you know you're obsessed when...


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When you get worried about your Tamagotchi after leaving it, even though you left for not very long. When you give your Tamagotchi a name even though there's no naming option on the device.

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When you have a v1-3 and you can hear its 'heartbeat' and you love it cuz it makes you feel like you're holding a real living pet

When you only have one Tama and even though it's cracked and no longer functions due to dog attack you still take it everywhere.

When you've been a tama collector since last year but you're already an expert on tamas

when you already have 30 and you just cant stop buying more

when you wear your carrying pouch out in public so you can check on your tama easily

when you leave all your tamas in a line on your table in class so you can still check on them with the sound off

When you can't get yourself to sleep unless you have a v1-3 by your ear so that its beeping helps you with it

How I know I am addicted:

  1. I went from 1 tama to 7 in one month
  2. I memorized guides on how to use my Japanese tamas
  3. I have more Japanese tamas than English ones
  4. I pay over $20 for shipping (Australian collector :c)
  5. My verbal stim is saying 'Tama-gotchi! Tama-tama-gotchi!' from the first DS Cornershop game
  6. I am looking to spend a small fortune to customize my tamas
  7. I draw tamas whenever I get my hand on paper
♥ my 7th grade sketchbook is filled with really bad sketches of me and a humanized mametchi

♥ almost everyone asks how my tamagotchi is doing periodically

♥ i'm cosplaying himespetchi (the dedication. nobody's going to recognize me if i wear it to a con)

♥ i wear whichever tama i'm running around my neck on a chain whenever i go out and don't feel like leaving it at home

♥ once i had a really nice dream where i met a really cute humanized mametchi who apparently got thrown off of tamagotchi planet due to one of his experiments going wrong, so i brought him in and made him some tea and dinner and we ended up cuddling and in the future we got married :wub:

When you can stop buy news tamas, pierces, accessories...It's so expensive to love tamagotchis haha

You go on eBay, TamaTalk, and research about Tamagotchi's in school.

That's what I am doing right now...TEACHER BEHIND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOAATTA CTRL+W FAAWST

When a year ago all you owned was 2 Tamagotchi Friends but today you're an owner of 9 tamas, including a V4, a V5 and 3 color screen tamas

When you learn how to crochet only so you can make little cozies (covers?) For your Tama. I made two and only picked up my yarn and needle yesterday! :)

When you've been a tama collector since last year but you're already an expert on tamas
Same here! Except it was more like 2 months ago... But I'm an expert on the connection series! ;)

EDIT: When you stalk eBay and amazon for good deals.

And when you have like 10 tabs open that are tamagotchi related. And only 2 that are school related.

When you talk tamagotchi at the dinner table and everybody has to pretend they're even a little bit interested.

When you only have like 9 tamas and you tryin' to get more but your mom says you already have too much. I'm like "Seriously, mom! Look I'm gonna pay for them so why do you care?"


"And look at this guy! *points to ra (sorry ra know my mom knows who you are :eek: lol) He has every tama ever!"

"Woah! Don't you ever be like that!"

whispers, "but i have like the tiniest collection ever" :(

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When you keep your tama with you all the time

When you cry every time your tamagotchi dies

When you worry when you are at school when you forgot to pause your tamagotchi

When you say "WHERES MY TAMAGOTCHI!" when you misplace you tama.

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