I first lost interest in tamas back in the lat 90's because of high school. I'm a tall, hairy dude, and I caught no end of hassling about it. I was also super depressed through the majority of high school. I guess I just kinda drifted away from it.
BUT NOW I'M A BIGGER, HARRIER DUDE AND I LOVE TAMAS AGAIN. XD I hit a point where I stopped caring what other people think and just do the things that make me happy. That said, I work full time and have a team of people that roll up to me, and even though they're very self-sufficient, other work things have made my days very busy, and so it's hard to give tamas the time they deserve. The other aspect of this (that you can't vote for) is Tama Overload. I was running 2 mixes, a V2, a V3, a mini, and an Angel all at once, and it just turned into work instead of a game. I wasn't connecting with the characters, and every time I picked them up it felt like more like a mandatory obligation than a fun diversion. I've whittled back down to a V2, V4.5, and V5, and I think as I go on I'll probably just run a couple connections and a side-tama/vpet of some other variety. I see how many people here run, and I wonder if Overload is a factor for them, too!