Who Gets Bullied


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Really? :D You need to tell your parents or even a police man about that. The person who does that is sick-o. :furawatchi:
Yeah, but he didn't touch me, he just rote on someones permidssion slip and rote ___tent with someone and me... :lol: , and that is really sexual harresment because that was a sexual insult, and that's what sexual harrasment is... :D !

[SIZE=7pt]Bullying, in my own opinion, is a real sign of weakness.[/SIZE]

I hate to say it, but I know from a boy I know's past experience.

He weighs a little more than he really should, and I promise that I'm not saying that to be mean to him.

He is rude to absolutely everybody in school, even me.

And it hurts!

He says things like "Nobody likes you" and "You're so weird".

I believe those so much!

And even though I know that he's the one that has no friends to hang out with at recess, not me, I've been putting myself in a hole.

You know what? He's bullying me!

He think's hes being so hilarious when he's doing it.

If I tell the Principal, he'll think that I wimped out.

I don't want that reputation.

I already don't feel great about myself, but I'm just sick of him bothering me.

Yes, he bugs alot of people, I just don't need it.

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I Do All the Time I Hate It :'[ What About You?
I've been getting bullied since 4th grade and I'm now in 8th grade. I've gotten used to it. People have called me fat, crazy, a lesbian, desperate, et alias. Just ignore it. What other people think of you shouldn't even matter. (Remember that cliched quote - "Sticks and stones may break my skin and bones, but your words will not hurt me." Or it's something like that.

I used to get bullied a lot when I was young. There were cliques of girls who would laugh at me in grades 1-3! And when I went to my grandma's for the summer which was during O2, these group of older boys would apparently "stalk" me and when I went outside to play they would said "OMG U WATCH ARTHUR UR SO GAY N UR A TOTAL bi***!!!" I was friggin' 8! I was always afraid to go outside, and whenever I told my mum, she didn't care. She didn't know what I was going through. Then, I used to hang out with one of the kid's sister, and he wouldn't pick on me then, as much. Now, just a year ago, he started picking on my cousin and he's like only 9, and the bully is like 15! my mum was freaking out when my Tia told her about him, but she didn't care when I told her about my problem.. :)

At least I don't get picked on anymore, I'm actually quite popular! and the only people who pick on me are icky boys who are a bunch of posers. :hitodetchi:

They say " don't fight fire with fire" but that actually works sometimes. The bullies pick on the weak people, so glaring at them pure hate, or saying something wordy like, " get the h*** away from me you oversized b****." TRUST ME IT WORKS. Well unless that person is a physical bully, or a tattletale. If there is a physical bully or your too afraid, tell a teacher BUT you really should just leave an anonymous note or something, cause people will not wanna hang out around you if they know. And I know all you people will say thats not true, to make other people feel better, but it's true, so don't tell me it's not.

They say " don't fight fire with fire" but that actually works sometimes. The bullies pick on the weak people, so glaring at them pure hate, or saying something wordy like, " get the h*** away from me you oversized b****." TRUST ME IT WORKS. Well unless that person is a physical bully, or a tattletale. If there is a physical bully or your too afraid, tell a teacher BUT you really should just leave an anonymous note or something, cause people will not wanna hang out around you if they know. And I know all you people will say thats not true, to make other people feel better, but it's true, so don't tell me it's not.
Its true for you, but for others it might just backfire and where then? Who do you think they'll point fingers at if it doesn't work for them?

I suggest changing your last statement to read "And I know all you people will say it's not true, to make others feel better, and I understand that...but for me it's true and it works" so you don't look as foolish :kuribotchi:

Just sayin'.

I've been bullied 4 4 years. cuz i had nits in year 3. (they r really stupid morons every little girl gets them at 1 stage)so the rumours hav spread 2 my new high school and i havnt got much friends. :p but its like Ihav a second life on the internet. Im really popular on the online games I play. My brother bullies me also. actually, I am having a better life (sttill bullied tho) the rumours r getting old and they r spreading rumours ov ma friend fancying her english teacher. :D

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I was bullied in first and second grade. In first grade I was at this one school and we were just done watching a video about stranger safety and how if a stranger came and grabbed you, you were supposed to twist their arm or something. So at lunch these two mean big girls came and they were like " put your hand on my wrist. So I did but I didnt know why. They twisted my arm and it hurt! So they kept doing things like that to me and i was like leave me alone! and I started walking away but they yelled at me and told me to come back and they were about to grab me so I just gave up and they kept doing it. So i tried to do it back to them I grabbed their shoulder but they just did what they learned in the video. I went and told the teacher and she asked if I did karate too so I said yes because I knew the girls would use it against me. We went to the principals office and we had to apologize to each other but to this day I have never forgiven those girls....

