Your going Veg? As in Vegetarian? THATS GREAT! I'm Vegan and I can give you some pointers. Here are some pros and cons.
-PROS of being Vegan/Vegetarian-
1. You over-all feel better/healthier, my allergies almost COMPLETELY disappeared when I went Vegan.
2. They say you have an extended life-span. About an increase of 3 years or more.
3. You get thiner, but not in a bad way (usually, but sometimes people get really thin). I lost about 20 pounds! I'm now 123 or so...
4. Your hair is stronger and your acne break-outs are not as bad.
5. You glow, (not laterally!) You skin looks healthy and you are more lively.
6. Extended stamina. I can now run all-out for 30 mins, before that was imposable for me.
7. If your Vegan/vegitarian your helping animals and the environment. Check out, or
8. as strange as it sounds, your SMELL changes. You don't stink so bad when you sweat and your BLOOD even changes smell...(or maybe its just me...) Also you don't get plaque on your teeth as bad and your breath is WAY better.
-CONS or being Vegan/Vegetarian-
1. You might need to take vitamins.
2. You might not be able to eat-out anymore at certain places or eat at school.
3. You might get really thin.
4. You might have trouble getting enough protein, some stores may not sell tofu or soy protein.
5. Vegetables don't last more than a week in certain fridges.
6. You might be/get to regular. Might lose weight or get dehydrated from diarrhea.
7. You can have health problems such as Iron deficiency or weight problems.
I eat absolutely, no meat or animal products (meat, eggs, milk, butter, cream, gelatin, fish, poultry, egg whites, jell-O, etc...) I read EVERYTHING on the back of food labels and research a new food for weeks before I eat it or buy it. I can't eat at school however, but I counter that by making my own meals of fried tofu and Asian vegetables. I don't wear leather or wool either. Anytime you want to ask me anything about your diet/new foods or sites feel free to do so, you should PM me if I'm online on Tamatalk, or send me an e-mail.
Its super great your thinking about going veg, keep me posted I can help you get started. I've been Vegan for 2 1/2 years and I'll tell you...ITS THE BEST THING YOU CAN EVER DO FOR YOURSELF AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Good luck.