x.Saku's V4.5 Log


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Good afternoon everyone^^Today the King came and gave Skye honey^o^It made her really really happy, lol, although we already had that. I also took her to school and she earned some extra skill points. Right now she just finished using the toilet, since I caught her about to poop. Hurray for Skye :3



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4

Funny: 74

Gorgeous: 34

Spiritual: 22

Age: 2

Weight: 23

Points: 62900


I'm gonna go play some games with her now since she's just a bit over weight. I'll update very soon, bye!

A robber just came and took 100 points away. T.T Poor Skye, got really sad. But it's only 100 points so I can easily regain them. I also went to the shop and saw some jeans and bought them right away for her. I've never seen a tamagotchi with jeans so I thought it might be silly xP



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5

Funny: 88

Gorgeous: 44

Spiritual: 22

Weight: 20

Points: 60950


Skye wants to talk now n_n


Skye: Hi everyone! :] Master's taking good care of me, I hope I'll be a very gorgeous tama when I grow up! Master hasn't treated me poorly so I know I'll be successful hehe, I just need to get those skill points up! Also a robber came, grrr >.< I hate it when that happens! Me and my master work very hard for them. Also, I've been getting alot of mail and they're always hearts. It makes me feel very loved, thank you!


Well thanks everyone for viewing, I really appreciate it. ^o^ I'll update later, bye!

I just came back to show you guys a picture I took of Skye while she was bathing.^-^




I hope you can see her, I know it's very blurry but she kept moving. Anyway, nothing new happened really. Everything's the same.

Konnichiwa everyone, Skye already went to bed a while ago. Nothing new happened, I hope you saw the picture of Skye that I took. After her bath she was brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed. Before I knew it she was already in bed.



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5

Funny: 97

Gorgeous: 52

Spiritual: 22

Weight: 20lb

Points: 61900


I'm hoping on getting a V5 tomorrow, my mom promised me I would get it last saturday but unfortunately it was a lie. So since tomorrow's Easter and we're going out, I'm thinking of convincing my mom to take me to target to get one. Well, I'll have the news tomorrow night since I won't be on much. o-yasumi, good night!

GAHH!!!! SKYE TURNED INTO WHAT GIRL WAS!!! >o< I'm sorry but I hate getting the same character! Soo, i mad a big big mistake. I rested it. -.- I know I know, I shouldn't have but it was probably a glitch and I was most likely to get that weird character. *sighs* And I worked so hard to get those points. And I didn't have much skill points. Eh, oh well.


I'm surely getting my V5 tomorrow. Everything was closed yesterday e.e; So I reminded my mom and she said that since tomorrow I'm going to the doctor's for my vaccination we would stop by the store to get one. Woo! ^o^


I just hatched my tama, it's a girl and I named her Daisy :3 Man, I've been watching too much Rock of Love lol.



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Funny: 6

Gorgeous: 6

Spiritual: 0

Training: 0

Weight: 5

Age: 0

Generation: 1st

Points: 800



Great news everyone! Daisy evolved into a....hidodetchi!! ;) Hehe, finally I get a different character! Nothing much has happened, Daisy was playing with her slide a while ago, lol she had alot of fun. Oh look, Daisy just got mail n_n *opens it* Woooo its for preschool! Wow, Daisy's extremely happy now!


Daisy: Wow, my first day in preschool! I'm so so happy to go, the teacher seems really nice :3 I should get my backpack ready and everything. Mommy will you help?


Of course I will! n___n hehe, here are her stats:



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1(woot!)

Funny: 24

Gorgeous: 12

Spiritual: 6

Age: 0

Weight: 10lb

Points: 7000


Well, Daisy's off to school, I'll update later on. Bye everyone!

Hello everyone :3 Today was fun! I took Daisy to school and it was fun watching her and her teacher dance around in the screen. Haha, she's so cute. Since tomorrow I'm getting my vaccinations, I'm thinking of taking Daisy with me so I can play with her in the doctor's office. The sad part is that V4.5 can't connect with V5 :( Oh well! I'm also gonna take a picture of my V5 tomorrow when I get it so you guys can see the shell design :D Anyway, Daisy's sleeping right now, lol.



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 2

Funny: 32

Gorgeous: 18

Spiritual: 14

Weight: 11lb

Points: 8750


I can't wait until Daisy wakes up, I'm playing alot of games with her. I don't want her to turn into a horoyotchi AGAIN :angry: Well I won't be posting anymore tonight so that's it for today. Sayonara^_^

Hey everyone! I'm so happy, I finally got my V5^_^ And yes, I already made a log so you guys can go check it out. But don't worry, I won't forget about my V4.5, I'm always gonna be updating. Well I have some good news, Daisy evolved into a. . .Ura Young Marotchi!!! I'm so happy to have a new character :'D She's so cute too! x3



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4

Funny: 50

Gorgeous: 30

Spiritual: 18

Age: 1yr

Weight: 24lb(uh oh)

Points: 10550


I'm gonna go take care of the weight now >.< Also, she got mail so she could go to elementary^_^I chose the beauty teacher..Ms.Flower? I think so..lol, well I'll go play with my tama's now. I'll update soon, bye!

Ello people^-^Everything is pretty much the same, I bought Daisy a ball lol She looks so cute when she plays with it x3 I wonder what she'll evolve into. . .God, the curiousity is killing me!



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4

Funny: 56

Gorgeous: 42

Spiritual: 26

Weight: 20lb

Points: 11250


Just a little while ago Daisy was taking a bath :3 Isn't that cute? Heh, well I'll update later, bye!

Hi everyone^o^ Daisy doesn't ask for alot of attention as much as when she was a toddler, I've been taking really good care of her. I've even increased her skill points so she can have a successful career! I can't wait until then, but I really can't wait until she evolves. I doubt she'll be a really popular character like a Mimitchi cause those are really hard to get!



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4

Funny: 56

Gorgeous: 42

Spiritual: 26

Weight: 20lb

Points: 11250


You can see that everything stayed the same. That's because when I posted my last reply, it was 7:59, and when I went to check on her, she was already in bed xD Oh well, we'll have more fun tomorrow. O-yasumi!

Good afternoon everyone! ^-^ Daisy's still a teen, I'm hoping she'll evolve into an adult today! But it's impossible since she evolved into a teen yesterday and she's turning 2 today. xD But still, it seems like she's been a teen since forever!



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5

Funny: 56

Gorgeous: 54

Spiritual: 26

Weight: 23lb (Need to take care of that!)

Points: 11650


She would have more training points but my sister put it on praise when it was supposed to be in time out -.-; lol, well nothing new happened. I took her to school today and she earned more skill points. That's about it. I'll update after my shower. be back later!

Sorry for not updating yesterday like I said I would. Something went on but everything's fine now. Anyway, Daisy still hasn't evolved. I'm very scared that she'll turn into a maskitchi or something because she was unhappy this morning since I woke up pretty late. That would mean I took poor care of her and that would make me feel horrible :furawatchi:


Today she got mail and it was the King. He gave her a pencil which she loved. Sadly, though, she can't use it until she becomes an adult. I'm hoping that she'll evolve today, she's already gonna turn 3!



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 7

Funny: 86

Gorgeous: 70

Spiritual: 32

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 20lb

Points: 20400


I'm very proud of her skill points actually. I know she'll be able to pick out a job easily. Well, i'll update later on some more stuff. I hope she evolves, bye!


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