In second grade I went to a different school. These four girls would bully me but not physically. They would call me mean names, exclude me from their games. And one of the girls bought presents for all the girls and she didnt give anything to me. They just made me feel unspecial. Sad times... but my life has drastically improved so I thank God for that.

Its true for you, but for others it might just backfire and where then? Who do you think they'll point fingers at if it doesn't work for them?
I suggest changing your last statement to read "And I know all you people will say it's not true, to make others feel better, and I understand that...but for me it's true and it works" so you don't look as foolish :)

Just sayin'.
Yea, sorry I was a bit harsh.

Bullying I've noticed only really happens when your a little kid. When you get older like in middle school The worst that really ever happens is rumors.....

Yea, the kids by that time learn how to stand up for themselves, or the bullies find more interesting/exiting things to do (drugs mainly) :)

Yeah, that's why I never smile any more. They destroy self-esteem. I used to laugh and stuff, but now I really can't. And nobody wants to hang out with me because I never smile, but at least the bullying stopped because I moved to a new school.

I was bullied when I was in second grade, and after that, some boy named Jacob was always getting under my skin. But after being taken out of public school, I get all these great come-back build ups, and yet, there is no bully to use them on.

NOTE: I am still homeschooled. That's why almost every day I post around 1 pm. You didn't think I bailed out on school every day, did you? :]

I'm not homeschooled.

I go to a public school. I don't get bullied that much. Only a little but nothing major at all.

That is why you will see me posting at 8,9, or 10 at night.

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I get bullied sometimes. Im in French immersion (That's when you do all your work and stuff in french. It's soooooo cool)

But the guys in the english class are MURDER!!!

They always make fun of me. Don't remind of when I changed schools.

The ppl in my class never said anything to my face, but they always used to

leave me out of stuff. (The stuff they said behind my back really hurt) I used to cry myself to sleep everynight. Then I discovered my skill in comedy! (Im one of the most popular and attractive guys in my class ^.^)

But if you really feel bad about getting bullied take my advice:

Tell a Teacher or a Parent and they will stop, bullies are really just idiots, morons and wuss' who try to be cool.

So tell a teacher or something

hope I helped,


I get bullied sometimes. Im in French immersion (That's when you do all your work and stuff in french. It's soooooo cool)But the guys in the english class are MURDER!!!

They always make fun of me. Don't remind of when I changed schools.

The ppl in my class never said anything to my face, but they always used to

leave me out of stuff. (The stuff they said behind my back really hurt) I used to cry myself to sleep everynight. Then I discovered my skill in comedy! (Im one of the most popular and attractive guys in my class ^.^)

But if you really feel bad about getting bullied take my advice:

Tell a Teacher or a Parent and they will stop, bullies are really just idiots, morons and wuss' who try to be cool.

So tell a teacher or something

hope I helped,

Thats great that you turned a bad situation around and made it positive.

I went through the same thing. Exept I didn't move.

One of these kids who was being mean to me, I just said a random joke, and he starts craking up. We were friends after that.

I just expressed my feelings, let them out, and now I'm one of the most popular kids in class because I'm not mean to anybody, but I get make everybody laugh! Now girls are all around me and it's kinda creepy...

Anyway, I went through the same thing!

I Do All the Time I Hate It :'[ What About You?
Well someone tried to bully me. Just ignore the bully. Although I got mad and smacked them in the face. But no-one should do that unless it's in self-defense, which mine was. Or tell a parent or teacher or any other grown-up. Bullies are usually very sad people who blame people for their lives. I'm not sticking up for bullies, they're mean horrible people, but they don't bully for no reason. They're usually being bullied themselves. But they're still in the wrong and should be dealt with.

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