XOXO Tamas


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Jun 27, 2008
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There was once a :furawatchi: named Rori. She was very pretty and popular in high school. She had no boyfriend, so one day a geeky :wacko: named Joey walked up to her and asked her, "Can I be your boyfriend?" Rori had no time to talk to geeks, so she snickered and thought of a way to trick him. "Sure. Go do my assignments and projects for the rest of the week. I'll see you at school, Bobby." And she walked away, giggling. She was going to have him do her homework and say, "You're not my boyfriend." And then she'd get him off her trail for good. Rori told her best friend (who was a :lol: named Julie) about her plan and Julie didn't like it. "How could you do such a thing to poor Joey? I don't want to talk to you!" And she ran away from a very confused Rori. You see, Julie liked Joey and was mad at Rori for trying to be mean to him. Julie found Joey after school and walked up to him. She said...

"Hey. Want to come to my house after school? I'm having trouble with my history." So Joey frowned and said, "Um... I don't know your name and I haven't seen you before, but I can't. I have to go do Rori's homework... she's so pretty." Julie didn't say a word to Joey as she walked home. Rori had told Joey to tell Julie that he had no clue who she was and to try not to talk to her. Rori hated Julie because she had figured out Julie liked Joey. When Rori got home, Joey was waiting at the doorstep. Rori said, "Hey Robby. Nice to see you, I guess." Joey said, "My name is Joey. I wanted to tell you that I have this huge crush on you and that I really like you. I think Julie wanted to talk to me earlier, though. So... want to go out with me?" Joey looked so nice and he was, and Rori was touched by what he said. She blushed and said, "Sure, Joey." Rori started to have a little crush on Joey and they went to see a movie called Fear at the movies. Rori saw Julie in the row behind them, but she didn't care. Julie was being too mean to her right now and Rori didn't want to talk to her at the time. Joey didn't see Julie. The movie Fear was about a girl Tama that sees a ghost and the ghost haunted her. When the girl saw the ghost, Rori gasped and clutched Joey's hand, which Joey seemed to like. Julie could see what Rori and Joey were doing perfectly and she kept her eye on them two. At the end of the movie, Joey took Rori home (Julie followed them to Rori's house and hid behind a bush) and told her, "I'm glad I got to take you to a movie." Rori blushed, giggled and, "Ok, Joey. I really like you. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye...." And Rori was sad she had to tell Joey bye. Joey could see that, so he lightly kissed Rori on the cheek as he hugged her. That was too much for Julie. She got mad and ran out of the bushes and pushed Rori into a bush. She looked at Joey and said, "I used to like you.... I HATE YOU!!!" And she stormed back to her house, crying.

The next day at high school, Joey and Rori were holding hands and they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Joey took Rori to dinner and, once again, Julie followed. It was a fancy restaraunt and Rori blushed when she saw it. "Joey, you are very kind." Joey said, "Thanks. I'm glad that I'm getting to spend time with you." Julie heard it all and she decided she would ruin Joey and Rori's relationship by telling the whole school about how Rori was going to trick Joey (in the very beginning). After dinner, Joey took Rori home again and this time, he stayed a bit longer. Julie hid behind the fence where she wouldn't be seen this time, but she could still see what the two were doing and saying. "You're great. I'm glad that I'm with you," Rori said, stepping a bit closer to Joey. "I'm glad I'm with you, too. Thank you for giving me a chance." He stepped a bit closer to Rori. "You know what I think we should do?" Rori asked, stepping closer. "I think I know what." Joey stepped close to Rori, and they kissed on the lips. Julie was furious, but she didn't think she could ruin the relationship. They liked each other so much. After about five minutes, the two were hugging and kissing. After about half an hour, they let go of each other and smiled. "I love you," Rori whispered. "I love you too," Joey whispered back. And with that, Joey hugged her one last time and went back to his house.

Please make this a good, dramaticish love story. Please don't be gruesome and have characters killing each other. Please make the couple's story realistic.

