Why did you join tamatalk ?


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Sep 13, 2008
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Hey, guess what ? im bored. thats why i joined this site. and because i like the chat room. shhh, omg dont tell people i go on this site... !

that's the question I ask myself every day, except mine is different.

Actually, I should be sayin g "Why am I still on tamatalk? DD:<<<"

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Uhh.. well. When I was younger I used to play with Tamagotchi's. I used the site, and stuff.. But I was younger then.. so I wasn't really allowed on chatting sites... [/lie] Nahh. That wasn't the case since I'd created my first myspace page in 5th grade, lol.

The truth of it was that I was too much of a dummy to register. that's all. ;P

Orr post.. it was one of those.

Somewhere in the summer I found my shoe box filled with Tams again and decided to start playing with 'em again. Then I found TT and stuff... and I was bored, looking for new friends... that's all. ;D

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When I was little, 9, I think, I was really into Tamagotchis. Tamagotchis, tamagotchis, tamagotchis, is all I thought about. I searched Tamagotchi V3 Cheats on Google and a thread in TamaTalk came up. I never had been on a forum before, so it was something new to me. I read the thread, and I thought TamaTalk was pretty amazing since it was the first forum I've ever seen in my life.

Anyway, I decided to join, that's when tomrules74185296 came out. I was really stupid and immature, and posting things like how to get an avatar and how to change your signature because I didn't know how to navigate my way around. I would SPAM and do pointless things. Strangly, my Karma Level didn't go down. :p I lost interest in Tamagotchis and TamaTalk and left and never told anyone I was leaving. I was inactive for about a year.

Then, one day, I found TamaTalk again, and I was 10 by then, and I was thinking, "Hey, didn't I join this site before?" I logged back in (It took me a couple trys. :p ), and started posting again. I was upset of people making fun of me for posts I made when I was 9, so I made this account.

Ever since then everything has been running smoothly.

That's the history of tomrules and TDF. :blink:

I wanted to join because I was so obsessed with tamas. I'm over them now, so i usually go in the fun stuff forum and (non)tamatalk forum

I loved tamas and I looked up tama cheats and tamatalk was on google.I loved it here.

Well I joined it two years ago because my cousin was on it too one and two it had codes I could get so I thought it would be fun. ^^

I was obsessed with Tamagotchis o____o The obsession was rather frightening.

And here I am.

I joined TT because a few years ago, I was completely obsessed with tamagotchis. I joined, made a few accounts but I've stuck to this one.

Now I'm not so obsessed, and I mainly go on the NonTT and Fun Stuff forums.

WellllllI joined because i was really bored but i loved tamas so i went on tamagotchi

.com to see some stuff and tamagotchi fanconnection

and tada!Tamatalk was the first site on there so i said

"What the hay"

Later on i got really excited and buged my mom until she said she would sign me up and

TADA!Im on tamatalk and i know alot more about tamagotchies

then i used to! :huh:

I say the option that isn't there: Other.

I joined when V3 first came. Tamagotchi.com got a huge makeover from the V1 style, and there was no tama chart. That's why I came here. I had actually come here before, but that's why I joined. A few months later the chart was back up, and another few months later it was replaced with the V4 one. It's been redone twice for V5 I believe, one for celebrity connection.

well, i wanted to join, but i wasnt sure, i kept on making one, and when i was about to finish i would decide not to. then at 8 in the mouring i woke up and couldnt fall back asleep,so i went to the computer and made one, i couldnt think of a username so i ramdomly typed kupatchithelover, because i liked kupatchi back then. after a while i didnt play with it anymore because i switched schools and the kids in my class were making fun of me for it. (its hard to believe in my old school they were so popular!!!) so since i wasnt playing with tamas anymore, i abandoned the site for a long time. a year later, i decided to check on it, i found my inbox full, and a few diffrent things. i wouldnt go on it to often, but now im on it everyday!!!! :)

A long time ago, I went on tamagotchiconnection.com and they had a list of tamagotchi websites. I looked at this one and found it interesting so I joined. My first username was tweetygirl1026 xP I was basically looking for codes

I joined because I used to be obsessed with RPing & I saw my cousin on this site.

I saw a Role Play section so I decided to join.

I haven't found a reason to go back to the RP section so I just linger around here.

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