why do people abuse tamagotchi


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... It's a virtual pet, is it not?

I can understand getting annoyed, but I see no need to cry.

I kinda get annoyed when I see people delibrately buying them to destory. Like, really, they blew money for that?

Because they want to get rid of their old tamas that wouldn't make much money on eBay.

They're only bits of plastic with a circuit bored, really. They can't be abused. Just destroyed.

Ya. It sucks.

But it really sucks for those who didn't bother looking at the price online before they smashed them. Like the angel/devils ... The digimon digivices from season 1 and the old rectangle ones.... I bet if they knew how much THOSE ones were worth, they'd feel bad they didn't sell it online for usually $50 dollars... sometimes more.

it really bothers me because I know its supposed to get to us, and it definitely gets to me! I hate seeing rare tamagotchis smashed, or pokemon cards burn. I mean, why dont you give it to somebody who would actually use it? But, no, some people are just jerks.

Never try to stop someone hammering them. My sister tried to smash mine with a rolling pin, i screamed and put my hand on top of the gotchi to save it.

I broke my hand. The tama broke, too.

It honestly doesn't bother me at all. It's just a toy, like all of the other toys out there. :D

Not saying you shouldn't be annoyed considering the price of a Tamagotchi and what one could get out of it, but if they want to waste their money and have fun destroying it, they can do whatever they please.

If you let something like that get to you so much, people will do it more to annoy you. :D

Oh, *reminded of these terrible films again*

I happened to see one once, I felt like throwing up!

It is such a wastage!!!

I just don't get what they are thinking of, they could have made another person happy giving it to him/her, if they so badly dislike them themselves!!

I don't think anybody but themselves really think it is cool at all, I just don't get these people!! :D :D :D :D :D

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Unfortunately, if the toy belongs to them, they have the right to do whatever they want with it (within the law). Including smashing it with a hammer and etc.

It is a waste, though. They could've dontated it to a thrift store. Someone else would've been happy to own it.

Unless it was already broken or worn to non-functionality. There's really no harm in destroying what's already broken. XD

I think it.s a waste of money. The only reason to destroy a Tama is if it is totally broken and won't work no matter what. If someone just don't want theirs any more, give it to someone else or donate it to Goodwill or Salvation Army.

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