Yet another Miley breakdown!


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Fame gets into your head and she is one FAMOUS 15 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!! i'm sure she isnt a "bad person" i dont hate her but i am not her biggest fan either...... =P i do like some of her songs and watch her show when i am bored but miley needs to stop acting like she is 21 instead of 15. and taking those pictures???? she quite worries
Agreed. x]

I used to be like her biggest fan. xD Now I don't hate her, but I don't particularly favour her anymore either. >.< She's a good actress and I still like her show a lot. I hate her music.>.<

There I said it! I finally admitted that I hated her singing voice and her music!! Miley's a good actress but she has NO talent in singing or writing songs. >.< The only songs I like from her now are See You Again and Nobody's Perfect. >.< The rest are all c-rap. xD

Seriously Miley!! Stop spreading your awful voice and continue acting!! You're a great actress and don't let the fame get into your head! You have a great show and so many kids have looked up to you and admired you!! You don't want that to slowly slip away, do you??

She's turning into the next Britney Spears. >.<

Things I hate about Miley:

-her awful singing voice

-most of her songs

-her disgusting and stupid pics

-her dad

-that she's turning into the next Britney Spears

-that she lost so many of her fan's respect

Things I like about Miley:

-her acting

-her show

Small list in the "likes" section, eh? >.<

These ****** miley topics should be banned most people dont give a flying *insert random curse word here* so they are becoming a form of SPAM as they are so annoying or just give people a little miley rant sub forum away from everyone else.

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Ok I have wanted to say this for a while but I've never said anything about it. Miley is just a normal teenager! She is just messing around and having fun. Have you seen her webshow on youtube with her friend mandy? They are just having some fun. They are normal teenagers. How do you know that is really her in that picture? I know a lot of people that look just like her and anybody can pretend to be her and put it on the internet. Just because people say that it was sent to Nick Jonas doesn't mean anything. Could I say that she sent it to her dad? Yes I could and people would believe me. Hollywood is like this, she is merely the victim of it all. Just because she is on Disney channel doesn't mean that she can't be a real teenager. Do you want her to bottle it all up inside and end up like Britney Spears? I have never been a real Miley Cyrus fan but I know that this is just plain ridiculous for people to be targeting Miley for every move she makes. Plus, Miley and Nick's relationship could have not gone that far because it is a fact that he wants to remain pure until marriage. If people keep doing this to Miley it could end up ruining her career so I think every should just stop. And if it is true, it is her life and her problem. There are millions of people who do that kind of stuff and nobody goes and blabs it to the whole world. I know she is a role model for many little kids and I truly believe that she is trying her best. I know some of you may think that I am some obsessed Miley Cyrus fan who is defending her, but I'm not. The truth is that I don't like her that much but I do watch her show because I think that she is great actress.

I apologize to everyone that thinks this is inappropriate or rude or something but I feel like I need to tell everyone how I feel.


:l Bob disapproves of these kind of shenanigans.

Seriously. Miley should just jummp off a cliff because as of now, she's lost more fnas than ever. Sure she still has those eight-year-old has-to-get-all-her-stuff fans, but I think their parents would be turning on Hannah Montana by now.

I could care less if she jumped from the top of Mount Everest.

If we stripped naked would the paparatzi know? Would they come snooping on us? NO!

Its really sad when they do this to celebrities!

If we stripped naked would the paparatzi know? Would they come snooping on us? NO!
Its really sad when they do this to celebrities!
The paps don't care about us but if you post half naked picture of yourself on the internet employers WILL care.. well.. depending on the employers.. :blink:

But in this case WE are the employers of celebs. If we don't apporve of her wrong desicions, we don't support her with our money.

The paps don't care about us but if you post half naked picture of yourself on the internet employers WILL care.. well.. depending on the employers.. :blink:
But in this case WE are the employers of celebs. If we don't apporve of her wrong desicions, we don't support her with our money.

But...celebrities lives are pretty hard to live but they got themselves into it ya know?


Sweet Jesus :|

One more Miley topic.

Thank you so much for wasting caomputer space on one more retarded topic about Miley Cyrus.

She is a whore.

We get it.


Sweet Jesus :|One more Miley topic.

Thank you so much for wasting caomputer space on one more retarded topic about Miley Cyrus.

She is a whore.

We get it.

Umm...she is a whore? She is a 15 year old girl but i have to say she is quite an idiot taking those pictures >:[

Its kind of funny because we all think we really "know" celebrities because of how famous they are but we dont know them at all lol


Why the heck is everyone getting so fussy about this as far as I'm concerned this is another stupid pointless topic Miley needs to cut her crap and let us all move on I'm not bashing her either I'm just saying she needs to cut it out she's a bad role model and again I ain't bashing her so don't be hatin on me if you like her ( Which I doubt anyone on here even does anymore ) They should have a Celebrity thread exclusively for topics like these so we can stop these retarded topics. Again I'm proving a point. Just saying...

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