I was so young I barely remember - we're talking 1997 and I was in about grade 3 of primary school. I get the feeling I'd known about tamagotchi somehow, whether it be ads on TV or maybe catalogues I'm not sure - but then my best friend had a chicken.
Oh god, I wanted her chicken.
I remember lining up for assembly in the morning, which the whole school did in the open courtyard, and we sat in pairs in our class line. I remember fleeting moments of getting to play with and feed her chicken - I was so in love, I just had to have one of these things.
Then another friend had a kitten. Everyone wanted to play with her kitten. I think she got so overwhelmed with requests that none of us could find her at lunch time - she went off hiding in the library or something. I remember searching for her my whole lunch break to try to borrow her kitten for a while... I think I must have been a tad obsessed.
One day, it poured with rain, and as I was getting into mum's car I saw something in the gutter - almost getting swept away. Another one of those things! It was a blue oval-shape, and it seemed to have reset. I took it home and cared for it overnight - turned out to be a little alien. Unfortunately, the owner was found within the next day or two. Apparently a 5 year old boy had a virtual pet, and I was still desperately pining for one.
Eventually, I convinced my grandma and auntie to take me to Toyworld and find one of these treasures. In the meantime, I'd somehow done my research and decided I wanted the best and original, the Tamagotchi. But, alas - Toyworld had none of these left. I settled for an oval-shaped white & red dinosaur, one of the last left in the shop. We lived in a small town, so there wasn't much variety. My little dinosaur and I had fun, but he was a tad buggy, and I remember him resetting a few times. It wasn't an entirely optimal experience.
Sometime later I went off on an excursion to Canberra (capital city of Australia), and we got to go shopping for about 3 hours in groups, unsupervised, in the biggest shopping centre I'd seen in my life! Needless to say, I came back to the bus with my beloved first tamagotchi - a pink and green clock face. Good times!
I tried and tried, but I could never get mametchi. I wanted him so badly after reading "I Love Tamagotchi by Bronwen" several million times, which I still have, and is very visibly used. I just don't think I had the time and freedom to access him with enough care. When the tamas first came out, teachers became well aware of them real fast - and we were all so worried we'd get them confiscated, so they unfortunately had to sit for long periods of time in our pockets or bags. Evil stepmothers who hate the sound of them don't help, either.
Where are my old tamas today? Who knows, it's a mystery. I've lost my old collection, but I've somehow managed to preserve that book.