Where to find v5.5


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
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If you do know if any store does have them can you tell me with a link if you have one but if you dont thats fine.

well as music star has been released finding a v5.5 in stores is going to be harder than finding a needle in 5,000 tons of haystacks

you may be able to find one in a pawn shop somewhere but i highly doubt youll be able to find it in a major store franchise

you could try ebay though

Yeah, it's going to be a bit hard to find it in stores now that the Music Star came out. But you could try the internet- Amazon, eBay, etc.

Good luck, I hope you find one!

I don't know where you are, But I actually just got my v5.5 about a week ago, from the Real canadian super store ( grocery/ walmart like store)

The don't seem to have cleared tham out and ahve a lot left, but, If your not in Canada sorry, Don't know anywhere else but Ebay :S

Get it on Amazon. I got my V5.5 there for $5.00 + shippin' and handlin'. So I basically got one $4 or $5 down! I don't believe you can find it in a store right now sice the V6 "Music Star" came out. Hope I helped!!!

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