.

bring it to school and act like it's your child.

learn to crochet just to make a case for it.

obsess over it and make it a small house in your room.

You just came back from a walk where you've got mud inside your shoes and your feet are so cold they're numb, and the first thing you do is carefully clean the dirt off your Tama and tend to its needs.

You HATE getting care misses for another character, and say "I'm so sorry, but it's just so you can become a lovely *character*" to it ten times a minute.

You always choose express delivery when ordering Tamas

If there's a handmade paper box in your room, it's likely to say "MONEY FOR URGENTLY NEEDED ID L" all over it, and contain about $30 so far.

You are allowed to choose a movie and a DS game for your birthday. No contest, it's Tamagotchi Corner Shop 3 and Tamagotchi The Movie!

Which do you carry around more, your phone or your Tama? You're obsessed if the answer is Tama, like me.

You've lost all your DS games! But you're only crying because you almost completed Tamagotchi Corner Shop...

At any one time, you always have at least one Tama in the mail.

~ Dazzmina ~

- When you can spend three hours browsing eBay looking at tamagotchis you don't yet own

- When you have one from 1997... that you bought in 1997! (Yup, 27 and I still play with em.)

- When your reward for yourself for getting a new job is a new tama ('Cause now... money!)

- When you keep vintage ones in the package, because even looking at the package whisks you away to the magical time that Tamagotchis first came out.

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- When you can spend three hours browsing eBay looking at tamagotchis you don't yet own

- When you have one from 1997... that you bought in 1997! (Yup, 27 and I still play with em.)

- When your reward for yourself for getting a new job is a new tama ('Cause now... money!)

- When you keep vintage ones in the package, because even looking at the package whisks you away to the magical time that Tamagotchis first came out.
^this. These are all my obsessions. ( Except I'm 26 :p )

When you get fed up of everyone saying you have to have had one since 1997 to be into them, but you are still very much into them!

It's ok people saying about Tamas since 1997, just don't start thinking you can't be obsessed with them unless you had one back then. *is born in 2001*

- Dazzmina -

When you wake up countless times during the night to see if your tama is alright. At least I used to do this, haha.

when you order 50 dollars worth of tamagotchi stuff on amazon.
That's not much... o_O

  • When you have pretend Tamagotchi weddings in TamaChat
  • When you have awesome Tamagotchi-themed birthdays... Jeez, my tenth birthday RULED! I got a bunch of Tamagotchi stuff and wore my handmade Mametchi shirt and had a cake with a Mametchi made out of icing on it and watched Tamagotchi the movie way past my bedtime.
  • When the only reason why you ever wanted a DS or Wii was because there are Tamagotchi games for those consoles!

  • When you have awesome Tamagotchi-themed birthdays... Jeez, my tenth birthday RULED! I got a bunch of Tamagotchi stuff and wore my handmade Mametchi shirt and had a cake with a Mametchi made out of icing on it and watched Tamagotchi the movie way past my bedtime.
My aim for my 11th birthday, more or less. Whether my mom is half as nice as your mom with Tama stuff is anybody's guess.

  • When you ask for a bunch of Tamagotchi stuff and DON'T GET IT AND ARE SO MAD (like me on my 9th and 10th birthdays)
  • When you ask for a bunch of Tamagotchi stuff and IT ARRIVES IN THE MAIL AND YOU THINK IT IS THE NANOS YOU ORDERED SO YOU OPEN IT AND FIND A LOAD OF RARE VERSIONS (like me about a month ago)
  • When you are 10 and try to draw as well as whoever professional artist drew the Tamas on the iD L packaging.
  • When you are 10 and have such a long attention span you've been into Tamas for almost 6 years. (That's me!)

When you freak out when your tama dies, despite it having happened a fair bit beforehand, because it feels like it died for no reason.

When you check your tamas and tend to any needs straight away for fear that they'll die if you don't

When I'm showing off my Tamas to my friends I begin talking baby language. Like.. "oooh look now his taking a poo poo! Awww look how cutie!!" ... -__-

I also once had a guy trying to score me by giving me a Tamagotchi. Sadly for him it wasn't the brand I'm collecting, so the whole situation was kinda "OOOO- .. oh. t-thanks.."

My last three partners has been giving me tamas for presents. It's cute but also kinda weird having a partner giving you a kids toys

You know you are obsessed with Tamas when:

The local toy store is afraid of you.

The local thrift store is afraid of you.

You take it everywhere, even near a volcano.

You cry when you find out it's defective.

You cry when your Tama is abused.

You cry because your P.E. teacher threw it on the ceiling and it would not fall off the ceiling.

You cry when your teacher takes it away.

You fail your English test because you mistook it for a Tamagotchi language test.

EDIT: Last one edited to make more sense.

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When you have a note by your money box that says "Tamagotchi +color/iD/iD L savings" even though you know you're probably never going to get one.

You spend a week working on a strategy to get your mom/dad/both parents to let you buy a Tamagotchi you saw on eBay.

You obsessively ask, "Has the Tamagotchi I ordered arrived yet?" to your parents about said Tamagotchi.

You keep your broken iD L in a crocheted cover AND in your iPod sock, even though it doesn't work anymore.

I bring my tamagotchi everywere if people touch it and hurt it I would rip there arms of! XD

you take it into the bathroom so you can listen for it. but cover it with a towel so the humidity doesn't hurt it :p

and when you take an hour to sew a bean bag for it.

enter as many obsessions as you wanna.
Lol I do that but not the bean bag part that is creepy!
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