Whats up,wait sorry i mean whats up porygonlord the girl
That's not nice! I will now smack you in the head with this pie. *smacks head with pie* YAY! I AM THE NEW MASTER OF... um... uh... *cough cough* uh... oh, right. PIE!!! YES! I'M THE MASTER OF... uh... PIE!! YAY ME!
That's not nice! I will now smack you in the head with this pie. *smacks head with pie* YAY! I AM THE NEW MASTER OF... um... uh... *cough cough* uh... oh, right. PIE!!! YES! I'M THE MASTER OF... uh... PIE!! YAY ME!
TamaMum is quite an annoying guide, she closes lots of active topics for absolutely no reason at all. I think she is a bit too crazy with her powers. PS. I like Jappyx
TamaMum is quite an annoying guide, she closes lots of active topics for absolutely no reason at all. I think she is a bit too crazy with her powers. PS. I like Jappyx
Then whys she a guide?Moderators only close topics if they need to be closed.
This message has not been written by the person who didn't write this message.
If your reading this you didnt write it.or mabye you did if your not me and you didnt write this But are me whiling eating a tuba unless you Want to be me but arent me you were me but only if i wrote this or you didnt do it and wanmted to you might have But couldnt cos you were me and you werent you or me but hated him cos he was me and you were him cos he liked me while being you but not when he was you and you were me so you didnt write this cos you were me and he was you wile i was me wile it Becam he cos he hated it when you were me cos it was you and he hated it cos of she and him was annoying like me but wasnt me cos he was she when she was it cos it wrote this if it were me and liked me while hating you If I was angrey at it being me and she being he or you.Therfore I DIDNT STEAL THE PAVALOVA
If your reading this you didnt write it.or mabye you did if your not me and you didnt write this But are me whiling eating a tuba unless you Want to be me but arent me you were me but only if i wrote this or you didnt do it and wanmted to you might have But couldnt cos you were me and you werent you or me but hated him cos he was me and you were him cos he liked me while being you but not when he was you and you were me so you didnt write this cos you were me and he was you wile i was me wile it Becam he cos he hated it when you were me cos it was you and he hated it cos of she and him was annoying like me but wasnt me cos he was she when she was it cos it wrote this if it were me and liked me while hating you If I was angrey at it being me and she being he or you.Therfore I DIDNT STEAL THE PAVALOVA
I just want to say that if you're not reading this then you stole the cheese from the cookie jar. But if you are reading this you stole a Bob.