Who is vegetarian Here?


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i want to clear this up people , I'm not trying to offend anyone who isn't vegetarian it is just that in my experience I have had more energy (even though I don't get much sleep) since I turned vegetarian and I realized that some meat substitutes taste the same or even better then killed animals. But i respect everyones point of view about diet
Yeah everyone's body is different. When I lost my 40ish pounds a while ago I had some extra energy during the day because I cut my portions and exercised more. Something about walking and me seem to work very well methinks ;D

Some people who have switched to vegetarian I have met have had more energy to start, but then I met couple others who had to go on a bunch of vitamin supplements and had some other issues later on like always tired or other problems because of the lack of protein and other things meat and meat alternatives provide. Everyone's bodies react differently.

That's probably why a lot of doctors with growing young bodies discourage this until you're an adult...since you're still growing of course.

I am. But to be honnest, I was never a big meat eater before. So to be honnest. My diet hasn't been affected much. If anything It's improved. I am anemic. So this provide a bit fo a barrier for me. I knew before I went into it that I'd have to amke up for the missed iron, protien and B12.

But I'm perfectly healthy...well, not really, but the Vegetarianism isnt the cause of that

I am a new vegetarian , but I like meat. But my brother always bugs me about poor innocent baby pigs dying (it is kind of sad when you think about it) I started about 3 1/2 weeks ago.
I'm not sure if i should tell my docter or not because some people say there are health hazards if you are not the right person for it.

Also i was wondering , how do I stay vegetarian because I like meat *i didnt eat it alot before anyways though...*

;) ;) :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Also i was wondering if i was alone because it seems whenever i tell people i'm vegetarian they are like "woah , how can you stand it??" I'm just wondering if it is common for my age or not.... I'm 12 1/2 yr old and i'm a girl. I'm not the healthiest eater *i love my sweets* but I make sure that i have nuts for protein because I dont eat meat!
Try buying stuff from Boca and Morning Star.

They make vegetarian foods that taste like meat like corn dogs and burgers and stuff.

I like it and i'm not even vegetarian. I voted A. :)

I am a vegetarian. I hate eating meat, it feels so wrong. I looked back once and I will never do it again. Thinking about veganism actually...^^;

I'm a veg head.Lol thats what my cousin calls me.I just dont like meat and i think its wrong to kill animals to get meat.

being vegetarian isnt stupid! it healthy cause u eat a lot of vegetable and they are good for ur body. my classmate is a vegetarian because of her religion and when u arm wrestle with her she always win even with the stongest guy in class no one can beat her shes awesome!!! :furawatchi:

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