Woah o_o A cool day


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Well finally I can post about my weird School day (Exciting kinda)

Well the WHOLE area this morning was covered in Smoke (ALL of Jacksonville) From some fire in Georgia, the smoke made it over 30 miles to here o_o Some were called Brunswick I believe. It covered the are until say 1:00 pm

And I started to cough up blood before lunch, going to the nurse I waited like 15 minutes until I got ticked and went to lunch (That nurse is rarely in her office!) Well I was eating and I heard one of the PE teachers yelling (PE teachers have Lunch duty) Well I turned around and saw the PE Coach telling some girl to go to the Dean. She got mad and eyed down the Coach, until he grabbed her arm (Not like jerked, just touched her arm) She started to throw some punches. Everyone was watching, they were fighting! :D The coach slapped this girl across the face, but she kept throwing punches until a teacher broke it up. The girl got suspended from what I hear. But I saw the Teacher on Child fight, somewhat entertaining. Everyone was talking about it, when we got to class it was hard to shut everyone up XP

Nice day, except for coughing up blood

Couching up blood??! You should see a doctor!

And the teacher slapping a student? The teacher should get sacked, they have no right to physically harm students.

Couching up blood??! You should see a doctor!
And the teacher slapping a student? The teacher should get sacked, they have no right to physically harm students.
Well I was gagging up these horrible smelling things, then came blood! o_o

My dad said the same thing

I think you should see the doctor about the blood and see what he says.

Did the teacher get sacked?

Well I was gagging up Yellow-ish mucus chunks as well >< I hate that, since then I have to rush to the bathroom. I had to fake puking! I told my parents, they said to wait and see if it happens again

And the coach said Nothing happened to him, since he barely could touch the girl. Wrong I know, thats the way the school is I guess

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The girl [obviously] shouldn't have done that and she deserves her punishment but the coaching slapping the girl?

He SERIOUSLY needs to get fired- that's so not cool.

I find it sad he got away with it. -.-

The girl [obviously] shouldn't have done that and she deserves her punishment but the coaching slapping the girl?He SERIOUSLY needs to get fired- that's so not cool.

I find it sad he got away with it. -.-
I know :D it kinda sucks, He kinda scares me now

I know :D it kinda sucks, He kinda scares me now
Can you tell the school board or a counselor [i know sometimes the counselors don't really help xP]?

Basically all the people know (Like the principal, Dean, Secritary, Everyone) They think it was self defense or something, it wasn't that hard, basically like a pat

That's just weird o.0

And coughing up blood?! You are probably sick or something..you should see a doctor

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Self defense?! Yeah, right. Because the girl is so big he needed protection from her. You should tell your parents about what happened with the coach and the girl. And your coughing up blood probably isn't serious. So I wouldn't worry too much right now.


What the coach did isn't half as bad as what my old elementary principal does as serious punishment.

He spanks the students. With a wooden paddle. ...That has holes drilled in it. o.o

But you should see a doctor about the blood and... *cough* erm >_o Gagging.

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