Hiya ya'll!Remember me?I'm the
!I'm gonna tell ya'll part 2 of our story!Oh yea,you're gonna know our names!
Part 2
retty Violet
So,we were on the plane to Texas."Ain't this cool,"asked my buddy,the
."Duh,"I said.All of a sudden,right next to us,sat a pretty
."Hello,"she said,"My name is Violet"."Howdy Violet,"I said,"I'm Willy!"."An' I'm Pete,"said my buddy."Hello Pete and Willy,"Violet said.An' so the plane took off.Soon we got to eat."I'll take pizza,"I told the waiter."I shall also take pizza,"said Violet."Me too!I want pizza,"said Pete.So we got pizza,an' then we ate it.The pizza tasted horrible."Yuck,"said Pete."The pizza does not taste very good,"Violet said.Me an' Pete stared at Violet.She speaks weird I think.
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Part 2
So,we were on the plane to Texas."Ain't this cool,"asked my buddy,the

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