Would you rather be deaf or blind?


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Would you rather be deaf or blind?

  • Deaf

    Votes: 34 85.0%
  • Blind

    Votes: 6 15.0%

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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
This is a random question I thought of years and years ago. I'm really interested in hearing your responses for some reason o3o

Problems with being deaf:

  • Can't listen to music
  • Can't talk
  • Can't hear what people tell you
  • Can't hear voices in TV shows
Problems with being blind:

  • Can't read, watch TV, play games, etc
  • Can't draw or write
  • Can't see where you're going
  • You'd have trouble having a shower >.>

I'd rather be deaf because I don't listen to music or talk much in real life anyway. I'd die if I wouldn't be able to chat with my friends online and if I wanted to talk to people in real life I could just write on a piece of paper c: and other people could talk to me by writing too XD

Also I wouldn't be able to play with Tamagotchis or draw! TAMAGOTCHIS AND DRAWING ARE MY LIFE XD I like being alone and if I was blind I'd have people helping me with everything a lot :l

And actions speak louder than words

So yeah, what do you think ouo

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Deaf. I could still pursue the career I want as a vet/marine biologist. And I could still play Minecraft.

Blind, but only if I get to develop all my other senses to superhuman levels because of it and become a ninja. Otherwise, deaf. I'd miss being able to hear music and my favorite voice actors, but at least I'd still be able to do things like cook and drive for myself.

Heck, I'm already blind suuu... Not really but I pretty much can't see much. Lol.

Being deaf, you can listen to music. Instead of hearing the beat and sound, you feel and sense the sound. Yes, its still different and lesser enjoyed but alas, it can be "heard". You can talk, its called sign language. You can talk but you have to learn a bit differently and in time sound fine. Like paper and learning to mime others saying the same word. Subtitles and senses.

I rely on my vision for like friggin everything. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see.

I already know sign language as do most of my friends so communicating would be fairly fine. Singing and performing is my life but I know that I could still get through life if I was deaf. If I was blind I'd be so lost.

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Definitely deaf, if I had a choice. 80% of information processed by the brain is visual. Listening to music, a person would be like a snake: feel the vibrations. As far as talking, you could learn. Helen Keller did, and she was both deaf and blind from an illness as a baby. It's never good to lose one's senses. I think I'd rather lose the sense of touch over those two, if I had the choice.

Deaf because at least you can watch T.V and play with Tamagotchi's and read also be able to talk to friends on line though :D at least you won't have to worry living on a busy street at night XD

If I never had the sense in the first place, I'd rather be blind. I'd be able to hear and speak well, I'd still be able to read (Braille), talk to friends, and even use the Internet with a Braille tablet. Being blind, I could still learn to write and appreciate words to their fullest. The thing I'd miss most is seeing colors, but without sight my other senses would be vastly better, and I could find my way by feeling where I'm going...even air currents and stuff.

However, if I suddenly lost a sense, I'd rather go deaf. I wouldn't be able to listen to music, but I could still fulfill the same purpose by reading song lyrics and feeling the vibrations of the music. I'd hate not being able to hear, but it would be easier to adapt to that loss than to the loss of sight, imo.

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Really though, I would rather lose my sense of smell than anything, if I were to suddenly lose a sense. We have smoke detectors in the house, so if there was a fire, I could still get out. But smell and taste go hand -in-hand, and the sense of taste would be lost as well.

I'd rather be deaf because it would be a lot easier to adjust to life without sound than to adjust to life without sight. There's a lot more that you can still do being deaf than being blind.

blind because i can't live without music. besides, if i become blind right now, i can still remember what i liked.

if it were just for one day, being deaf would be boring! :D Blindness sounds fun, in that case.

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wow... that's a REALLY hard question....

I would choose to be deaf I guess... though I ADORE music, and I spent a lot working on songs, I kinda see my artwork as something more important.

I guess I would still try to make new covers, but my boyfriend would have to tell me if it sounds right or not, and imporving that way would be kinda imposible xD

But as long as I can keep drawing and improving at that I'm fine with life.

i cant.... i need my sight for reading fanfics, for the anime convention, for the pictures i request....

and i need my sound because music has saved my life.....

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I see the question as "Do you want to see Tamagotchi or hear Tamagotchi?" XD

Uhhh honestly, I'd rather be deaf because my eyes are very important and I'd never be able to watch TV, write fanfictions, or get on TamaChat ever again ono

But then again I want my hearing because then I'd have to learn sign languageeeee :C

I think I'd have to choose going deaf. I think I'd miss my vision.

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