will i ever get taller :(


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im 16 and im 5'0
will i ever gett any taller
I'm 12, but I am your height.

I'm not sure. =\ I know/think theres surgery, but please don't get yourself into that. =3

I mean, I know a person who is shorter than me, and 6th graders are taller than her [she's like, 4'10].. OwO

I lurrrve caffeine and I am 15 and 5'3. I'm not short, I'm fun-sized! If you do end up being short, don't fret. A lot of people are starting to 'shrink'. I don't think there is anything to help you grow, but maybe there might be some sort herbal remedy. I may be short but all my friends call me their pocket friend. Anyway, if you end up being short remember, Frank Iero is either 5'3 or 4'9 and he is a tough cookie!

haha I'm short too I'm almost 15 and the same hight as you exactly at five foot. I not getting too much taller right now but I might>. I've always been the shortest in my class and grade. I remember in 6th grade we were going on a fieldtrip and they weren't sure if I was tall enough to ride the rides, they measured me and I made it barely. But being short has advantages too, if you play sports, the short people are usuallly the fastest ones and can run through the people.

There isn't anything that you can eat to make your body magically grow overnight.

The best thing you can do is eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to make sure your body is getting proper nutrition.

Don't worry about being short. I'm short, and I personally love it. I'm 14 and 5'1, and I worry about getting much taller.

But I guess it's just how you view yourself.

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Not sure.

I grow alot o.e;;

I am like 5' 6" or something. I lost track.

Ohyes, and I'm 13.

I'm almost 14 and 5'5, I want to be taller... I haven't grown in a few years now though :furawatchi: my mom is 5'7. my dad is 5'4 or something. it depends on your parents too not just your diet and stuff.

I like being 5'7. Yes I said Five seven, i'm 12 (and a half) I'm thinking about being a run way model, I have always wanted to be one.

Sometimes I wonder the same thing.

I'm 12 and I'm 4'9"

So don't feel bad.

Also, I haz a question. When you hit a growth spurt, does your hair grow with your body? Cuz like, I think I'm going to get taller soon, and my hair is not even shoulder length and I'm afraid that if I grow, my hair will stay the same and only be up to like my ear. Do you know what I mean?

I'm not sure. My mom said in her High School everybody pretty much stopped growing. But being short isn't that bad! "I'm not short, I'm fun-sized!" xD

I'm 13 and only 5'4. D: But, like Bunny_grl07 said, being short isn't so bad. That way the guys are taller than you. I love looking up to a guy. ;D

I think I may be the shortest here. I'm 13 and 4'6 believe it or not!!!!!!!! Yes, I know, very short. ): I hate being short!!!!! ):< It sux!

Sometimes I wonder the same thing.
I'm 12 and I'm 4'9"

So don't feel bad.

Also, I haz a question. When you hit a growth spurt, does your hair grow with your body? Cuz like, I think I'm going to get taller soon, and my hair is not even shoulder length and I'm afraid that if I grow, my hair will stay the same and only be up to like my ear. Do you know what I mean?
I don't think your neck will grow like your legs. xD

But I understand what you mean. Your hair won't look shorter when you grow, but even so your hair will still be growing. I don't know if it grows more during a growth spurt, but it won't be to your ears unless you cut it.

I heard people are usually their full height at about 20 years old. So wait for a while.

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