Why did you join TamaTalk?


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
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Title says it all. Why did you join TamaTalk?

The only reason why I joined TamaTalk in the first place because I wanted to view some things on the website that I couldn't view as a guest, so my Dad made me an account when I was younger and he helped me get to them, like 7 years ago :p The second time I joined was because I found some CR2032 batteries and I used my Tama's and I actually stayed until I made a 3rd account because I wanted a new username because my last one was cheesy and I always lied that I had like a tonne of Tama's I didn't have XD And BTW this is my 3rd one


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My favourite V2 (in 2007) was being weird. The screen wouldn't work because of a loose connection. I joined Tamatalk to ask for help on the What Happened to my Tamagotchi?! forum. Needless to say, I liked it enough to stay here. :)


i was watching tamatalk when i didn't have an account yet, and eventually i wanted to become a member myself, so i joined :D

Whenever i had a tama problem i googled the reason, and always got brought here. I found my answer 99% of the time so i decided to make an account. :3

I first joined in 2007. TT had the latest Tama news available and it was pretty active back then, more so than nowadays. It was nice having people to talk with about a hobby that had died down more in real life after the mid to late 90's.

Also, at that time, Tamas were still easy to find on shelves in stores. It was exciting reading news on TT and then actually going to a store to pick up a new Tama. I remember asking a member where he got a certain Mametchi charm, and he gave me my first info about Gotchi Gear. I went out to Toys 'R' Us that night and picked up one or two Gotchi Gear packs. The forum really came in handy. :D

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Well I was just getting back into tamagotchi and so I wanted to know more about the features of the Tama-Go as I had just ordered one so I googled and found out that there was a forum for Tamas and I thought "Sweet, I love forums!" and made my first account.

Then about 13 months later I finally came off a 6 month break (that I took because my collection was super small and I couldn't afford to add to it) and I decided to make a new account because I wanted a different username

And that's actually also about the same time I created my Tama Tumblr :p

I used to be a part of other forums for things such as my Aibos, so when I decided to get into Tamas recently.. this seemed like a logical step!

Hobby forums are a lot of fun and you meet some cool people. ^~^

I wanted to join this forum because I thought it was actually kinda fun to log. Also, I saw alot of members that I thought were AWESOME and I felt like being a part of this community. So for days, I begged to my Mum to let me join Tamatalk because I extremely wanted to log and stuff (I thought logging was the BEST XD) and one day, she finally let me. So here I am! :D


I just found this website when I was 8 and looking for some tamagotchi websites/tamagotchi advice and ended up making an account so i could chat and contribute to threads. And then I think it was last year when i made a second account because i was not growing fond of being called hippo for short. (My old username was Pink Hippopotumas.)

I joined it to pass the time until my P's arrived. Ended up staying.

I don't remember tbh. It was like 7 years ago or so, I got my v3 then (first tmgc) and probably needed inf about it. I was more active on Tama Zone for a long time tho.

I joined in 2011 because I was looking online for custom faceplates for my Tama-Go, and I found a topic on here that had some, so I joined because it looked like fun!

I joined back in 2005, after coming across a Tamagotchi at my local mall. Until that afternoon, I had no clue Tamagotchis had made a come back the previous year in 2004, as I had not seen one since 1998. I made the purchase (green matrix V1), came home and started it up. However, realizing that this new Tamagotchi was a lot different than the 90s era ones, I went online to look for a place where I could ask questions, and I came across TamaTalk.


I joined either to reply to a topic that I later found was locked, or ask some random person for their password on TamaTown, or both. Either way I caused a lot of trouble. :p

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