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I have a stuffed home-made kitty from my great-grandma. And a few other little knick-knacks...

oh.. that bracelet is so beauiful.

my grandma gave me a heart nechlace.. it is a white heart on a golden chain.

Cute bracelet. ;)

I have a few broaches that were my great grandmother's, and a purse (I put one of the broaches on the purse and have used that purse on occasion, it's actually pretty cute).

I have a pair of Platform shoes that an exchange student from Brazil gave to my mom when she was in high school back in 1972. I also think i have a bunch of jewelry from her that I cant find!!!! LOLOL

The link isn't working on my computer. :(

But that is very nice. I don't have anything like that, but my sister has a ring that my grandma gave her that was hers. :)

My mom just passed down to me a braclet my great grandma wore! I'll try to get a picture.
Anyone else have something that was passed down?

EDIT: Here is a picture My pretty braclet!
Wow it's pretty! I have a little clay model sculpture thingy from my great grandma before she died :p It';s really good it's a horse reering up and it just looks awesome.

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