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What your saying is true tamaw/pants but I dont get why God gave us free will. He gave us the choice to be good or bad, he wants us to do the good yet he still gives the choice to do bad but he still punishes us for doing the bad and besides if god loves us sooo much why would he want to torture us in hell? I hope I make sense.

So what your saying is that If you "Choose to steal the Ipod" Its like choosing Hell?It dosent make me and other Atheist bad people we just have other things to worry about than going to church Sundays and hanging pictures of Jesus in our house.

But I still respect all religions.
No, I was saying that free will does not equal doing the wrong thing.

I can't say that you or anyone else in the world are worse than me or any other Christian because we have all fallen and done wrong. We just choose to have a relationship with our Creator.

See, it shouldn't be 'just a religion'- it's a real relationship. And I don't have to do any of those things to get it, either. Going to church is good and we are supposed to but that's not what saves us.

@Miss Tamalover

You made perfect sense and that is a very valid question. :]

Why do we have free will? If someone was FORCED to love you would that be true love? Or would it be more like a robot as a companion? God wanted people to freely love Him back as He loves us. But he didn't want any robots. So He gave us the gift of free will- the gift of choosing Him or not.

I want to spend eternity with Him when I die. And heaven is where I'll go. If you don't choose Him now, after death it's too late. We have all this life to choose Him... or not. Nothing less but after that, no more. And here comes the free will. Do we choose to live for ourselves or for God?

He loves us but He won't make us love Him or make us reach out our hand to His gift of Life.

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Um, I don't know.

I stole a lot when I was younger, I lie on a daily basis, I sneak on the computer everyday, I forge signatures, change my grades, cheat on tests, copy other people's work...

I can come up with a lot of things that I've done wrong. But still, I really want to end up in Heaven.

I am Catholic so I do Believe in Heaven and Hell.

I cant really say I have done so many wrong things but so many good things,but later I hope to be better at being good,and me I believe in "god" and heaven and hel.l,so..i guess "god" will choose for me,whatever it is I respect his choice because he knows whats right and wrong...

I personally think I'm gonna burn in hell. I don't fear death. I never thought I was going to Heaven. I always broke rules,never listened,cuss. I never really had very good luck with anything,my life's just always been really hard. I don't need sympathy,nothing gets me anymore. Ok I'm gonna stop talking about me,where do you think you're going?
This is a waste of time. How are we suppose to know where we're going?

Stop making completely pointless topics.


Relegion is confusing. . . I can see how there would be a Hell since we already KNOW that the center of the Earth is soo hot, but Heaven just seems like, I don't know where would it be? On a different planet somewhere in another galaxy? I always think that I'm gonna go to Heaven, but then I wonder "Where is it?" Astronauts must have a hard time thinking about it cause they've seen outer space. So thats what confuses me. I'm Lutheran and God has saved me once and I know it. So I truly believe he's out there and I want to go to Heaven with him, I just dont know whre it would be. . .

Tama 3445521508 :D

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