um, i accidentally reset him again...>.<
and, he is a baby now.
(he was a person too!)
yes, the red thing is an infra-red thingy, and it does use a picture menu.
it also has HP and happy points. (you play games to get it happy points)
every time you play with it, it takes one HP, and if it has zero, you should feed it within 5 mins. (before i reset him, he had 67 happy points!)
and, right now he is sleeping. (you turn out the lights, and they fall asleep)
overall, it is really fun.
the only bad part is the placement of that darn reset button!
the games are
1. you are a hammer, and you have to hit a nail, by miving it to the right, middle, and left.
2.rock, paper, scissors (i hate this one) you choose between rock, paper, or scissors. I always lose at that game!
3. Fortune telling. you get your fortune told. after the fortune, it will be either happy, or sad.(i usually get sad...)
4.race(my fav.) you click a button reapetedly, and try to hit it 70 times, or over within fifteen seconds.
also, you can take it places, like swimming, tennis, car trip, and lots of other things.
it will automatically be happy after you take it somewhere.
it is pretty low maintenence. only one of them died (i forgot to put it to sleep...)
the others were reset...grr...
so far, I really like it!
its pretty fun!