Agreed.^^ I hate anything Disney these days. The only good Disney songs are the ones from the good old movies, like 'Little Mermaid' and 'Beauty and the Beast' but...only if they're the original ones. All these new Disney artists singing old Disney classics ruins it!!!
It makes me want to punch someONE, preferably the person who wrote it.The Kitty Cat Song, I don't know who sings it but it scares the **** out of me.Most oldies
No One by Alicia Keys
Any songs that are overly mushy-gushy.
Any songs by Fergie.
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
Any high school musical songs (I HATE HSM IN GENERAL)
Songs where the singer's voice is pretty much drowned out by the instruments.
Tiptoe Through The Tulips by Tiny Tim (no thanks to my friend and my mom for making me listen to it!)
A lot of other songs that I don't know the name or singer of.
And I too, HATE the song Bubbly. It makes me wanna punch something!