Would You Rather?


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Vomit. That get's the waste out. But colds are uncomfortable and painful.

Would you rather have a planet named after you or discover a new planet?

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Have a planet named after me. 8D

Would you rather have a DS or a PSP?

Play Station 3. I am Left-Handed and Wii is awkward for me.

Would you rather Learn Kung Fu or Learn Tai Chi?

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World Peace (love ur avvie BTW)
:eek: and thanks Tamaland_Kitty_Kat it's Kero from cardcaptors

WYR be a master at speaking french or japanese

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Gah... Maybe... Beauty xD Well, What exactly am I choosing between, super beauty, or super genius? In that case, super beauty. If I was choosing between regular smarts, but being ugly, or beauty, but being a total retard, I choose the smarts. I'm thinking about this too much. I choose beauty.

Would you rather drown or get shot? xD How violent of me.

Get shot. Preferably right in the brain (not because I am insane!) because then you feel almost no pain, and die instantly, unlike drowning, you suffer very long and it is not a pleasant death.. if there even is such a thing as a pleasant death. xD Plus it would be a more dramatic story.

WYR be pretty as a child and ugly as an adult, or ugly as a child and pretty as an adult?

Well.....since I want to be an entrepreneur when I grow up.....I'd have to take ugly and smart :) ..maybe I could make something work for my look =D

WYR never be able to eat anything that is tasty to you again, or fail a grade in high school?

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