Julie was so mad by the time she got home that she nearly screamed. The next day when she saw Rori and Joey at school she decided to ignore them for the whole day. Things really seemed to be getting serious between Rori and Joey. Graduation was coming up soon and Rori was so excited! She went out and bought the most beautiful dress they had at the store. The day of graduation when Rori walked into school wearing the dress, everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at her. Surprisingly, Julie was the most stunned.

"That jerk," she said to herself. "Argh, why does she have to be so beautiful???" Joey, hearing Julie says to her "You should try not be jealous of Rori. She didn't want things to get this way between the two of you. She tells me every day how she wishes things could be back to normal between the 2 of you. She wants to be your best friend still." Rori sees Joey talking to Julie and walks up to them, not looking to happy.

Whats this? Screems rori. With a stutter Joey tried to stay calm and explained, ' I was just telling young Julie how you wished the two of you could be friends again?'

'ugh! Like I would be seen being friends with that yuck fest! You know I hate the girl!' yelled rori

It turns out, Joey was trying to use Rori to make Julie jealous! Thinking his plan wasn't working, he began operation 'make Julie jealous!'.

3 am, dark and only light being the light shimmer of the moon, Julie heard rocks banging on the window of her bedroom. She got up and walked outside. It was Joey!

'Julie I love you! I've been trying to get a chance to talk to you, ever since I saw you!'

'then why didn't you! Ever since I first talked to you I loved you! Before that even! But our love can not go on! Loving you brings out the worst in me and turns me against my best friend!'

'But you heard her she hates you!'

'But I know she was only saying that because she knows I love you! In fact we were just on the phone and she wants to be friends again!'

'No! Don't you say that we can never love!'


(ps I know I got carried away with the story lol! I was thinking titanic xD)

"But i will run away forever if you don't love me!" Joey said in despair.

and that gave Julie an idea

"why don't we BOTH run away and live in GuruGuru Town?" Julie asked.

but they didn't know that Rori put a tracker on Joey so she followed them to GuruGuru Town. Julie and Joey were so happy :D :D . Then one day Joey gave Julie an engagement ring! Julie accepted.

Rori watched them with sorrow :( , and she knew she should've been nice to Joey and Julie. But now she had to break them up...

Unfortunatly, she coudn't think of a way to break them up. She wept all night.

Meanwhile, Julie had an egg!

2 years passed and julie got pregnant again but just as she told joey rori jumped through the window of their house and stabbed joey in the back with a knife julie callled 911 and......

Found out the line was busy. Desprately, Julie ripped a piece of cloth from a curtain and wrapped it tightly around Joey. Then she carried him to the hospital.

Suddenly Rori realized she shouldn't have injured Joey. She cried as police carried her away from his hospital bed.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Suddenly Julie had an egg! It was a boy :eek: named Edward. Joey cried with joy. His happiness helped him heal, although he had to stay in a wheelchair.

A few years later, Rori was released from jail, determined to show Joey she was sorry because she loved him.

and julie found out she was pregnant once again but the egg would not pop out when in delivery she pushed for hours wich went into days 5 days passed still nothing so joey took to the emergency room and the doctors told them that she.......

the doctors could not figure out what happened. Julie had a dream that Rori went to the Matchmaker after Joey said he didn't like her when she was released from jail. The Matchmaker put a curse on Julie and if they didn't do something soon she would die and Joey would fall in love with Rori instead. She told Joey about her dream and he said...

Julie screamed for her life. The doctor's ran over there and took her to the emergency operation room. When Julie was gone, Joey noticed that the egg had popped out.

Now the doctors were operating for no reason!! Joey couldn't get to the doctors in time to tell them before Julie was locked into the operation room. Then Joey realized that Julie's dream was true!! If only he had known...

Joey smashed the door with a brick he found and the doctors has already started...

Medicham12 well we already said Julie had her egg. The doctors just didn't know.

*Continuing from Mametchi360's post*

The doctors already started operating on Julie. Through the keyhole Joey could see the doctors opening Julie up and...

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