OK, so I have recently begun making duct tape roses.
People have, in short, saying they look really nice (And buying them for $3 XD)
So, I present to you instructions on how to make a duct tape rose.
(I just found that picture on the web. Not me, and tips: cover up the top of what you are using if you do not want it to show. Don't roll up the bud before as shown in the picture, roll it on the "stem", I use pens. Fold the top to the left, creating a triangle, but do not cover all of it, leave about 1/5 sticky. Then fold it the other way, and that should lead you to the pic in step 1. Ignore the last two, as they are inaccurate and confusing.

) BETTER INSTRUCTIONS BELOW! (Thanks to .:SnazzyPizazz:.!)
Please, if you can, post pictures!
Sorry if this topic makes no sense