Would You Rather?


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I rather have lots of golden roses because I don't know what you mean by the other one. Lol. WYR eat a vacuum or be held hostage by monkies?

Uhhh... Sweeney Todd (bleh,not a big fan)

wyr.. sit on a bus full of burping farting hoboes for 14 decades :lol: :lol: or have your lips super glued to the fatest stinkiest ugliest discustingest dude in your school for 48 years.

good luck on whos replying!!! :p :p :lol: :lol: :ichigotchi: :mimitchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :mimitchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :gozarutchi

I'd say... Shot in the head.. Less long suffering xD

WYR.. Have a piano dropped on you [you'd die, obviously], or be beaten to death by a whole mob of guys with electric guitars [electrics are super heavy]?

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