why should you play wit tamas


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Guys, really let's not talk about taking your tama to school. :furawatchi: These kind of topics drive me crazy/ :wacko: :D Thanks!

No one is argueing they are just having discussions about their own opinions.

My opinion is that it depends on the type of student you are. If you hate school and don't care about you're grades then ytou should take your tama to school...you might as well be entertained for the 7 hours you sit. If your a good student then you use it during breaks or you understand everything so well that you will get good drades even if you aren't paying attention all the time. Me I'm a good student but still bring mine to school.

Never put your tamagotchi on pause because it wastes the batteries faster than you think and it also stops the growth process. My teachers let us play with our tamagotchis during class but only if we have free time we don't get them taken away, unless it's a mean teacher that is strict. But all of my teachers are nice so no worries for me.

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^_^i always bring my tamagotchi to school.one time my teacher saw i was playing with it and she took it away from me.after school i ask for it but she didn't give it back.she told me to wait until the next day.when i recive it back it was already dead :( .so you will think how mean but i am in 6th grade so they take away every toy you have.now if you want to take it to school or not it is your own disision.(sorry for the spelling) :blink:

play with it because you bought it, DUH

well you go to school to learn something. not to play with tamas. but when I take my tama to school I put it on pause and keep it in my backpack and I play with it on the bus.
yea... thats what i do. My shool does not allow use of electronics. You could get DETENTION I'm mot kidding!!!!!! Last year i was in a different school and you were allowed to pllay it during reccess and whaen you are packing up to go home. :D


I have a cranky teacher,

I never finish my work on time,

Tamagotchis are banned,

but I bring mine in and play with it in Maths!! Lol, I hate Maths!


I think...that playing with tamagotchies, should only be done when you're completely bored, one time I got mine taken away and I had to go to the office after school to get it. Let me tell you...DON'T play with it while the teacher is talking. Oh and don't be a retard and forget to turn off your sound (A&B at the same time!) So I am just warning you. Yeah play with it at recess, lunch maybe and on your way there. Of course, you have to go to the bathroom, so when you go, re-fresh your tama and then head back to class. Never pull it out during class people! duh! Just wait for between classes, and don't forget...THE SOUND! It can be pretty embarssing when your school princeable is lecturing you...because of your tama!

well i would rather go to school to learn not to play with tamas.but if u must play with it then tell the teacher that u feel sick and ask to go the bathroom. its not like she can go in their and open the stall door and say hey wat r u doin. so bring ur tama.or just play with it on the school bus.

I bring my pet in class EVERYDAY!!! My teacher REALLY doesnt care. I got mines this month anyway. So like 2 weeks ago or around that time I forgot to put the sound off so my pet became a teen( haitichi or what that jazz is called) And so Iput the sound off then my teacher just didnt pay attention. She didnt care.

Oh and I play with it during class when ever i feel like it. I cant wait till december 22nd so I can show off my new v4 at my friends.

oh ya I moved to a new school and they have desks where you put stuff in them. But in middle school they dont have that!!!! Please pm me and tell me how to keep it during class so it wount get taken away!!!

haha lol i play with it when the teacher talks doing my work and anything you can listen to music

anytime and play with any other game the techers never mind or pay atteion as we play

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