I might debug to check out secret characters, but chances are, I probably wouldn't, because A) I want to go through as many generations as I can before trying different things, h34r: I don't even know where I can find a small screwdriver in this house. >_> And C) I don't want to risk screwing my Tamagotchi up.
My concern is that if I debugg I won't be able to un-de-bugg it. So I won't mess with it, unless I had an extra three tamagotchis laying around the house that I could mess with.
Well,duh no cuz i don't wanna risk screwing up my tama and i wanna see the surprise in 4 me cuz it just might b a character that doesn't a hav a growth chart
I wouldn't want to just because it might mess up my tamagotchi, but then I think it would be cool to see some of the hidden characters too, but I won't though.