Where were you born?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Yes. Where were you born?

Hospital, home, bus, outback, toilet, llama farm? Other...

I was born at Christchurch Womans Hospital. Mum went into labour in the toilet. Born in a bathroom at a hospital FTW!

Taichung, Taiwan. Some island beside China. At a hospital, almost on a car.

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I was born on the kitchen floor, lol. In Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada.

That's where we used to live. But now I live in Ontario.

My brother was also almost born on the kitchen floor, I guess there was something about our kitchen floor that attracted babies...


A hospital in Everett. Either Colby or Pacific campus. I'm not 100% sure. Only one does birthing, but they've switched it since 89.

Every time I'm admitted into the ER my mom makes a comment about 'oh you were born here'. But she does it at both hospitals >.<

I want to say it was Colby, which was either General or Evergreen back then, but I can't say for sure.

I think Char knows which one did birthing back then.

Clearly my mom is confused xP

I was born in a hospital in Adelaide, Australia.

I was about 9 days late. And I came out by caesarian (sp?). Apparently I was coming out with the side of my head, which hurted mum really badly.

Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital.

:gozarutchi: I went there when I broke my leg too I think x3

I was two weeks late, and I guess it's affected me because I'm late for e v e r y t h i n g D:

Swan River Hospital

I was a C-Section Baby. <3

I would have been born naturally, but my feet were coming out first instead of my head. So I was Breech.

My brother was Natural. He was almost born in the toilet though. He wasn't. But the way my Mom explained his birth, I can now call him a certain nickname and it would be true. xD

I was born in another country in a hostipal.

I dunno where that other country was. But they didn't speak english there.

Yes. Where were you born? Hospital, home, bus, outback, toilet, llama farm? Other...

I was born at Christchurch Womans Hospital. Mum went into labour in the toilet. Born in a bathroom at a hospital FTW!
That explains so much. XD

I was the only one that my mom gave birth to easily. Here's the order:

Oldest Brother: Strangled by his umbelicle (sp?) cord.

Older Brother: Born in the hallway on the way to the delivery room.

Me: Normal. Mom said I was the only normal and easy one.

Twin bro: Hardest one. I think his head way stuck in my mom's ribs or something, and they had to cut her open the get him out. He was the most painful, my mom said.

Baptist Hospital! =D My mom told me she had a Csection with all of us and the cord was wrapped on my neck three times lol she always said I was the most hyper lol.

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Twin bro: Hardest one. I think his head way stuck in my mom's ribs or something, and they had to cut her open the get him out. He was the most painful, my mom said.
My brother's head go suck too, but he didn't need a c-section. When he finally grew up (age 16), they found a problem in his eye because of the way he was born.

He had a hole in his retna or something. He needed laser eye surgery to get it fixed.

That explains so much. XD
They moved my mum so my sister was born in an actual birthing ward. Oldest child by about an hour FTW.

Lil bro was born in Burwood Hobibal in a birthing ward. Only child to be born in an awkward place FTW.

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