Who did you marry?


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City Lights

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
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Who did you marry in the Harvest Moon games?

In More Friends of Mineral Town I married Kai. In Harvest Moon DS I married Celia. In Save the Homeland I got the Lyla ending. In Rune Factory I married Rosetta. In Magical Melody I married Joe and Kurt. In A Wonderful Life SE I married Lumina. I might have forgotten some.

When My Cousin had her N64 , harvest Moon.

I forget who She married, I think the Girl from the Flower Shop. (I forget the characters Name Its been years Since I saw the game)

When i had my Old PS2 (before my cousin dropped it down the stairs. o__o). For Harvest Moon Save the Homeland, I never married anyone Since I never Had a chance to finish the game.

Though I might be buying another PS2, Along with harvest moon save the homeland.

My Neice is like, 6 years old and she's pretty good. (She has The one for the DS, PS2 and I think GameCube) at harvest moon. I forget What Characters she said She married.

Or As She'd call it "Harbest Moon"

Well out of the 4 Harvest Moon files I have I only married twice and it was both on Another Wonderful Life with Rock. :]

Im playing currently Magical Melody and I don't know who to marry I mean I want to Joe but idk. My current hearts with eligible bachlors (as in those are the only people I would want to) are:

Joe 4 Hearts <3

Kurt 2 Hearts

and Jaime 1 Heart,

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This seems like a good topic, But I have never, heard of Harvest Moon before LOL, whatever it is it looks interesting!

~TP~ :p

Oh yeah, I forgot about Another Wonderful Life for the GC; I married Rock also, tamacrazy :]

Harvest Moon DS is the only game in which I gotz married.Twice.The first time I got married with the Witch Princess (O_O) And the second time I got married with Muffy.

Harvest moon ds= Leia , Harvest moon a wonderful life= Celia , Harvest moon Mfomt= Cliff , Rune factory= Maybe Majpr lynnete

Well I now married Joe on Magical Melody but want to marry Kurt now, so once I have my baby with Joe and a year or so will pass (in the game I mean), I will start a new file and marry Kurt. =D

Cute avy FireCracker! ;)

In More Friends Of Mineral Town:





-Never the Gourmet :D

In Rune Factory:

-Mist (Well, she had 10 LP and I was going to marry her, but I ended up quitting the game because, to be honest, I liked MFoMT better.)

In Harvest Moon DS Cute:

-I am planning to marry Skye. I put this here because technically I own this game. It's on pre-order.

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